
2022년, 수능특강, 영어듣기, 11강, 담화, 내용 일치, 대본, 및 정답, mp3

Listen to the Sentences:

11 담화 내용 일치_22006-0334_통파일.mp3



기출 예제

담화 내용 일치

본문 66~71

Exercises 01 02 03 04 05 06




기출 예제



| Script & Translation |

M: Hello, WBPR listeners. Are you looking for a chance to enjoy quality family time? Then, we invite you to the 2021 Family Science Festival. It starts on December 7th and runs for one week at the Bermont Science Museum located near City Hall. Eight programs will be offered for parents and children to enjoy together, including robot building and VR simulations. We’ll also give out a children’s science magazine for free. This event is open to anyone, but remember that all children under age 11 must be accompanied by an adult. There’s no admission fee, but to participate, you must register in advance. Come and learn about the exciting world of science with your family. For more information, visit our website, www.wbpr.com.

: 안녕하세요, WBPR 청취자 여러분. 가족과 함께하는 귀중 한 시간을 즐길 기회를 찾고 계십니까? 그럼, 2021 Family Science Festival에 여러분을 초대합니다. 이 행사는 127일부터 시청 인근에 위치한 Bermont Science Museum 에서 일주일 동안 진행됩니다. 로봇 만들기와 가상 현실 시뮬 레이션을 포함하여, 부모와 자녀가 함께 즐길 수 있는 8개의 프로그램이 제공될 것입니다. 어린이 과학 잡지도 무료로 나 누어드립니다. 이 행사는 누구나 참여할 수 있지만, 11세 미 만의 모든 어린이는 성인을 동반해야 한다는 것을 기억하십 시오. 입장료는 없지만, 참가하시려면 미리 등록하셔야 합니 다. 오셔서 가족과 함께 신나는 과학의 세계에 대해 배워 보 십시오. 더 많은 정보를 원하시면, 저희 웹 사이트, www. wbpr.com을 방문하십시오.

| Topic & Situation | 2021 Family Science Festival

| Solution | 어린이 과학 잡지를 무료로 나누어준다고 했으므로, 담화의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은 어린이 과학 잡지를 판매 할 것이다.’이다.

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quality time 함께하는 귀중한 시간 VR simulation 가상 현실 시뮬


레이션 accompany 동반하다 admission fee 입장료 in advance 미리, 사전에

papercraft 종이 공예 contribute 제공하다, 기증하다 three- dimensional 3차원의 assemble 조립하다 resident 주민







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W: Hello, listeners. I’m Emma Simpson from the



Virtual Youth Media Camp. This virtual camp provides an active creative learning experience for


Part | 유형편

M: Hello. I’m Dave Jackson from the Cultural Art Museum. I’m so excited to announce an upcoming special art exhibition. The Paper Sculpture Show is an annual paper art exhibition that began in 2015. It’ll be held at our museum for a week next month. This year, 20 international papercraft artists will take part in the event. But don’t be surprised if you cannot find their complete paper artworks at the exhibition. The artists just contribute a design for a three-dimensional paper piece. It is up to the museum visitors to assemble the artwork. Admission is free for local residents, so don’t miss this opportunity to join in the process of creating an excellent piece of paper art.

: 안녕하세요. 저는 Cultural Art MuseumDave Jackson 입니다. 곧 있을 특별 미술 전시회를 알려 드리게 되어 매우 기쁩니다. Paper Sculpture Show2015년에 시작된 연 례 종이 예술 전시회입니다. 다음 달에 저희 박물관에서 일주 일 동안 열립니다. 올해에는, 20명의 국제 종이 공예 예술가 들이 이 행사에 참여할 것입니다. 하지만 전시회에서 그들의 완성된 종이 공예품을 찾아볼 수 없어도 놀라지 마십시오. 그 예술가들은 그저 3차원 종이 작품을 위한 디자인만 제공할 뿐 입니다. 공예품을 조립하는 것은 박물관 방문객들에게 달려 있지요. 지역 주민에게는 입장료가 무료이니, 멋진 종이 예술 작품을 만드는 과정에 참여할 수 있는 이 기회를 놓치지 마십 시오.

| Topic & Situation | Paper Sculpture Show

| Solution | 전시회에 종이 예술가들의 완성된 종이 공예품이 아 니라 박물관의 방문객들이 조립해야 완성이 되는, 3차원의 종이 공 예품을 위한 디자인이 제공된다고 했으므로, 담화의 내용과 일치하 지 않는 것은 ‘3차원의 완성된 종이 공예품이 전시된다.’이다.

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announce 알리다, 발표하다 sculpture 조각 annual 연례의

young media makers. The camp has 20 online events, including workshops and lessons exploring subjects such as film production, creative media, animation, and storytelling. It is open to 10- to 17-year-olds residing in the city of Lakewood. Tuition is $100 and it covers all of the events. All of the online events are two hours or shorter. And participants will receive an access link 24 hours before the event. This is an invaluable chance for emerging youth creators, so don’t let it slip away.

: 안녕하세요, 청취자 여러분. 저는 Virtual Youth Media CampEmma Simpson입니다. 이 가상 캠프는 젊은 미 디어 제작자들에게 활동적이고 창의적인 학습 경험을 제공합 니다. 이 캠프에는 영화 제작, 창의적 미디어, 애니메이션, 스 토리텔링과 같은 주제를 탐구하는 워크숍과 수업을 포함하여 20개의 온라인 행사가 마련돼 있습니다. 그것은 Lakewood 시에 거주하는 10세부터 17세까지의 청소년들을 대상으로 합니다. 수업료는 100달러이고 그것은 모든 행사의 비용을 충당합니다. 모든 온라인 행사는 2시간 또는 그보다 짧습니 다. 그리고 참가자는 행사가 시작하기 24시간 전에 접속 링 크를 받게 됩니다. 이것은 신진 청년 창작자들에게 귀중한 기 회이니, 놓치지 마십시오.

| Topic & Situation | Virtual Youth Media Camp

| Solution | 참가자는 온라인 행사가 시작하기 24시간 전에 접 속 링크를 받게 된다고 했으므로, 담화의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은 참가자는 온라인 행사 시작 1시간 전에 접속 링크를 받 는다.’이다.

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virtual 가상의 explore 탐구하다 subject 주제 reside in ~에 거주하다 tuition 수업료 cover (비용 등을) 충당하다[대다] participant 참가자 access 접속 invaluable 귀중한 emerging 신진의, 신생의



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concerts ‘Saturdays at the Riverside’! The Department of Music has cooperated with local musicians and DJs to bring you this special series of



M: Hello, Auckland Youth Channel viewers! The

Waste2Art Contest is back again after huge success last year! The theme for this year’s contest is ‘Humans and Nature.’ All submitted artwork must be made with recycled items. This contest is open to 16- to 18-year-olds. You can enter the contest as an individual or a group no larger than 3 people by filling out an entry form online. Participation is free. The entry deadline is Friday, July 15, 2022. All artwork must be submitted in person to the Auckland Art Gallery by that day. Follow the entry guidelines on the contest website for help to enter the contest. Thank you for watching!

: 안녕하세요, Auckland Youth Channel 시청자 여러분! Waste2Art 대회가 지난해에 엄청난 성공을 거둔 후에 다시 돌아왔습니다! 올해의 대회 주제는 인간과 자연입니다. 제출 되는 모든 예술 작품은 재활용된 물품으로 제작되어야 합니 다. 이 대회는 16세에서 18세의 청소년들이 참가할 수 있습 니다. 여러분은 온라인에서 참가 양식을 작성함으로써 개인 또는 최대 3명의 그룹으로 대회에 참가할 수 있습니다. 참가 는 무료입니다. 접수 마감은 2022715일 금요일입니 다. 모든 예술 작품은 그날까지 Auckland 미술관으로 본인 이 직접 제출해야 합니다. 대회 참가를 위해 도움을 받으시려 면 대회의 웹 사이트에 있는 참가 지침에 따르세요. 시청해 주셔서 감사합니다!

| Topic & Situation | Waste2Art 대회

| Solution | 모든 예술 작품은 본인이 직접 Auckland 미술관으 로 제출해야 한다고 했으므로, 담화의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은

예술 작품은 우편으로 제출할 수 있다.’이다.

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submitted 제출된 item 물품, 품목 fill out ~을 작성하다, ~을 기 입하다 deadline 기한, 마감 시간 in person 본인이 직접 guideline 지침

outdoor concerts. The concerts will take place at the riverside every Saturday in August at 6:30 p.m. Bring your blankets and lawn chairs and enjoy the music. You can spend the evening listening to live hip-hop, rock, electronica and other types of music. There will also be performances by the Department of Music professors and students. The cost per concert is $10 per person. Don’t miss out!

: 안녕하세요, Wayne 주립 대학교의 교직원과 학생 여러분! WSU 음악학부는 새로운 야외 여름 음악 콘서트 시리즈 ‘Saturdays at the Riverside’를 알리게 되어 매우 기쁩니 다! 음악학부는 여러분에게 이 특별한 시리즈의 야외 콘서트 를 제공하기 위해 지역 음악가들 및 DJ들과 협력했습니다. 콘서트는 8월 매주 토요일 오후 630분에 강변에서 개최될 것입니다. 여러분의 담요와 접이식 의자를 가지고 오셔서 음 악을 즐기세요. 여러분은 라이브 힙합, , 전자 악기 음악 그 리고 다른 유형의 음악을 들으면서 저녁을 보낼 수 있습니다. 또한 음악학부 교수들과 학생들의 공연도 있을 예정입니다. 콘서트당 비용은 1인당 10달러입니다. 놓치지 마세요!

| Topic & Situation | Saturdays at the Riverside

| Solution | 콘서트당 비용은 1인당 10달러라고 했으므로, 담화의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은 무료로 콘서트를 즐길 수 있다.’이다.

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faculty (대학·학교의) 교직원 department 학부, cooperate 협력하다 blanket 담요 lawn chair (야외용) 접이식 의자 electronica 전자 악기 음악





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M: Hello, listeners. Are you looking for something fun to do with your kids this summer vacation? Then how about Astro Farm Stay? Astro Farm is located on a hillside, surrounded by beautiful gardens and vineyards. And at the ranch, you can enjoy fun


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activities such as milking a cow, collecting chicken eggs, and riding a horse. You can also walk down

W: Hello, Wayne State University faculty and students! The WSU Department of Music is thrilled to announce a new outdoor summer music series of

trails that lead past grazing horses and cattle. Accommodations include five spacious rooms with private bathrooms, individual outdoor entrances, and


free wireless Internet access. Meals are served in the main house dining room, and room service is not available in the morning. Come stay at Astro Farm and make beautiful memories with your children this summer! For more information, visit www. astrofarmstay.com.

: 안녕하세요, 청취자 여러분. 올해 여름휴가에 자녀들과 할 재 미있는 뭔가를 찾고 계십니까? 그렇다면 Astro Farm Stay 는 어떠세요? Astro 농장은 산비탈에 자리 잡고 있으며, 아 름다운 정원과 포도밭으로 둘러싸여 있습니다. 그리고 목장 에서 여러분은 우유 짜기, 달걀 수거하기, 그리고 말타기와 같은 재미있는 활동을 즐길 수 있습니다. 또한 풀을 뜯고 있 는 말들과 소들을 지나는 오솔길을 따라 걸을 수 있습니다. 숙박 시설에는 개인용 욕실, 개별 야외 출입구, 그리고 무료 무선 인터넷 접속을 갖춘 다섯 개의 넓은 객실이 있습니다. 식사는 본관 식당에서 제공되며, 아침에 룸서비스는 가능하 지 않습니다. 올여름에 Astro 농장에 오셔서 머무르시고 자 녀들과 아름다운 추억을 만드십시오! 더 많은 정보를 원하시 면 www.astrofarmstay.com을 방문해 주십시오.

| Topic & Situation | Astro Farm Stay

| Solution | 남자는 식사는 본관 식당에서 제공되지만, 아침에 룸 서비스는 가능하지 않다고 했으므로, 담화의 내용과 일치하지 않 는 것은 아침 식사는 객실로 배달된다.’이다.

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vacation 휴가, 방학 hillside 산비탈 vineyard 포도밭 ranch 목장 collect 모으다 trail 오솔길, (산속의) 작은 길, 발자국 graze 풀을 뜯다 cattle (집합적으로) accommodations 숙박 시설 spacious 넓은 entrance 출입구 access 접속 room service 룸서비스 available 이용 가능한

on October 20th, and the jury will announce the winning team the next day. The winning team will receive $500, and the three other finalist teams will receive $200 each. For more information, visit our website. Thanks!

: 안녕하세요, Radio 22 청취자 여러분. 저는 Urban Development CorporationEmma Johnson입니다. 다가오는 2022 Urban Design Competition을 알려드리 게 되어 기쁩니다. 경연 대회에서 학생들로 구성된 팀들이 토 지를 사용할 최선의 방법을 찾기 위해 경쟁할 것입니다. 등록 하려면 팀들은 어떻게 토지를 효율적으로 사용할 것인지에 대한 아이디어와 함께 온라인 제안서를 제출할 필요가 있습 니다. 등록 마감일은 910일입니다. 대회 심사 위원단이 결선에 진출할 네 팀을 선정할 것입니다. 각각의 결선 진출 팀은 1020일에 제안서를 심사 위원단에게 발표할 것이고, 심사 위원단은 다음 날 우승 팀을 공지할 것입니다. 우승 팀 은 5백 달러를 받을 것이며, 나머지 결선 진출 세 팀은 각각 2백 달러를 받을 것입니다. 더 많은 정보를 원하시면, 저희 웹 사이트를 방문해 주십시오. 감사합니다!

| Topic & Situation | 2022 Urban Design Competition

| Solution | 여자는 결선 진출 팀이 제안서를 발표한 다음 날 우 승 팀이 공지될 것이라고 말했으므로, 담화의 내용과 일치하지 않 는 것은 결선 진출 팀이 제안서를 발표한 날 우승 팀이 공지될 것이다.’이다.

| Words & Phrases |

urban 도시의 corporation 회사 announce 알리다, 공지하다 upcoming 다가오는 competition (경연) 대회 register 등록하다 submit 제출하다 proposal 제안서 efficiently 효율적으로 deadline 마감 일자, 기한 jury 심사 위원단 finalist 결선 진출자


Part | 유형편





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FINAL 실전모의고사

가장 많은 수험생이 선택한 모의고사 실전 감각을 깨우는 실전 훈련

최다 문항 FULL 모의고사 시리즈

W: Hello, Radio 22 listeners. I’m Emma Johnson from the Urban Development Corporation. I’m glad to announce the upcoming 2022 Urban Design Competition. In the competition, teams of students will compete to find the best way to use land. To register, teams need to submit an online proposal with their ideas of how to use land efficiently. The registration deadline is September 10th. The competition jury will select four finalist teams. Each finalist team will present their proposals to the jury




Posted by 최 샘

2021년, 6월, 고3, 모의고사 ,영어듣기, 문제, 전국연합학력평가, 대본, 및 정답



2022학년도 대학수학능력시험 6월 모의평가
영어 영역 듣기평가 대본
1. 다음을 듣고, 남자가 하는 말의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
M: Good afternoon, students of Robinson High School. This is Mr. Anderson,
coach of the school dance club. I’d like to announce that we’ll be recruiting
additional new members for our school dance club. Previously we were
looking for 10 new club members, and many students showed interest in
joining. Luckily, we’ve been assigned to a bigger room than expected. Now
we’re allowed to accept five additional new members to make a total of 15
students. Once again, I’m happy to inform you that our school dance club
has increased the number of new members to recruit. Thank you for your
- 2 -
2. 대화를 듣고, 여자의 의견으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
W: Hey, Connor. What are you doing with all of these gift boxes?
M: Mom, I’m wrapping a scarf for Grandma. You know, her birthday is in a week.
W: Great. But do you really need these three boxes for just one scarf?
M: Yes. The boxes are all different sizes, and I’ll put each one inside the other.
W: Well, don’t you feel bad about wasting all of those boxes?
M: What do you mean? I just wanted the gift to look fancy and interesting.
W: I understand. However, the boxes will end up being thrown away, right?
M: So, you mean it’s overpackaging? Oh, I didn’t know I was wasting boxes.
W: Yeah. I think we should avoid overpackaging to reduce unnecessary waste.
M: You’re right. I’ll use one box for now and save the others for later.
W: Good idea. No matter how it looks, Grandma will love your gift.
- 3 -
3. 대화를 듣고, 두 사람의 관계를 가장 잘 나타낸 것을 고르시오.
M: Hello, Ms. Lee. It’s an honor to meet you in person.
W: Oh, thank you for interviewing me, Mr. Wilson. I’m a big fan of your
M: Thanks. People love your movie Short Days. I was wondering who picked
out the title.
W: Well, it was basically my idea and the movie director agreed.
M: It really catches the theme of the movie. Why do you think people love your
W: When writing film scripts, I always try to make the characters as realistic as
M: Maybe that’s why people feel stronger connections to them. What inspires
you when you write your scripts?
W: Often, my own life experiences help create many of the scenes in my scripts.
M: I see. Thank you. The readers of our magazine will appreciate you sharing
your time with us.
W: My pleasure. Could you please email me the article?
M: No problem.
- 4 -
4. 대화를 듣고, 그림에서 대화의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것을 고르시오.
W: Honey, today I went to the house we’ll be moving in to. I really liked the
bathroom renovations.
M: Oh, really? Did you take a picture of the bathroom?
W: Of course. Here it is. How’s the plant in the corner? I bought it on the way to
the house.
M: Excellent choice. The cabinet next to the clock is perfect for our family.
W: Yeah, it’ll be useful for storing all of our towels.
M: You’re right. And look at this round mirror over the bathroom sink. It’s very
W: Yes. That’s my favorite part. And I also like the two lights on the wall.
M: Me, too. Aren’t they unique?
W: Absolutely. What do you think about the shower curtain with the heart pattern?
M: The kids will definitely love it.
W: I agree. I’m excited to move in to our new house this weekend.
- 5 -
5. 대화를 듣고, 여자가 남자를 위해 할 일로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
W: Hey, Brandon. Have you seen this poster?
M: What’s this? Oh, it’s the Earth Hour Marathon.
W: Yeah, it’s to raise students’ awareness about protecting the environment.
M: That sounds like a great campaign. Are you participating in it?
W: Actually, I’m a staff member of the event and I’m looking for volunteers.
M: Oh, is that so? Then, what’s the role of a volunteer?
W: A volunteer hands out water to the runners during the race.
M: That sounds good. When does it take place?
W: It’s next Saturday at City Hall. Are you interested?
M: Sure. How do I apply to be a volunteer?
W: Here. You must submit this application form to the student center by 5 o’clock
M: Oh! I have economics class in 10 minutes, and it finishes at 6 o’clock.
W: Just write your name and phone number. I’ll submit your application form
for you.
M: Thanks. [Writing sound] Here you go.
- 6 -
6. 대화를 듣고, 여자가 지불할 금액을 고르시오. [3점]
M: Welcome to Family Pet Shop. May I help you?
W: Hi, I’m looking for dog food.
M: Let me show you.
W: Thanks. How much is it for a bag of dog food?
M: That depends on your dog’s age.
W: Oh, does it make a difference?
M: Yes. It costs $15 per bag for little puppies and $20 per bag for adult dogs.
W: My dogs are all grown up. So, I’ll get two bags of dog food for adult dogs.
M: All right. Do you need anything else?
W: Well, can you recommend a good brush?
M: Oh, how about this one? It’s very popular among our customers and only
costs $10.
W: Perfect. I’ll take one.
M: Good. So you want two bags of dog food for adult dogs and one brush, right?
W: Yes. Can I use this discount coupon?
M: Let me see. [Pause] Yes, you can get 10% off the total with this coupon.
W: Great. I’ll pay in cash.
- 7 -
7. 대화를 듣고, 남자가 컴퓨터 프로그래밍 강좌를 신청하지 않은 이유를 고르시오.
W: Hey, Blake. It’s the last day of the class. Did you sign up for the next
computer programming class?
M: No, Angela. I cannot take the class anymore.
W: Oh, I thought you enjoyed the programming class.
M: Yeah. I found it really helpful for my career, too.
W: Then, what’s the reason? Are you too tired to attend the class after work?
M: Not at all. The class is quite exciting.
W: Is it because the new class starts 30 minutes earlier?
M: No. That’s actually better for my schedule. The problem is that I have to
move to another city.
W: Oh, you’re moving?
M: Yes. So, I don’t think I can make it.
W: I’m sorry to hear that. It was nice taking the class with you.
M: Same here. Let’s keep in touch.
- 8 -
8. 대화를 듣고, Samuel’s Woodworking Class에 관해 언급되지 않은 것을 고르시오.
M: Gina, come check out this flyer.
W: What’s this, Ted? [Pause] Oh, Samuel’s Woodworking Class. Looks interesting.
M: It’s a one-time class in the art studio of the community center. I think you’d
like it, too.
W: Absolutely! Look, we can get some hands-on practice making a pencil case
or a wooden plate.
M: Yes! The class will be held from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. next Friday.
W: I’ll be available then. Do you want to take the class together?
M: Sure. I think I’m going to make a pencil case. What about you?
W: I’d like to make a wooden plate. How much is the registration fee?
M: It’s only $40 per person.
W: That’s a good price. Does it say how we can register?
M: Here. We can register on the community center website.
W: Yes, and look. Only 12 people can register. We’d better hurry.
M: Let’s sign up now.
- 9 -
9. 2021 Lakeside Essay Contest에 관한 다음 내용을 듣고, 일치하지 않는 것을 고르시오.
W: Okay, class. Before I let you go, I’d like to remind you about the 2021
Lakeside Essay Contest. As you know, the theme of this year is “messages
from summer.” Last year, the contest was only open to freshmen. But this
year, all students at Lakeside High School can participate. You can submit
your essay to me by email. Don’t forget your essay should be no longer than
three pages. Please start writing your essay today because the deadline is
next Wednesday. You can check the results of the contest on July 3rd. The
top 10 essays will be posted on our school website. I hope many of you
participate in this contest! All right, everyone. See you next time.
- 10 -
10. 다음 표를 보면서 대화를 듣고, 남자가 주문할 자전거를 고르시오.
M: Hey, Olivia. You know a lot about bicycles. Would you help me choose one
from this list?
W: Sure. Let me see. [Pause] Oh, you’re looking at bicycles for commuters.
Well, I don’t recommend the black one for your safety at night.
M: You’re right. It won’t be safe when it’s dark. Then I’ll go for the other colors.
W: Good idea. What’s your budget?
M: I can spend up to $300.
W: Okay. Now you need to choose a frame size.
M: Should I choose a medium-sized frame?
W: No. Because you’re tall, you’ll need a bigger one.
M: Okay. I’ll get one of these then. Do you think I need a foldable bicycle?
W: Hmm, it depends on how often you use public transportation.
M: I rarely use public transportation, so I guess I don’t need a foldable one.
W: Then, this model is the best choice for you.
M: Great. I’ll order it now. Thanks.
- 11 -
11. 대화를 듣고, 여자의 마지막 말에 대한 남자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
W: Honey, your hair’s getting pretty long.
M: Yeah. I was thinking about getting a haircut today. What about the hairstylist
you talked about?
W: He’s good, but you should call him first and check if he’s available. Do you
want the phone number?
- 12 -
12. 대화를 듣고, 남자의 마지막 말에 대한 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
M: Hey, Lauren. Are you still looking for a band to play drums in?
W: Yes, but I haven’t found one yet. Your band is still my first choice, but I
know you already have a drummer.
M: Actually, our drummer had to quit for personal reasons. We want you to play
drums in our band.
- 13 -
13. 대화를 듣고, 여자의 마지막 말에 대한 남자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
[Cell phone rings.]
W: Hello.
M: Good afternoon. This is S&G Clothing Company. Can I speak to Ms.
Thompson, please?
W: Yes, speaking.
M: I’m calling to tell you about the order you placed.
W: Oh, is there a problem?
M: Yes. Unfortunately, the black skirt you ordered is out of stock at the moment.
W: Oh, no. I need it for my graduation ceremony this weekend.
M: We’re very sorry for the inconvenience.
W: Okay. Then, what are my options?
M: You may cancel your order and get a full refund. Or we could send you the
same skirt, but in a different color.
W: Hmm... What colors do you have?
M: We currently have only gray in stock. If we send it out today, it’ll arrive by
W: Well, I like the design of the skirt, so gray’s fine.
- 14 -
14. 대화를 듣고, 남자의 마지막 말에 대한 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
[Cell phone rings.]
W: Hi, honey. What’s up?
M: Where are you right now?
W: I just parked my car. I’ll be home in a minute. How about you?
M: I’m at the grocery store, but I’ve just realized one of my credit cards is missing.
W: Really? You should call the credit card company and cancel your card right away.
M: I will. But before I do that, can you check the pockets of my jacket, please?
W: Okay. Which jacket do you want me to check?
M: It’s the brown one. I wore it yesterday.
W: You mean the one I bought for you last spring?
M: That’s right. It’s in the living room. Meanwhile, I’ll look around the grocery
store just in case I dropped the card.
- 15 -
15. 다음 상황 설명을 듣고, Rachel이 Kevin에게 할 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
M: Kevin is looking for a place to work out every day. He has found two fitness
centers with good facilities. The first one is a 5-minute walk from home, and
the second one is a 30-minute walk. Kevin likes the first fitness center
because it’s closer to home. However, he also thinks that the second fitness
center can be a good choice because it offers a great discount for new
members. Kevin cannot decide which one to choose and asks his sister,
Rachel, for advice. Rachel remembers that he quit exercising in the past
because the fitness centers were far from home. She thinks that Kevin should
choose a fitness center based on distance, not cost. So, Rachel wants to
suggest to Kevin that he should choose the fitness center near home. In this
situation, what would Rachel most likely say to Kevin?
- 16 -
16번부터 17번까지는 두 번 들려줍니다.
[16~17] 다음을 듣고, 물음에 답하시오.
W: Hello, students. Last time, you learned about the people who invented drones.
As technology develops, drones are being used more frequently around the
world. So, today, we’ll talk about how they’re used in different jobs. First,
drones help farmers grow crops more efficiently. For example, drones are used to
spread seeds that may be difficult to plant. They also spray chemicals to protect
plants from harmful insects. Second, photographers use drones to easily access
areas that are hard to reach. Specifically, nature and wildlife photographers no
longer need to go through dangerous jungles and rainforests. Next, drones are
useful for police officers when they control traffic. Drones could provide
updates on traffic flow and accidents, and even help identify anyone driving
dangerously. Last, drones aid firefighters. Firefighters use drones that drop
tanks of special chemicals to prevent the spread of fire. Now, let’s watch an
incredible video of drones in action.
16. 여자가 하는 말의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
- 17 -
17. 언급된 직업이 아닌 것은?

Posted by 최 샘

2021년, 1회, 중3, 영어듣기평가, 시도교육청, 대본, 및 정답


2021학년도 제1회 전국 16개 시․도교육청 공동 주관

영어듣기능력평가 대본(중3) 2021. 4. 9 (금)


1. 대화를 듣고, 남자가 구입할 장화를 고르시오.

W: Welcome to Shoe Outlet. How can I help you?

M: I’d like to buy a pair of rain boots for my niece.

W: I see. You can choose either longer ones or shorter ones.

M: I think the shorter ones would be easier for her to take off.

W: True. How about these boots with stripes? They are our best sellers.

M: Um... No, I think she would prefer the plain ones more.

W: Okay. They come in two types. One has handles and the other doesn’t.

M: I’ll take the ones with handles. They might be more convenient to carry.

W: I agree. I’m sure she’ll like them.

2, 대화를 듣고, Shiny Star Contest에 관해 언급되지 않은 것을 고르시오.

W: Do you watch the Shiny Star Contest program?

M: Of course! I wonder who’s going to win in the finals between Sam and Jennifer.

W: Who are you cheering for?

M: Sam! He’s the best singer ever. I hope he wins the contest.

W: Same here. The winner gets a million dollars as the winning prize.

M: The program is on Monday, right?

W: Yes. It starts at 7 o’clock in the evening, as always.

M: Let’s watch the final show together.

W: Great!

3, 대화를 듣고, 남자가 여자에게 전화한 목적으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

[Telephone rings.]

W: Hello, this is Basic Cooking Academy.

M: Hi, I’m in the cooking class that’s starting this Friday. I’d like to check if I need to prepare anything for the class.

W: There’s nothing you need to bring to the class. We provide everything necessary.

M: Really? That’s nice. Do you also provide aprons?

W: Yes, we provide aprons and hats. Just wear something comfortable and a pair of closed-toe shoes. Is there anything else you’d like to know?

M: Not for now.

W: Okay. If you have any further questions, you can check our website or call again. // M: Thank you.

4, 대화를 듣고, 여자가 탑승하려는 기차의 출발 시각을 고르시오.

M: Hello, how may I help you?

W: I’d like to buy three tickets to Gyeongju this afternoon.

M: Okay. We have express trains and regular ones. Which one do you want?

W: I want to take the express one. What time does it leave?

M: The express trains leave at 1 p.m., 3 p.m., and 5 p.m. today.

W: Um... How long does it take to get there?

M: It takes two hours.

W: I need to get there by 4 o’clock. So, I’ll take the one leaving at 1 p.m.

M: Okay. Three tickets for Gyeongju, right?

W: Yes, please.

5, 대화를 듣고, 두 사람이 대화하는 장소로 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.

W: Hello. May I have your prescription?

M: Here it is.

W: Okay. I’ll be with you shortly. [Pause] Mr. Choi, here is your medicine. Take these pills three times a day, 30 minutes after meals.

M: But the doctor said I can take them twice a day if I feel better. Is it okay?

W: Sure. In that case, you can skip the medicine after lunch. But make sure you don’t take it with milk or coffee.

M: I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you.

W: You’re welcome. Is there anything else you need?

M: No, I’m good. How much is it?

W: It’ll be five dollars.

6, 다음 그림의 상황에 가장 적절한 대화를 고르시오.

① W: You’re not allowed to take pictures here.

M: I’m sorry. I didn’t know that.

② W: Wow! I like your painting. It’s really good.

M: Thank you. I’ve been practicing a lot.

③ W: David, why don’t you sit down and get some rest?

M: Thanks, but I prefer standing.

④ W: Hey, what are you watching?

M: I’m watching this new action movie.

⑤ W: Oh, why are you taking down the picture?

M: It was sold to an art gallery.

7, 대화를 듣고, 여자가 남자에게 부탁한 일로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

W: Tom, are you ready to leave for our trip? I’m really looking forward to it.

M: Yes, me too. But I think we should check everything once more before we leave.

W: Well, I already checked the heater and all the lights. They’re all off.

M: Good. What about the windows? Did you check them?

W: Yes. The windows are all closed. Oh, by the way, did you pack the phone charger?

M: Oh, I forgot.

W: Then could you go get the charger from the bedroom?

M: Okay. I’ll do that now.

8, 다음을 듣고, 음악회에 관해 언급되지 않은 것을 고르시오.

M: Hello, guests. I hope you’re enjoying your stay at our resort. We’re going to host a music show as a special event in our grand hall today. It’s located on the first floor of the main building. A famous jazz band, the Dynamic Jazz Trio will come and play some Christmas music. The show will begin at 8 o’clock in the evening. Due to the limited number of seats, we can accommodate only 100 guests. To make a reservation, please call the reception desk. Thank you.

9, 다음을 듣고, 어떤 직업에 관한 설명인지 고르시오.

W: People who have this job check animals’ health conditions and give them proper care. When an animal needs some medical care, they check its body parts. They also give shots and perform surgeries when they are necessary. To have this job, you need to have broad medical knowledge about animals and have a license.

10. 다음을 듣고, 두 사람의 대화가 어색한 것을 고르시오.

① W: Wow! You look very fit.

M: Thanks. I’ve been working out for a few months.

② W: Did you watch the movie, The Korean Heroes?

M: Yes. It’s a well-made film.

③ W: How did you come up with the topic for this project?

M: I got the idea while talking to my homeroom teacher.

④ W: Have you ever been to the National Treasure Museum?

M: Yes. I’ve read that book.

⑤ W: Where are you going for the holiday?

M: I’m going to Jeonju to visit my grandmother.

11, 대화를 듣고, 남자가 대화 직후에 할 일로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

W: Honey, the guests are coming in an hour. Could you clean up the rooms?

M: I already vacuumed the whole house.

W: That’s great! I’m almost done preparing dinner.

M: What else should we do?

W: How about putting some candles and flowers on the table?

M: Good idea. We have candles, but we don’t have any flowers. Should I go get some?

W: Yes, please. There’s a flower shop across the street.

M: Okay, I’ll buy some now.

12, 다음 사무실 배치도를 보면서 대화를 듣고, 두 사람이 선택할 사무실을 고르시오.

M: Rachel! I can’t believe we can finally get our own office.

W: Me, neither. I’m so excited! Which one do you think is the best?

M: How about E? It looks very spacious.

W: Well, but it’s very expensive. I don’t think we can afford that big office now.

M: Um... Alright. What about C or D? They are both next to the kitchen.

W: Oh, don’t you think it would be somewhat noisy near the kitchen? How about the ones next to the meeting room?

M: Okay. Then we have two options. I think the one closer to the elevator would be more convenient.

W: I totally agree. Let’s choose that one.

13, 대화를 듣고, 두 사람이 만나기로 한 시각을 고르시오.

M: Janet, do you want to do the science project together this Saturday?

W: Sure. What time do you want to meet?

M: How about at 10 a.m.? Maybe we can have lunch together afterwards.

W: I think it’s too early. What about meeting at 1 p.m. after eating lunch?

M: Oh, I’m afraid I can’t. I have to go to the dentist by 2 p.m. I think we’ll need more than an hour for the project.

W: You’re right. What time do you think you’ll be back home?

M: Maybe around 4 p.m.?

W: Then how about meeting at 5 p.m.?

M: Sounds good to me. See you then.

14. 대화를 듣고, 여자가 지난 겨울 방학에 한 일로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

M: Katie, how was your winter vacation? You said that you were going to a music camp. How was it?

W: I didn’t go. The camp was canceled.

M: Oh, that’s too bad. What happened?

W: Only three people signed up for it.

M: I see. Did you do something else instead?

W: Yes, I wanted to learn something new. So, I took some ski lessons in Pyeongchang with my cousins.

M: Sounds fun! Did you enjoy the lessons?

W: Yes, it was a wonderful experience!

15, 다음을 듣고, 방송의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

W: Good afternoon, students. As we have announced before, our Lost and Found box has many items. We have soccer balls, badminton rackets, umbrellas, and so many more things. Some of them have been in there for a long time. If you have lost something, please come to the teachers’ office next to the library and take a look. You need to pick up these items by the end of the week. Otherwise, they’ll be donated to the nearby community center. Thank you.

16, 대화를 듣고, 여자가 지불할 금액을 고르시오.

M: Are you ready to order?

W: Yes. Two chicken sandwiches and two sodas, please.

M: Chicken sandwiches are seven dollars each, and sodas are three dollars each. So your total comes to 20 dollars.

W: Okay. Oh, can I use this coupon?

M: Sure, you can. If you use that coupon, you can get a three-dollar discount from the total price.

W: Nice! I’ll use it then.

M: Alright. Is this order for here or to go?

W: To go, please. Here’s a 20-dollar bill and the coupon.

17, 대화를 듣고, 여자의 마지막 말에 대한 남자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

M: Yoonji, what are you doing this Sunday?

W: I’m going to ride my bike.

M: That sounds like fun!

W: Do you want to join me? I’m thinking of going to the lake park.

M: Okay. I’ll go with you. What time should we meet?

W: How about at 7 a.m. to avoid getting sunburned?

M: Sounds good. Don’t you think we’ll be hungry after bike riding?

W: Yeah. Why don’t we have breakfast together afterwards?

M: ________________________________________________

【18-19】대화를 듣고, 남자의 마지막 말에 대한 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.


M: What’s wrong, Cindy? You look tired.

W: Yeah, I stayed up late last night.

M: Did you study all night for our final exam?

W: Not really. I was so stressed that I couldn’t sleep well. I think I need to do something about it.

M: Why don’t you go see our school counselor?

W: Our school counselor? Why didn’t I think of seeing her?

M: You should. She was a great help to me when I had worries.

W: Oh, really? Where’s her office?

M: It’s next to the school nurse’s office on the second floor.

W: ________________________________________________


[Cellphone rings.]

M: Hi, Sujin.

W: Hi, Taeho. Are you coming? I’m at the ticket booth.

M: I’m very sorry. The bus came late.

W: Oh, where are you now? The movie starts in five minutes.

M: I’m four stops away. But I don’t think I can make it on time.

W: Alright. I can just cancel these tickets and buy the next ones.

M: Could you? I’m really sorry.

W: No worries. I’ll change the tickets.

M: Thanks. I’ll be there in about 15 minutes.

W: ________________________________________________

20, 다음 상황 설명을 듣고, Tina가 Mr. Duncan에게 할 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

M: Tina is a speed skater. She is preparing for the local speed skating championship. One week before the competition, she twisted her ankle while exercising alone. She thought she would recover soon, but it got worse. So, she decides to tell her coach, Mr. Duncan that she cannot participate in the competition. In this situation, what would Tina most likely say to Mr. Duncan? Tina: Mr. Duncan, _____________________

Posted by 최 샘

2020학년도 9월 고2 전국연합학력평가 영어영역 듣기대본 및 정답

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2020학년도 9월 고2 전국연합학력평가 영어 영역 듣기 대본

1. 대화를 듣고, 남자의 마지막 말에 대한 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것을


M: Welcome to Alice Bookstore. How may I help you?

W: I bought this book here yesterday, but I want to exchange it

for another copy.

M: Sure. May I ask what’s wrong with it?



2. 대화를 듣고, 여자의 마지막 말에 대한 남자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것을


W: Wow! Josh, this pasta is very delicious. I didn’t know you


M: Actually, this is the first time I’ve made pasta by myself.

W: Really? Where did you learn how to cook it?



3. 다음을 듣고, 남자가 하는 말의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

M: Good morning, students! This is your student council

president, William Taylor. As some of you already know, our

annual school festival is coming up. We are looking for clubs

that want to sign up to share their talents at the festival.

Now, I’ll tell you how to sign up for the festival. The

application period begins today. If your club wants to

register to participate, come to the student council room to

fill out the application form. The application deadline is

September 28th. Let’s make this a festival to remember!


4. 대화를 듣고, 여자의 의견으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

W: Hi, Mike. You look distracted. Is something bothering you?

M: Well, my son’s preschool teacher told me he’s having trouble

focusing while reading and during conversations. I don’t know

what I should do.

W: Oh, I see. [Pause] Maybe drawing classes could help.

M: How could they help with his concentration?

W: Children develop their ability to focus as they pay attention

to small details while drawing.

M: That’s reasonable. Is that why your daughter takes drawing


W: Exactly. When my daughter was 8 years old, she had a

similar problem to your son.

M: Did you notice a big change when she started drawing?

W: Sure. She concentrates better on reading and conversations

now. It might help your son, too.

M: Okay, I’ll look for a class right away.


5. 대화를 듣고, 두 사람의 관계를 가장 잘 나타낸 것을 고르시오.

W: Hello, Mr. Stevenson. I’m Rachel Adams from Entertainment

Monthly. Thank you for meeting with me today.

M: Hello, Ms. Adams. It’s my pleasure.

W: Congratulations on gaining more than one million subscribers

on your work, The Invisible. Why do you think so many

people read your webcomic?

M: I think many people enjoy the comic because my style of

drawing really makes the story come alive.

W: I agree. I especially love Jimmy, the character who wants to

be a fashion model.

M: Yes, many of my subscribers like him.

W: I heard you’ll finish it soon. The readers of our magazine

have been asking if you have any plans to publish your work

as a book or make it into a movie.

M: If there’s a chance, I’d love to.

W: You’ll have to let our readers be the first to know if you do.

M: Of course! I hope I can bring you good news soon.


6. 대화를 듣고, 그림에서 대화의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것을 고르시오.

M: Honey, I just found a picture of a great living room design.

It can give us some ideas for our own living room.

W: Let me see. [Pause] Wow! I like the bookshelf behind the


M: Yeah. It’s really impressive. I think we should have a

bookshelf like that one.

W: I agree. What do you think about how they used the space

around the window?

M: The two flower pots under the window look nice. We should

put our plants the same way.

W: Oh, there’s a cat lying on a pet cushion.

M: It looks so comfortable. Why don’t we buy one for our cat?

W: That’s a good idea. Did you notice the round table between

the armchairs?

M: I’ve always wanted to have a tea table like that one.

W: Look at this floor lamp! The lamp shade has the same

striped pattern as ours.

M: It does! Let’s decorate our living room like the one in this


W: I can’t wait to see how it turns out.


7. 대화를 듣고, 남자가 여자에게 부탁한 일로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

W: I’m so exhausted. I didn’t realize moving was going to be

this hard.

M: Me neither. I think the move is mostly organized. You

already called the cleaning company, right?

W: Yes, they should be here soon. What else is left for us to


M: We still need to book the appointment to set up our internet


W: Right. We should also fix the computer.

M: Why? Is it broken?

W: The moving center staff dropped it.

M: Have you asked the staff about compensation for it?

W: Yeah. The moving center wants us to fix the computer first

and then submit a receipt.

M: My cousin runs an electronics repair shop nearby, so I can

take it there today. Can you book the appointment to get the

internet connected?

W: Okay, I’ll do that.


8. 대화를 듣고, 여자가 보드게임을 하러 갈 수 없는 이유를 고르시오.

W: I’m so happy our exams are over.

M: Me, too. They were really tough this time.

W: I know. Getting a cold made me even more stressed.

M: Are you still sick?

W: No, I feel all right now. What are you doing after school


M: Some of our classmates are going to play board games to

celebrate the end of exams. Do you want to come?

W: I’d love to go, but I can’t.

M: Why not?

W: Did I tell you my family is going on a ski trip this weekend?

M: No, you didn’t. Why are you going skiing?

W: It’s my dad’s birthday, so we planned this trip for him.

M: That sounds like a perfect gift for your dad.

W: I hope so. I need to go shopping for goggles and a ski suit for

myself today.

M: Oh, I see. Have a nice trip.


9. 대화를 듣고, 남자가 지불할 금액을 고르시오.

W: Good afternoon. How can I help you?

M: Hi. I’m looking for a gift for my newborn niece. What would

you recommend?

W: These pajama sets and dresses are the bestselling


for babies.

M: They’re so cute. How much are they?

W: This pajama set is 40 dollars, and this dress is 50 dollars.

M: Hmm.... I’d like to buy the dress you recommended.

W: Okay. Anything else?

M: Do you have any other items that would go well with the


W: How about this hat? It’s usually 10 dollars, but it’s on sale.

You can get 40 percent off that price.

M: That sounds great! I’ll take it.

W: Wonderful. So, one dress and one hat, right?

M: Yes. I also have this 5 dollar discount coupon. Can I use it?

W: Let me see. [Pause] Unfortunately, no. This coupon only

applies to purchases over 100 dollars.

M: All right. I’ll pay with this credit card.


10. 대화를 듣고, Comedy Allstars에 관해 언급되지 않은 것을 고르시오.

M: Amy, have you heard about Comedy Allstars?

W: No, I haven’t. What is it?

M: It’s the biggest comedy show on Broadway. It’s being held at

the Western Theater this year.

W: Oh, I know that place. When does the show start?

M: It starts on December 15th.

W: Who will perform in the show?

M: Many famous comedians like Tina Scott, Julia Moore, and

James Parker will perform.

W: James Parker? He’s my favorite comedian.

M: Do you want to go with me, then? Tickets will go on sale

next week.

W: Okay! How can we buy the tickets?

M: We can book them online at the theater’s website.

W: Great. I’m so excited for the show.


11. Organic Fair에 관한 다음 내용을 듣고, 일치하지 않는 것을 고르시오.

W: Good evening, listeners. I’m Elizabeth, the hostess of the

Organic Fair. This year, the fair will be held at Springfield

Park. It’ll last three days from October 11th to 13th. It aims

to promote the ecolifestyle

to a wide range of consumers.

Various organic products will be displayed such as organic

food and natural cosmetics. You can get a discount if you

buy products at the fair. Furthermore, there will be a class

where you can learn how to make organic soap. The class

will run from 9 am to 11 am each day. If you register

online in advance, you can enter the fair for free and join

all the activities. For more information, please visit our

website at www.springfieldfair.com. I look forward to

exploring ecoliving

with you at the fair.


12. 다음 표를 보면서 대화를 듣고, 여자가 구입할 무선 이어폰을 고르시오.

M: Hey, Tiffany. What are you doing?

W: I’m thinking of buying some wireless earbuds. Do you want to

help me choose from these five options?

M: Sure. How much can you spend?

W: I don’t want to spend more than 200 dollars.

M: These models are within your budget.

W: What do you think would be a good play time from a single


M: Hmm.... I think it should be longer than six hours so you don’t

have to charge them very often.

W: That’s a good point. I’ll cross out this one. What is noise


M: It reduces unwanted sound using active noise control.

W: Does that make a big difference?

M: It can really improve the sound quality of what you listen to.

W: I see. Then, I’ll go with ones with noise canceling.

M: Good choice. There are only two models left. Which color do

you prefer?

W: I don’t want white ones because they’ll get dirty too easily.

So, I’ll buy this model.


13. 대화를 듣고, 남자의 마지막 말에 대한 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한

것을 고르시오.

M: How are you, Rebecca?

W: I’m fine, but you look tired today.

M: That’s because my back hurt so much last night that I couldn’t

sleep at all.

W: Your back? Did you injure it while you were exercising?

M: No. I didn’t do anything yesterday other than study at the


W: Maybe that’s the problem. I bet you were sitting for too long

with bad posture.

M: You’re right. I have a bad habit of hunching my shoulders

when I sit.

W: Do you ever take a break and stretch your body?

M: When I’m in the middle of something, it isn’t easy to stop.

W: You know what? I recently read an article that said sitting

with poor posture can lead to chronic back pain.

M: How can that happen?



14. 대화를 듣고, 여자의 마지막 말에 대한 남자의 응답으로 가장 적절한

것을 고르시오.

W: Andrew, did you choose a topic for the English essay?

M: I did. The teacher approved it last week.

W: That’s great. Have you started writing it?

M: Not yet. I usually have a hard time making logical arguments

for my essays. Do you have any suggestions?

W: Well, I read a lot of newspaper articles. I especially like


M: Does that really help develop logical thinking?

W: Sure. If you read persuasive articles like editorials, you can

see how the arguments are developed.

M: That makes sense to me. Maybe I should give it a try.

W: I can send you the website I usually use. It collects

editorials from various newspapers.



14. 대화를 듣고, 여자의 마지막 말에 대한 남자의 응답으로 가장 적절한

것을 고르시오.

W: Andrew, did you choose a topic for the English essay?

M: I did. The teacher approved it last week.

W: That’s great. Have you started writing it?

M: Not yet. I usually have a hard time making logical arguments

for my essays. Do you have any suggestions?

W: Well, I read a lot of newspaper articles. I especially like


M: Does that really help develop logical thinking?

W: Sure. If you read persuasive articles like editorials, you can

see how the arguments are developed.

M: That makes sense to me. Maybe I should give it a try.

W: I can send you the website I usually use. It collects

editorials from various newspapers.



15. 다음 상황 설명을 듣고, Brian이 Jennifer에게 할 말로 가장 적절한 것을


W: Brian and Jennifer are good friends who go to the gym

together almost every day. When they’re working out, they

drink a lot of water. Brian always brings his own tumbler

with him while Jennifer always buys a bottle of water at the

convenience store before going to the gym. Brian thinks that

buying a bottle of water every day is not only a waste of

money but is also harmful to the environment. One day at

the gym, Jennifer makes a comment about how much she

likes Brian’s tumbler. Brian thinks this is a good chance to

suggest that she bring her own reusable bottle to the gym.

In this situation, what would Brian most likely say to



16번부터 17번까지는 두 번 들려줍니다.

[16~17] 다음을 듣고, 물음에 답하시오.

M: Hello, everyone. I’m Dr. Damon. As parents, we are all

worried about our children starting to wear glasses at

younger ages. We surely know using smartphones has

negative effects on their eyes. Today, I will tell you some

foods that can help protect your children’s eyes. First,

carrots are rich in vitamin A, which keeps the eye surface

healthy by preventing it from drying out. Cheese is not only

rich in vitamin A, but it also prevents eye fatigue due to its

high levels of iron. Blueberries are rich in antioxidants,

which improve night vision as well as maintain general eye

health. Lastly, the omega3

fatty acids in salmon lower the

chance of eye diseases. I hope you encourage your children

to try the foods I recommended today.

다시 한 번 듣겠습니다.

16. 남자가 하는 말의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

17. 언급된 식품이 아닌 것은?

Posted by 최 샘

2020학년도 9월 고1 전국연합학력평가 영어듣기 대본 및 정답



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듣기 대본 및 해설

1. [출제의도] 대화의 적절한 응답 고르기

W: Did you hear that Golden Bookstore will

hold a book signing event for Lora Johnson?

M: Oh, she is one of my favorite writers. I’ve

read all of her novels. When is it?

W: This Sunday afternoon. Do you want to

come with me?


2. [출제의도] 대화의 적절한 응답 고르기

M: Jane, are you almost done setting up your


W: Not yet. I’m having a hard time understanding

the instructions.

M: Watching some video clips might be helpful.

I’m sure you’ll find some showing you how

to do it.


3. [출제의도] 담화의 목적 파악하기

W: Hello, everyone. Thank you for visiting Dream

Amusement Park. To celebrate our 20th

anniversary, we have a special musical

performance for children, The Winter Princess,

all through this week. It was awarded the Best

Children’s Musical last year and features many

famous musical artists that you love. Today,

the performance will start at 4 p.m. at the

Rainbow Theater. If you’d like to join the show,

you need to make a reservation at any

information center nearby. We hope you all

have a wonderful time with us. Thank you.

4. [출제의도] 대화의 주제 파악하기

M: Hey, Sarah. What are you going to choose

for your afterschool


W: I’m not sure, Dad.

M: What about taking a coding course?

W: A coding course? Why should I do that?

M: I think learning to code can give you

important skills for the future.

W: Oh, I remember my teacher saying that coding

is a skill that can increase the chances of

getting a job. But it sounds difficult.

M: It might be, but it can help you learn how

to plan and organize your thoughts.

W: Good to know. And I heard coding helps

with math. Right?

M: Definitely. Plus, it improves your problemsolving


W: Cool! I think I’m going to take the course.

5. [출제의도] 화자의 관계 파악하기

W: Hello, Mr. Williams.

M: Please come on in, Ms. Jackson. How are

you doing?

W: I’m good. Recently our company published

several books, so I’ve been really busy.

M: Oh, I hope you get some time off soon.

W: I hope so, too. Well, I’ve read your work, The

Great Man. I think you nicely expressed the

feeling of the original book.

M: Thank you. Which book will I translate this


W: It is a novel written by a Spanish writer,

Isabel Martinez.

M: Sounds good. I’m so happy to translate the


W: My boss said that the book needs to be released

by December. So, is it possible to get the first

draft by the end of October?

M: No problem.

6. [출제의도] 그림 세부 내용 파악하기

M: Lisa, how’s the poster for our magic show


W: I have changed a few things. Take a look.

M: Oh, I like the two birds at the top.

W: And I wrote the date and the time under

the title, Magic Show.

M: Nice choice. It’s more eyecatching.

W: What do you think of the rabbit in the hat?

M: I really like it. It’s so cute. And you put

the round table instead of the square one.

W: Yes, but I’m still not sure about the shape

of the table.

M: I think the round one looks much better.

W: Okay. And as you suggested, I drew a

magician holding a magic stick.

M: Nice. I think it’s perfect now.

W: Yeah, finally. Thanks for your help.

7. [출제의도] 화자가 할 일 파악하기

W: Chris, what are you doing?

M: I’m writing interview questions for the feature

story of our next school magazine.

W: Who are you interviewing?

M: The new English teacher. I’m going to interview

him tomorrow.

W: Do you need any help with the interview


M: No, I’m almost done. But I’m still looking for

someone to take photos during the interview.

W: Why don’t you ask Cindy? She’s good at

taking photos.

M: I already asked her, but she said she has

an important presentation tomorrow.

W: Well, how about Tom? He’s a member of

the photo club.

M: You mean the one in our chemistry class?

W: Yes. I think he’s the right person. Do you

want me to call him to see if he’s available


M: That would be great. Thanks.

8. [출제의도] 이유 파악하기

W: James, check out the poster. It’s about this

year’s Winter Sports Camp.

M: I remember we had a great time at last

year’s camp.

W: Yes, we did. Let’s go to the camp together


M: I’m afraid I can’t.

W: Why not? Do you still have ankle pain?

M: I’m still taking my pills, but don’t worry.

I’m fine.

W: Ah, you must have another family trip


M: No, not this time. Actually, it’s because of

my science project.

W: Haven’t you finished it yet?

M: I’ve already handed in the final report for the

project, but Mr. Miller said that I have to

participate in the National Science Contest

with it.

W: That’s great. You should definitely spend

your whole winter vacation preparing for

it, then.

M: I’m going to do my best. Have fun for me.

9. [출제의도] 지불할 금액 파악하기

M: Hello, ma’am. Welcome to the Aerospace Exhibition.

W: Hi, I’d like to get tickets for the exhibition.

M: Sure. We have two options, a fullday


and a halfday


W: I’ll take the halfday

ticket. How much is it?

M: It’s $30 for adults and $20 for children.

How many tickets do you need?

W: One adult and two children’s tickets, please.

I have a membership card. Do you offer a


M: Yes. Gold membership holders get 20% off

the total, and silver membership holders get

10% off the total.

W: Great. I have a silver membership.

M: Okay. May I have your membership card?

W: Here it is. And I’ll be paying with cash.

10. [출제의도] 언급되지 않은 내용 파악하기

W: Hey, Sam. Have you heard about the MindUp


M: No, I haven’t. What is it?

W: It’s a program for high school students. Its

purpose is to encourage us to build a

positive mindset. You should come.

M: It sounds interesting. Please tell me more

about it.

W: There will be a lot of activities to help

relieve stress. Also, we’ll get to listen to

special lectures from successful young CEOs.

M: Awesome! I should sign up. When is it?

W: This Friday. It starts at 6 p.m.

M: Cool. How much is the admission fee?

W: It’s free for all students. You can apply for

the program on our school website.

M: Great. I’ll do it now.

11. [출제의도] 담화의 세부 내용 파악하기

M: Hello, listeners. I’m Ted Potter, the manager of

the Plata Community Center. I’d like to tell

you about the upcoming Plata Tea Festival.

It’s an annual tea festival held at City Hall.

This year it’ll take place on September 5th and

6th. More than 20 tea companies will

participate in this festival. During the festival,

you can enjoy blind tea tasting and food

pairing events. Also, you can learn tea

etiquette from experts. The admission fee is

$10 and children under 5 enter for free.

Reservations are not necessary. Come to this

festival and share a cup of tea with your

friends and family.

12. [출제의도] 화자의 선택 파악하기

M: Julie, what are you looking at?

W: I’m thinking of buying a new handheld fan.

Can you help me pick one?

M: Sure. Hmm, how about this one?

W: It looks good, but I don’t want to spend more

than $30.

M: Okay. And I think you should get one with

a battery that lasts more than 8 hours.

W: I think so, too. I usually spend more than 8

hours outside.

M: What about the fan speed levels? Do you need

a fan with 4 levels?

W: No. Three levels will be enough for me.

M: Then you have two models left. I recommend

the foldable one.

W: What’s special about it?

M: If you fold the handle, it’ll easily fit into your

handbag. It can also stand up on your desk.

W: That sounds convenient. I’ll buy that one.

13. [출제의도] 대화의 적절한 응답 고르기

W: Hi, Andrew. I heard that your tennis club is

competing in the City Tennis Tournament.

M: Yes. We’ve been practicing a lot these days.

W: I’m sure you’ll do well.

M: Thanks. But our school tennis court is going

to be under construction starting next week,

so we won’t have a place to practice.

W: What about the community center? It has

several tennis courts.

M: We already checked. But all the courts are fully


W: That’s too bad. Oh, wait! My sister told me

her school tennis courts would be open to

the public starting this Saturday.

M: Really? That’s great news. Do I need a


W: Yes. I remember she said that reservations

would start at 9 a.m. tomorrow.


14. [출제의도] 대화의 적절한 응답 고르기

W: Hey, Minho. What are you doing?

M: Hi, Mrs. Sharon. I’m writing an application

letter for college.

W: Can I take a look at it?

M: Of course. Please give me some advice after

you’re finished reading it.

W: Hmm.... You only listed the activities you’ve

done without being specific.

M: Yeah. Isn’t it good to include as many

activities as possible?

W: No. If you do that, your application letter

won’t be memorable.

M: But I thought if I wrote down a lot of

activities, I would stand out.

W: It’s actually the opposite. You should focus

on a few things and write about them in


M: I never thought about that. Do you really think

it’ll work?


15. [출제의도] 상황에 적절한 말 고르기

M: Cathy and Brian are members of the same

orchestra. They are practicing together for the

upcoming concert. Lately, Brian doesn’t look so

good and seems to be unable to concentrate

during practice. When Cathy asks why, he tells

her that it’s because of his back pain. He sits

for long periods of time preparing for the

concert, so his back hurts. Cathy understands

his pain because she had the same problem last

year. However, after she started yoga, her back

pain disappeared. She wants to suggest to

Brian that he start yoga. In this situation, what

would Cathy most likely say to Brian?

16~17. [출제의도] 담화의 주제 파악하기, 언급되지

않은 물건 파악하기

W: Hello, class! Last time we learned about LED

technology. I hope all of you have a clear idea

of what an LED is now. Today, I’ll talk about

how LEDs make our lives better. First, one of

the advantages of LEDs is the long lifespan.

LED bulbs are used in lamps and last for over

17 years before you need to change them.

Second, LEDs use very low amounts of power.

For example, a television using LEDs in its

backlight saves a lot of energy. Next, LEDs

are brighter than traditional bulbs. So, they

make traffic lights more visible in foggy

conditions. Finally, thanks to their small size,

LEDs can be used in various small devices.

Any light you see on a computer keyboard is

an LED light. Now, let’s think about other

products that use LEDs.

Posted by 최 샘

2020년 3월 고3 모의고사 영어듣기평가문제 및 정답

1 ③ 2 ① 3 ① 4 ③ 5 ④

6 ⑤ 7 ② 8 ① 9 ① 10 ②

11 ⑤ 12 ③ 13 ④ 14 ⑤ 15 ③

16 ③ 17 ② 18 ④ 19 ① 20 ②

21 ③ 22 ⑤ 23 ① 24 ④ 25 ⑤

26 ④ 27 ⑤ 28 ⑤ 29 ⑤ 30 ④

31 ⑤ 32 ② 33 ① 34 ④ 35 ③

36 ③ 37 ② 38 ④ 39 ② 40 ①

41 ③ 42 ④ 43 ② 44 ② 45 ⑤

1. [출제의도] 대화에서 적절한 응답을 찾는다.

M: Honey, what did the weather forecast say this


W: It said the level of fine dust is high today.

We’d better wear a mask.

M: Okay, I will. Where are the masks?


2. [출제의도] 대화에서 적절한 응답을 찾는다.

W: What’s wrong with this computer? The file

won’t open up.

M: Let me see. I think the computer works fine

but this file seems to be broken.

W: Oh, no. Our presentation is in half an hour.

We can’t do the presentation without the file.


3. [출제의도] 담화의 목적을 추론한다.

M: Good morning, students. This is your vice

principal, Mr. Marcus. As you know, students

and teachers from our sister school in

Singapore are visiting us next Monday for the

exchange program. We’ve been looking forward

to their visit and have arranged many things.

Unfortunately, one of the students who

volunteered to offer a homestay

accommodation came down with the flu. We

need to find a new host family who can

accommodate a female student for two nights.

She is in 10th grade and likes pop music. She

doesn’t mind dogs or cats. Hosting a guest will

give you an opportunity to make a foreign

friend. If you are interested, please visit the

administration office today.

4. [출제의도] 대화자의 의견을 추론한다.

W: Jason, you look worried. Something wrong?

M: I’ve been working on the invention project for

hours, but can’t come up with any good ideas.

W: Well, then why don’t you stop working on it,

go outside and take a walk? That’s what I

often do when I’m stuck.

M: I don’t have time for that. The project is due

next Monday.

W: I understand. But just sitting at a desk doesn’t

always help. Taking a walk instead may help

you think outside the box.

M: Really? How come?

W: While walking around, you can see different

things. Seeing various scenes can give you

some inspiration.

M: I’ve never thought about it that way.

W: Besides, fresh air can make your brain work

better and help you develop new ideas.

M: That does make sense. Thanks for the tip.

5. [출제의도] 대화자의 관계를 추론한다.

W: Hi, Kevin. You came again. It seems you

brought more books today.

M: That’s right. I’m moving out next month, so

I’m clearing out my stuff.

W: I see. Can you put the books on the counter,


M: Sure. I hope you don’t reject too many books

like the last time.

W: I’m sorry about that but I don’t accept books

with stains. It’s been my policy since I opened

this bookstore.

M: I understand. I wouldn’t buy secondhand books

with stains myself.

W: I appreciate your understanding. Well, these

books seem to be in better condition than the

last time.

M: Then, are you taking them all?

W: Yes. I think I can give you $30. Is that okay?

M: Sure.

6. [출제의도] 그림과 대화의 일치 여부를 파악한다.

M: Sarah, I’ve finally finished setting up our stage

for the play. How do you like it?

W: Looks great. The sofa in the center of the

stage looks familiar.

M: It used to be in the meeting room.

W: I see. The fireplace on the left of the sofa

creates a cozy atmosphere.

M: It does. Don’t you like the clock behind the

sofa? Mr. Baker kindly lent it to us.

W: How nice of him! The curtains next to the

clock look beautiful.

M: The actors will come out on the stage through

those curtains.

W: The door on the right is opened. Shouldn’t it

be closed?

M: No, it shouldn’t. It is intended to make the

audience curious.

W: Good idea. I hope people like our play.

7. [출제의도] 대화자가 할 일을 추론한다.

M: Hey, Alex. I’m sorry, I’m late.

W: It’s okay. Let’s go through the things we need

to do to make the school promotional video.

M: Okay.

W: How did the interview with the principal go?

M: It took longer than I expected, but it went


W: Did you borrow a drone from Mr. Parker?

M: Yes, but he told me to bring it back by

tomorrow. That means we don’t have much

time to film the campus.

W: Right. We also have to prepare for the

interviews with graduates. I think we’d better

split the work.

M: I haven’t flown a drone before. Can I write

the interview questions?

W: No problem. While you write the interview

questions, I can go out and film the campus.

M: All right. See you in 30 minutes.

8. [출제의도] 이유를 추론한다.

M: Ms. Park, are we having a meeting in Room


W: No, I’m going to change the room.

M: Why? Isn’t the room available? I like the new

projector in that room.

W: I know. That’s why I reserved that room a

week ago. But we have an issue.

M: I’ve heard recently there were some

complaints about the lighting in the room. Is

that the problem?

W: No. When I checked the room this morning,

the lights were working fine.

M: Can’t we just use the room then? It would be

a lot of trouble to change the room.

W: The thing is the heating system is broken. I

got a message from the management office

just an hour ago.

M: The weather is very cold today. It seems you

have no choice but to change the room.

W: I’ll let you know as soon as I find another

room for our meeting.

9. [출제의도] 수치를 파악한다.

[Phone rings.]

W: Hello, Emerald Lake Festival. How may I help


M: I’d like to buy tickets for the festival. How

much is it?

W: It’s $100 per adult and $50 per child. How

many tickets do you need?

M: Two adults and one child. And I heard

campsites are available during the festival.

W: Sure. Would you like to make a reservation

for the campsite, too?

M: Yes. How much does it cost?

W: It’s $50 per site. How many sites do you


M: I just need one.

W: Do you also need our rental service? We offer

tents and other camping equipment.

M: No. I’m going to bring my own.

W: Okay. If you pay now, you can get a 20%

discount off the total price.

M: Great. I’ll pay with my credit card.

10. [출제의도] 세부 사항의 언급 여부를 파악한다.

W: Jake, have you heard of the event Meet The


M: What is that? Can we meet the mayor in


W: Yes. The event is for foreign residents like us

living in this city.

M: That sounds interesting. I have a lot to share

with the mayor. But I’m not fluent in Korean.

W: Don’t worry. It’ll be conducted in both Korean

and English.

M: Wonderful. I’d like to go. When is it?

W: On April 20th at 3 p.m. Do you want to come

along? I’m going to register today.

M: How long will the event last? I have to attend

my friend’s wedding at 6 p.m. that day.

W: It’ll last about 2 hours. Where does the

wedding take place?

M: Near City Hall.

W: Then you can make it. The event is at City


M: Good. Let’s go together.

11. [출제의도] 담화 내용과의 일치 여부를 파악한다.

W: Hello, students. I’m your student council

president, Tracy Anderson. The student

council is hosting the annual Clothing Drive

Competition. The collected clothes will be

donated to a local charity. The names of all

participants will be posted as donors on our

school website. The class with the most

donated clothes will win 6 boxes of pizza as a

prize! Remember that we only accept gently

used clothes, and make sure to wash them

before you donate. Also, there’s no pick up

service, so each class needs to bring the

collected clothes to the student council room

themselves. We’ll accept them until March

25th, 4 p.m.

12. [출제의도] 표를 보고 선택할 것을 찾는다.

M: Welcome to Sunrise Pet Supply. How may I

help you?

W: Hello. I’m looking for a dog house.

M: Let me show you our catalog. [Pause] Do you

have a preference for any material? We have

fabric, plastic, and wood.

W: I don’t want the fabric one because it’s less

durable than the others.

M: I see. Then this one doesn’t meet your needs.

W: And I want something under $100.

M: Okay. What kind of dog do you have? Is it

small or large?

W: It’s a Golden Retriever. It’s a large dog.

M: Then a small or medium sized dog house won’t

fit your dog. You have to choose one of these


W: Since I’ll put the dog house outside, it should

be weatherproof.

M: All right. This one is perfect for your dog.

13. [출제의도] 대화에서 적절한 응답을 찾는다.

W: Brian, are you ready for the field trip

tomorrow? I’m really excited.

M: Didn’t you hear the news? We’re not going on

the field trip tomorrow.

W: Really? What’s the problem?

M: Because of the flood warning. Some roads are

already closed.

W: I can’t believe it. Then is the trip canceled?

M: No. I read on the school website that it’s just

postponed until next weekend.

W: Oh, no. I can’t go next weekend.

M: Why can’t you make it?

W: Next Saturday is my grandfather’s 80th

birthday. All my family will get together and

have a party.

M: You’ve been looking forward to the field trip

since the beginning of this semester. You may

be disappointed if you don’t go.


14. [출제의도] 대화에서 적절한 응답을 찾는다.

W: Hi, Mark. I heard your musical club is

preparing for the school festival next month.

Is everything going well?

M: Actually not. Judy broke her ankle, so she

cannot perform on the day of the festival.

W: I’m sorry to hear that.

M: We’re planning to hold an open audition for

Judy’s spot.

W: Really? I’d like to apply for the audition.

M: Then come to our club room this Friday at 3


W: This Friday? I can’t make it that day. I have

to play in the tennis tournament.

M: Too bad that you can’t come to the audition.

W: I’ve always wanted to be in a musical. Is

there any other way to get a chance to


M: I’m not sure. We really need to see you


W: What if I record my singing and dancing and

send it to you?


15. [출제의도] 상황에 적절한 말을 찾는다.

M: Rita is a high school student. She actively

participates in various school activities. Today,

Rita sees a notice on the school bulletin board

about a debate competition. She suggests to

her friend Justin they apply together as a

team but he hesitates. He thinks preparing for

the competition is a big burden because he has

no experience in debate competitions. Rita

thinks differently. Justin is a fluent speaker

and has lots of background knowledge and she

has a lot of debating experience. So Rita

wants to tell him if they work together, they

have a chance to win. In this situation, what

would Rita most likely say to Justin?


[16 ~ 17]

W: Imagine you come home from a long day’s

work, open your door, and smell strong odors.

That’s not a home you want to be in.

Everyone wants a house with a pleasant fresh

smell, but how can you get that? Let me

briefly tell you how. To make your house

smell fresh, you have to find where the odors

are coming from in your house and remove

them. Carpet and rugs can soak up unwanted

odors quickly. To remove them, spread baking

soda and vacuum it up after 20 minutes. It

will absorb the smell. Next, check your closet.

Frequently open your closet doors to air out

the smell. Cleaning your trash can is also a

must. The trash can is usually the origin of

offensive smells. If you have a pet, don’t

forget to check pet toys and bedding and clean

them. Let them dry out in the sun to combat

the pet smell. After removing unpleasant

odors, use plants and essential oils to fill your

house with natural scents.

Posted by 최 샘