


2020년, ebs, 수능완성, 실전 모의고사, 영어듣기, 5회 정답, 및 대본

정답 〉 ④
소재 〉 스케이트보드 배우기
대본 〉
W: Jason, I got a used skateboard from my friend. Can you teach me how to ride it?
M: Sure! I didn’t know that you were interested in skateboarding. Are you free this Saturday afternoon?
W: Yeah, thanks. I’m so excited, but I’m also scared of getting hurt.

해석 〉
여: Jason, 내가 친구로부터 중고 스케이트보드를 얻었어. 그것을 어 떻게 타는지 가르쳐 줄 수 있니?
남: 물론이지! 나는 네가 스케이트보드 타는 것에 관심이 있는지 몰랐 어. 이번 주 토요일 오후에 시간 있니?
여: 응, 고마워. 정말 신나지만, 다치게 될까 봐 무섭기도 해.
남: 걱정하지 마. 네 안전 장비를 꼭 챙겨 오도록 해.
문제 해설 〉 여자가 스케이트보드를 배워 타게 될 것이 신나지만 다치 게 될까 봐 무섭다고 말하고 있다. 따라서 여자의 마지막 말에 대한 남자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것은 ④이다.
① 완벽해. 네 스케이트보드가 정말 좋아 보인다.
② 미안해. 나는 새 스케이트보드를 이미 샀어.
③ 괜찮아. 나를 안쓰럽게 여길 필요 없어.
⑤ 당연하지. 새로운 취미를 시작하는 것은 네 삶을 나아지게 할 수 있어.
어휘와 어구 〉
• be scared of ~을 무서워하다
• safety gear 안전 장비

정답 〉 ③
소재 〉 수업 노트 빌리기


대본 〉
M: Kelly, it’s good to see you back in school. How are you feeling now?
W: I’m feeling much better. But I’m worried about the whole week of classes I missed.
M: I guess you have a lot to catch up on. Just tell me if you need any help.
해석 〉
남: Kelly, 네가 다시 학교에 온 걸 보니 좋구나. 지금은 몸이 어때? 여: 훨씬 좋아. 그런데 내가 결석했던 주 전체 수업이 걱정이야. 남: 따라잡을 것이 많겠구나. 도움이 필요하면 나한테 말만 해.
여: 고마워. 지난주 네 수업 노트를 빌릴 수 있을까?
문제 해설 〉 여자가 결석 후 학교에 돌아와 결석했던 수업에 대해 걱정 하자, 남자가 도움이 필요하면 말하라고 했으므로, 이에 대한 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것은 ③이다.
① 미안해. 네 책을 갖고 오는 것을 깜빡했어.
② 기운 내. 나는 네가 다음에는 더 잘할 거라고 확신해.
④ 신경 쓰지 마. 나는 지난 학기에 이미 그 강좌를 들었어.
⑤ 음, 정기 검진을 위해 의사 선생님을 만났니?
어휘와 어구 〉
• catch up on ~을 따라잡다
• regular checkup 정기 검진

정답 〉 ④
소재 〉 시험 불안을 극복하는 방법
대본 〉
M: Hello, Happy Campus Life listeners! I’m John Peterson. Final exams are just around the corner. Sometimes students do poorly on exams because of test anxiety.   If you’re one of them, here’s how to overcome your anxiety. In order to calm your nerves, try to take a deep breath just before starting the exam. Breathe in and out slowly counting to five. It’s a helpful technique to relax. Also, try to come up with positive self-motivating messages which can help keep you calm. You could say something like “I’m familiar with this material,” or “I’ve prepared very well.” Lastly, do not stay up late drinking too many caffeinated drinks the day before tests. Otherwise, you are more likely to be tired and nervous on the day of the test. I wish you good luck on your exams!
해석 〉
남: 안녕하세요, Happy Campus Life 청취자 여러분! 저는 John Peterson입니다. 기말시험이 곧 다가옵니다. 때때로 학생들은 시험 불안 때문에 시험을 잘 보지 못합니다. 만약 여러분이 그런 학생 중 한 명이라면, 불안을 극복하는 방법이 여기에 있습니다.
여러분의 불안을 진정시키기 위하여 시험을 시작하기 직전에 심 호흡을 해 보세요. 5까지 세면서 천천히 숨을 들이쉬고 내쉬세요. 그것은 긴장을 푸는 데 유용한 기술입니다. 또한, 여러분을 차분 하게 하는 데 도움을 줄 수 있는 긍정적인 자기 동기 부여 메시지 를 생각해 내도록 해 보세요. 여러분은 ‘나는 이 내용을 잘 알지’ 또는 ‘나는 아주 잘 준비했어’와 같이 말해 볼 수 있어요. 마지막 으로, 시험 전날 너무 많은 카페인 음료를 마시면서 늦게까지 깨 어 있지 마세요. 그렇지 않으면 시험 당일 피곤하고 불안해지기 더 쉽습니다. 여러분이 시험을 잘 보기를 바랍니다!
문제 해설 〉 남자는 기말시험이 곧 다가오는데 불안해져서 시험을 잘 보지 못하는 학생들을 위하여 시험 불안을 극복하는 방법을 알려 주고 있다. 그러므로 남자가 하는 말의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은
어휘와 어구 〉
• just around the corner (거리·시간적으로) 바로 다가와서, 임박 하여
• overcome 극복하다
• calm one’s nerves ~의 불안을 진정시키다, ~의 긴장을 가라앉 히다
• take a deep breath 심호흡하다
• come up with ~을 생각해 내다
• self-motivating 스스로 동기를 부여하는
• familiar with ~을 잘 아는, ~에 익숙한
• caffeinated 카페인이 함유된

정답 〉 ⑤
소재 〉 오래 앉아 있는 것이 건강에 미치는 영향
대본 〉
W: Chris, you look so busy today. What’s up?
M: Hi, Jennifer. I’m writing up a sales report. The deadline is tomorrow.
W: So that’s why you haven’t left your desk all day.
M: Yeah, I’m so tired.
W: You should read this article about sitting too much. It says no matter how busy you are, don’t forget to stand up and move around every now and then.
M: Why’s that?
W: It says sitting for long periods can increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Also, it can cause back pain.
M: Actually, I feel pain in my neck and shoulders as well as in my back these days.
W: That’s because it’s difficult to maintain good posture when you are sitting for too long. Too much sitting also limits the calories you burn, so it’s easy to gain weight.
M: Then sitting too long can be seriously bad for our health.
W: Exactly! Let’s take a short break, Chris.
M: Okay.
해석 〉
여: Chris, 오늘 아주 바빠 보이는군요. 무슨 일이에요?
남: 안녕하세요, Jennifer. 판매 보고서를 쓰고 있는 중이에요. 마감 일이 내일이에요.
여: 그래서 하루 종일 책상을 떠나지 않았군요.
남: 네, 너무 피곤하네요.
여: 너무 많이 앉아 있는 것에 대한 이 기사를 읽어 보셔야겠어요. 아 무리 바빠도 가끔 일어서서 돌아다니는 것을 잊지 말라고 하네요.
남: 왜 그런 거죠?
여: 오랜 시간 앉아 있는 것은 심장병과 당뇨병의 위험을 증가시킬 수 있다고 해요. 또한, 허리 통증도 유발할 수 있어요.
남: 사실, 요즘 허리뿐만 아니라 목과 어깨도 아파요.
여: 너무 오래 앉아 있으면 올바른 자세를 유지하기가 어렵기 때문에 그래요. 너무 많이 앉아 있는 것은 소모하는 칼로리 또한 제한해 서 체중이 늘기 쉽죠.
남: 그러면 너무 오래 앉아 있는 것은 우리 건강에 매우 나쁠 수 있 군요.
여: 맞아요! 잠시 쉽시다, Chris.
남: 좋습니다.
문제 해설 〉 여자가 쉬지 않고 너무 오래 앉아 일하고 있는 남자에게 오래 앉아 있는 것은 심장병과 당뇨병의 위험을 증가시키고 허리 통 증을 유발할 수 있다는 기사 내용을 말하자, 남자가 허리뿐만 아니라 목과 어깨도 아프다고 말하면서, 너무 오래 앉아 있는 것이 건강에 미 치는 영향에 대해 말하고 있다. 따라서 두 사람이 하는 말의 주제로 가 장 적절한 것은 ⑤이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
• sales report 판매 보고서
• deadline 마감일, 최종 기한
• heart disease 심장병
• diabetes 당뇨병
• back pain 허리 통증
• posture 자세

정답 〉 ③
소재 〉 작곡가에게 고등학생을 위한 연설 요청하기
대본 〉
[Cell phone rings.]
W: Hello.
M: Hello, Ms. Elliot. This is Justin Simon.
W: Hi, Mr. Simon. Have you received my email?
M: Yes. Actually, we’d like to change the date of your talk from the 15th to the 17th. Is that suitable for you?
W: Let me check. [Pause] Oh, actually, that day would be better for me.
M: That’s great. Thank you so much for accepting our invitation.
W: My pleasure. I’m very happy to give a talk at your high school.
M: I played your latest song, Hope, to my students at the beginning of our class, and they really loved it.
W: Thank you.
M: In your talk, could you explain to the students how you usually go about writing a song? I have some students who want to be songwriters like you.
W: No problem. I’m going to tell them how to find the inspiration to write a song in my talk. I hope it will motivate your students to follow in my footsteps.
M: They’re really looking forward to meeting you. I’ll see you then, Ms. Elliot.
W: Okay.
해석 〉
[휴대 전화가 울린다.]
여: 여보세요.
남: 안녕하세요, Elliot 선생님. Justin Simon입니다.
여: 안녕하세요, Simon 선생님. 제 이메일을 받으셨나요?
남: 네. 사실, 선생님의 강연 날짜를 15일에서 17일로 변경하고 싶습 니다. 그날 괜찮으세요?
여: 확인해 볼게요. [잠시 후] 아, 사실, 그날이 저에게는 더 좋을 것 같네요.
남: 잘됐네요. 저희 초대에 응해 주셔서 대단히 감사합니다.
여: 천만에요. 선생님의 고등학교에서 강연을 하게 되어 매우 기뻐요.
남: 저는 수업 시간 시작에 학생들에게 선생님의 최신곡 Hope를 들 려주었고, 학생들이 그 노래를 정말로 좋아했어요.
여: 감사합니다.
남: 강연하실 때 선생님께서 보통 노래를 어떻게 작곡하시는지 학생 들에게 설명해 주실 수 있나요? 선생님처럼 작곡가가 되고 싶어 하는 학생이 몇 명 있어요.
여: 그럼요. 강연을 할 때 곡을 쓰게 되는 영감을 어떻게 찾아내는지 학생들에게 말해 주려고 해요. 제가 걸어온 길을 따라 걸을 수 있 도록 학생들에게 동기를 부여하게 되면 좋겠어요.
남: 학생들이 선생님을 만나기를 정말 고대하고 있어요. 그때 뵙겠습
니다, Elliot 선생님.
여: 알겠습니다.
문제 해설 〉 고등학교에 초대받아 자신처럼 작곡가가 되고 싶어 하는 학생들을 위하여 곡을 쓰는 방법과 곡을 쓰게 되는 영감을 어떻게 찾 아내는지에 대해 강연을 하게 될 여자와 고등학교에서 교사로 근무하 고 있는 남자의 대화이다. 따라서 두 사람의 관계를 가장 잘 나타낸 것 은 ③이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
• songwriter (대중음악) 작곡가
• inspiration 영감
• motivate 동기를 부여하다
• follow in one’s footsteps ~이 걸어온 길을 따라 걷다, ~와 같

은 직업을 갖다
• look forward to doing ~하기를 고대하다

정답 〉 ④
소재 〉 사이버 보안 인식 포스터
대본 〉
M: Hey, Linda. Have you finished drawing the poster for cyber security awareness?
W: Yeah. Here it is. I put the question “ARE YOU SAFE?” in the box at the top to draw attention to it.
M: Cool. It’s very eye-catching. What do these three images under the question mean? Does the man wearing glasses on the left represent a hacker?
W: Yeah. I wanted to put emphasis on protecting personal information from hackers.
M: Good point. And what about the image of the laptop in the center?
W: As you know, we should protect our laptops with strong passwords, so I put an image of a lock on the laptop.
M: Yeah, I always lock my computer with a password.
W: What do you think of the image on the right, next to the laptop?
M: I love it. The image of a smartphone caught on a hook delivers a strong message for cyber security.
W: And at the bottom I put the phrase ‘Always Be Careful’ in the star. What do you think?
M: I like it because it’s a phrase which emphasizes the importance of cyber security even more.
W: Thanks. I’m glad you like it.
해석 〉
남: 안녕, Linda. 사이버 보안 인식 포스터 다 그렸니?
여: 응. 여기 있어. 주의를 끌기 위해 “ARE YOU SAFE?”라는 질 문을 상단 박스 안에 넣었어.
남: 멋지다. 매우 시선을 끄는구나. 질문 아래 이 세 개의 그림은 무 엇을 의미해? 왼쪽에 안경 쓴 남자는 해커를 나타내니?
여: 응. 해커들로부터 개인 정보를 보호하는 것을 강조하고 싶었어.
남: 좋은 지적이야. 그러면 가운데 노트북 그림은?
여: 너도 알다시피, 우리는 강력한 암호로 노트북을 보호해야 해서 노 트북 위에 자물쇠 그림을 넣었어.
남: 그래, 나는 암호로 내 컴퓨터를 항상 잠가.
여: 노트북 옆, 오른쪽 그림은 어떻게 생각해?
남: 아주 마음에 들어. 낚싯바늘에 걸린 스마트폰 그림이 사이버 보안 에 대한 강력한 메시지를 전달해 주는구나.
여: 그리고 아래에 ‘Always Be Careful’이라는 문구를 별 안에 넣 었어. 어떻게 생각해?
남: 사이버 보안의 중요성을 훨씬 더 강조하는 문구라서 좋아.
여: 고마워. 네가 좋다니 기쁘구나.
문제 해설 〉 남자가 낚싯바늘에 걸린 스마트폰이 사이버 보안에 대한 강력한 메시지를 전달해 준다고 했지만, 그림에서는 낚싯바늘에 걸린 것이 스마트폰이 아니라 편지 봉투이다. 따라서 그림에서 대화의 내 용과 일치하지 않는 것은 ④이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
• security 보안
• awareness 인식
• hacker 해커
• put emphasis on ~을 강조하다
• lock 자물쇠
• hook 낚싯바늘, 갈고리

정답 〉 ③
소재 〉 팀 발표 이후 계획
대본 〉
M: Mia, we finished our team presentation successfully!
W: Yeah, Professor Johnson said our presentation slides were very well-organized. It was all possible thanks to your brilliant idea.
M: I’m just glad that my idea worked. Actually, I was so impressed by your powerful presentation skills!
W: Thanks. Now that you don’t have to work on our presentation, what are you going to do tonight?
M: I’m going to the local nursing home.
W: Oh, do you volunteer there?
M: No. A friend of mine is holding a small piano concert there, so I’m going to go there to see her performance.
W: Sounds great. Why don’t you get her some flowers for the concert?
M: Good idea, but I need to drop by the library to return these books before going to the flower shop.
W: I also have some books to return to the library.
M: Really? Can you return the books that I borrowed? W: Sure. I’ll take care of them. See you tomorrow. 해석 〉
남: Mia, 우리가 팀 발표를 성공적으로 끝냈어!
여: 그래, Johnson 교수님이 우리 발표 슬라이드가 정리가 매우 잘 되어 있다고 말씀하셨어. 네 멋진 아이디어 덕분에 모든 것이 가 능했어.
남: 내 아이디어가 도움이 되어서 정말 기뻐. 사실, 나는 너의 뛰어난 발표 솜씨에 매우 감명받았어!
여: 고마워. 발표 준비 작업을 할 필요가 없으니 오늘 밤에는 무엇을 할 거야?
남: 나는 지역 요양원에 갈 거야.
여: 아, 거기서 자원봉사를 하니?
남: 아니야. 내 친구가 거기서 작은 피아노 콘서트를 열 예정이어서 그녀의 공연을 보러 거기 갈 거야.
여: 좋네. 콘서트를 위해 그녀에게 꽃을 좀 사 주는 게 어때?
남: 좋은 생각인데, 꽃가게에 가기 전에 이 책들을 반납하러 도서관에 들러야 해.
여: 나도 도서관에 반납할 책이 몇 권 있어.
남: 그래? 내가 빌린 책들을 반납해 줄 수 있겠니?
여: 물론이지. 내가 처리할게. 내일 보자.
문제 해설 〉 남자가 자신의 책도 도서관에 반납해 줄 수 있는지 여자에 게 묻고 있으므로, 남자가 여자에게 부탁한 일로 가장 적절한 것은 ③ 이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
• well-organized 정리가 잘된
• brilliant 멋진, 훌륭한
• impressed 감명받은
• nursing home 요양원
• drop by ~에 들르다

정답 〉 ③
소재 〉 실내 암벽 등반 수업에 참여할 수 없는 이유
대본 〉
W: I can’t believe it’s finally Friday!
M: Do you have any special plans for this weekend, Amy?
W: I’m going to take an indoor rock climbing class at the gym tomorrow.
M: Cool! I’ve also wanted to try that.
W: I heard it’s good for building your upper and lower body. Do you want to go with me tomorrow?
M: I’d love to, but I can’t go tomorrow.
W: Is it because of your part-time job at the grocery store?
M: No, my father’s coming back from Chile. He went there on a business trip three months ago.
W: So you’re going to the airport to pick him up?
M: No. I’m going to prepare a special surprise party for him at home.
W: Wow! Your father will be very happy. Have a great time with your family.
M: Thanks. Let’s take the rock climbing class together next week.
W: All right.
해석 〉
여: 드디어 금요일이라니 믿어지질 않아!
남: 이번 주말에 특별한 계획이 있니, Amy?
여: 내일 체육관에서 실내 암벽 등반 수업을 받을 거야.
남: 멋지다! 나도 그것을 해 보고 싶었어.
여: 상체와 하체를 키우는 데 좋다고 들었어. 내일 나와 함께 갈래?
남: 그러고 싶지만, 내일은 못 가.
여: 식료품점에서 하는 아르바이트 때문이니?
남: 아니, 아버지가 칠레에서 돌아오셔. 거기로 석 달 전에 출장 가셨
여: 그래서 아버지를 모시러 공항에 가려는 거구나?
남: 아니. 집에서 아버지를 위한 특별 깜짝 파티를 준비할 거야.
여: 와! 아버지가 매우 행복하시겠다. 가족들과 즐거운 시간 보내.
남: 고마워. 다음 주에 암벽 등반 수업을 같이 받자.
여: 좋아.
문제 해설 〉 여자가 내일 실내 암벽 등반 수업을 받을 예정이라고 하자 남자가 자신도 그것을 해 보고 싶었지만, 내일은 출장 갔다가 돌아오 시는 아버지를 위한 파티 준비를 해야 해서 갈 수 없다고 대답했다. 따라서 남자가 내일 실내 암벽 등반 수업에 참여할 수 없는 이유는 ③ 이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
• indoor 실내의
• rock climbing 암벽 등반
• part-time job 아르바이트, 시간제 근무
• grocery store 식료품점
• go on a business trip 출장을 가다[다니다]

정답 〉 ①
소재 〉 운동용품 구입
대본 〉
M: Welcome to Tiger Sporting Goods. How may I help you?
W: Hi, I’m looking for a set of dumbbells.
M: We have dumbbell sets ranging from 1 kg to 10 kg.
W: I think 2 kg dumbbells would be good for me. How much are they?
M: They are $10 for a set.
W: Good! I’ll take one set. Do you also have yoga mats?
M: Sure. What kind of yoga mat are you looking for?
W: I’m looking for one with straps because I’m going to bring it to my outdoor yoga class.
M: Then this one will be perfect for you. It’s $20.
W: I’ll take two because I’m planning to take the class with my daughter.
M: All right. You’re getting one set of dumbbells and two yoga mats, right?
W: Yeah, can I use this discount coupon now?
M: Sure. With that coupon, you will get 10% off the total price.
W: Great. Here’s my credit card.
해석 〉
남: Tiger Sporting Goods에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 무엇을 도와 드릴까요?
여: 안녕하세요, 아령 한 세트를 찾고 있어요.
남: 1킬로그램부터 10킬로그램에 이르는 아령 세트가 있어요.
여: 2킬로그램 아령이 저에게 좋을 것 같아요. 그것은 얼마인가요?

남: 한 세트에 10달러예요.
여: 좋아요! 한 세트를 살게요. 요가 매트도 있나요?
남: 물론이죠. 어떤 종류의 요가 매트를 찾으세요?
여: 제 야외 요가 수업에 가지고 갈 거라서 끈이 달린 것을 찾고 있 어요.
남: 그러면 이게 손님에게 완벽할 거예요. 20달러입니다.
여: 딸과 함께 수업을 들을 계획이라서 두 개를 살게요.
남: 알겠어요. 아령 한 세트와 요가 매트 두 개를 구매하시는 거예요, 그렇죠?
여: 네, 이 할인 쿠폰을 지금 쓸 수 있나요?
남: 물론이죠. 그 쿠폰으로 총 가격에서 10퍼센트 할인을 받으실 수 있어요.
여: 좋네요. 여기 제 신용 카드가 있습니다.
문제 해설 〉 세트당 10달러인 아령 한 세트와 한 개에 20달러인 요가 매트 두 개를 사기로 하여, 총 50달러를 지불해야 하는데, 총 가격에 서 10퍼센트(5달러)를 할인받을 수 있으므로, 여자가 지불할 금액은
① ‘45달러’이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
• dumbbell 아령
• range from ~ to ... 범위가 ~에서 ⋯에 이르다
• strap 끈
• outdoor 야외의

정답 〉 ③
소재 〉 동물 보호소 자원봉사 오리엔테이션
대본 〉
W: Patrick, what are you looking at on your smartphone?
M: I’m looking at a volunteer program at the animal shelter. They’re having an orientation. Do you want to join me?
W: Sure! I love animals! When’s the orientation?
M: It’s next Saturday, the 15th, from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.
W: Perfect. I’m free on that day. Where is it?
M: At East Valley Animal Shelter.
W: I know where that is. It’s only 20 minutes away from my house. How can I sign up for the orientation?
M: You can download a sign-up form from their website and send it by email.
W: Then I’ll do that this evening.
M: Okay. Oh, there’s one more thing. The website says that we should wear long pants and closed-toe shoes.
W: I see. I’ll keep that in mind.
해석 〉
여: Patrick, 스마트폰으로 무엇을 보고 있니?
남: 동물 보호소에서의 자원봉사 프로그램을 보고 있어. 오리엔테이 션을 할 거래. 나랑 같이 갈래?
여: 물론이지! 나는 동물을 좋아해! 오리엔테이션이 언제야?
남: 다음 주 토요일 15일 오전 9시부터 오전 10시까지야.
여: 아주 좋아. 나는 그날 한가해. 어디에서 해?
남: East Valley 동물 보호소야.
여: 그게 어디에 있는지 알아. 우리 집에서 불과 20분 거리야. 오리엔 테이션을 어떻게 신청하면 돼?
남: 웹사이트에서 신청서를 내려받아서 이메일로 보내면 돼.
여: 그러면 오늘 저녁에 그것을 해야겠어.
남: 좋아. 아, 한 가지 더 있어. 웹사이트에 따르면 우리는 긴 바지를 입고 앞이 막혀 있는 신발을 신어야 한대.
여: 그렇구나. 그것을 명심할게.
문제 해설 〉 일시(next Saturday, the 15th, from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.), 장소(East Valley Animal Shelter), 신청 방법(download a sign-up form from their website and send it by email), 참 가 복장(long pants and closed-toe shoes)은 언급되었지만, ③ ‘인원 제한’은 언급되지 않았다.
어휘와 어구 〉
• volunteer 자원봉사(의)
• animal shelter 동물 보호소
• sign up for ~에 신청하다
• sign-up form 신청서

정답 〉 ④
소재 〉 도시 양봉 강좌
대본 〉
W: Are you interested in learning about bees or becoming a beekeeper? Then, why don’t you join our Urban Beekeeping Course? Beekeeping can be done on a smaller scale at home in an urban environment as well as in rural areas. This course is designed for beginners. Our two-day beginner beekeeping course will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on February 22 and 23. The course fee is $75 per person and a beekeeping book   is included in the fee. A hands-on hive visit is also included, but it is not conducted during class time. It’s scheduled later in mid-March when the weather  is warm enough. Advance registration is required for this course, and registration confirmation is issued by email when payment is received. For more information, please visit our website.
해석 〉
여: 벌에 대해 배우거나 양봉가가 되는 것에 관심이 있으십니까? 그 렇다면, 저희 도시 양봉 강좌에 참여해 보시는 것이 어떠십니까? 양봉은 시골 지역뿐만 아니라 도시 환경의 가정에서도 소규모로 이뤄질 수 있습니다. 이 강좌는 초보자를 위해 만들어져 있습니 다. 이틀간의 초보자 양봉 강좌는 2월 22일과 23일 오전 8시 30 분부터 오후 5시까지 진행될 예정입니다. 강좌 수강료는 1인당 75달러이고 양봉 책이 수강료에 포함됩니다. 실제 벌통 견학도 포함되지만, 수업 시간 중에는 실시되지 않습니다. 그것은 나중
에 날씨가 충분히 따뜻해지는 3월 중순에 예정되어 있습니다. 이 강좌에는 사전 등록이 필요하며, 지불이 이루어지면 이메일로 등 록 확인서가 발부됩니다. 더 많은 정보를 위해서는, 저희 웹사이 트를 방문하세요.
문제 해설 〉 벌통 견학이 수업 시간 중에는 실시되지 않는다고 했으므 로, 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은 ④이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
• urban 도시의
• beekeeping 양봉
• rural 시골의
• hands-on 실제의, 직접 해 보는
• hive 벌통, 벌집
• conduct 실시하다
• advance 사전의
• issue 발부하다

정답 〉 ④
소재 〉 엄마와 아이를 위한 수영 수업
대본 〉
M: Honey, what are you looking at on the Internet?
W: I’m thinking of taking a swimming class with Jessica starting next month. Can you help me choose one?
M: Sure! Let me have a look. [Pause] I think Waterfront Park is too far from here. It’ll take more than an hour by car.
W: You’re right. I won’t take that one.
M: And you can’t take this class either because Jessica is four years old.
W: Right. Then this class is out too.
M: Now let’s consider the class time. What time do you prefer, honey?
W: Jessica usually takes a nap between 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., so I prefer a morning class.
M: Then you have only two options. Which one do you want to take?
W: I’ll take this one because Jessica and I are absolute beginners.
M: Good. Then why don’t you register for this one right now?
W: Okay, I will. I hope Jessica enjoys the class.
M: I hope so, too.
해석 〉
남: 여보, 인터넷에서 무엇을 보고 있어요?
여: 다음 달부터 Jessica와 수영 수업을 받을까 생각 중이에요. 하나 고르는 것을 도와줄래요?
남: 물론이죠! 어디 볼게요. [잠시 후] Waterfront Park는 여기서 너 무 멀다고 생각해요. 차로 한 시간이 넘게 걸릴 거예요.
여: 맞아요. 그 수업은 듣지 않겠어요.
남: 그리고 Jessica가 네 살이라서 이 수업도 받을 수가 없어요.
여: 맞아요. 그러면 이 수업도 제외네요.
남: 이제 수업 시간을 고려해 보죠. 몇 시가 더 좋아요, 여보?
여: Jessica가 보통 오후 2시에서 4시 사이에 낮잠을 자니까 오전 수 업이 더 좋아요.
남: 그러면 당신이 선택할 수 있는 것은 딱 두 개예요. 어떤 수업을 받고 싶어요?
여: Jessica와 나는 완전 초보자이니까 이 수업을 받을게요. 남: 좋아요. 그러면 지금 바로 이 수업에 등록하는 게 어때요? 여: 네, 그럴게요. Jessica가 그 수업을 좋아하면 좋겠어요. 남: 나도 그러길 바라요.
문제 해설 〉 장소가 Waterfront Park가 아니어야 하고, 네 살을 위한 수업 중 오전에 실시되는, 초보자를 위한 수업에 등록하기로 했으므 로, 여자가 선택할 수영 수업은 ④이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
• take a nap 낮잠을 자다
• register for ~에 등록하다

정답 〉 ④
소재 〉 가족 여행
대본 〉
M: Good morning, Jennifer. How was your holiday?
W: It was fantastic! My husband and I had a great time fishing and hiking. The weather was also perfect. How about you?
M: Well... there were good things and bad things about my holiday.
W: What happened? You said all your family was supposed to go to the beach, right?
M: Yeah. After we arrived at the hotel, it suddenly started raining a lot.
W: Oh, no. You had planned on doing water sports!
M: We couldn’t go kayaking or surfing because of the strong winds and heavy rain.
W: Sorry to hear that. You must have been upset.
M: Yeah, but there were also some positives.
W: Really? What were the good things?
M: Actually, I brought some board games with me, just in case. The whole family played board games together.
W: Wow, you must have had a lot of fun.
M: Yeah, we really had a great time. We laughed and talked the whole time.
해석 〉
남: 안녕하세요, Jennifer. 휴가는 어땠어요?
여: 환상적이었어요! 남편과 나는 낚시와 하이킹을 하며 즐거운 시간

을 보냈어요. 날씨도 완벽했어요. 당신은 어땠어요?
남: 음… 내 휴가에는 좋은 것과 나쁜 것이 있었어요.
여: 무슨 일이 있었던 거죠? 가족 모두가 바닷가에 가기로 했다고 말 했잖아요, 맞죠?
남: 그래요. 호텔에 도착한 후에 갑자기 비가 많이 오기 시작했어요.
여: 아, 저런. 수상 스포츠 하는 것을 계획했었잖아요!
남: 강한 바람과 폭우 때문에 카약이나 서핑하러 갈 수 없었어요.
여: 그 말을 들으니 안타깝네요. 속상했겠어요. 남: 그래요, 하지만 긍정적인 것들도 있었어요. 여: 정말요? 좋은 점이 무엇이었어요?
남: 사실, 만약의 경우를 대비해서 내가 보드게임을 좀 가져갔었어 요. 우리 가족 모두가 함께 보드게임을 했어요.
여: 와, 정말 재미있었겠네요.
남: 그래요, 우리는 정말 즐거운 시간을 보냈어요. 우리는 내내 웃고 이야기했죠.
여: 잘됐네요. 나쁜 날씨가 당신 가족의 유대감을 강화하는 데 도움이 되었네요.
문제 해설 〉 남자는 가족들과 바닷가로 여행을 갔지만 강한 바람과 폭 우 때문에 수상 스포츠는 하지 못한 대신 가족 모두가 함께 보드게임 을 하며 즐거운 시간을 보냈다고 말했다. 따라서 남자의 마지막 말에 대한 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것은 ④이다.
① 미안해요. 내가 다음번에 보드게임을 좀 빌려줄게요.
② 맞아요. 서핑하러 갈 때 조심해야 해요.
③ 걱정 마세요. 인터넷으로 다른 호텔을 예약할 수 있어요.
⑤ 신경 쓰지 마요. 일기 예보는 대부분의 경우에는 맞았어요.
어휘와 어구 〉
• be supposed to do ~하기로 되어 있다
• strengthen 강화하다
• bond 유대

정답 〉 ②
소재 〉 실패 박물관
대본 〉
W: Hello, Nathan. Did you have a nice weekend?
M: Hi, Stacy. I went to the Museum of Failure, downtown.
W: The Museum of Failure? What’s that?
M: It’s a museum for failed products from the world’s best-known companies.
W: Interesting. Why do they show off the story of failure?
M: I think the museum wants to deliver the message that we need to admit our failures to truly succeed.
W: I see, but we usually don’t want to be reminded of our failures.
M: We all have a fear of failure, but I don’t think we have to. Do you know how I developed the recipe for my restaurant’s new dish?
W: No. How did you develop it?
M: Actually, I went over all of my failed recipes and figured out what was wrong. Then I succeeded in developing a new one.
W: Wow, you mean your failure was the mother of your success?
해석 〉
여: 안녕하세요, Nathan. 즐거운 주말 보냈어요?
남: 안녕하세요, Stacy. 나는 시내에 실패 박물관에 다녀왔어요.
여: 실패 박물관이요? 그게 뭔데요?
남: 세계에서 가장 유명한 회사들의 실패한 제품을 위한 박물관이 에요.
여: 재미있네요. 그들은 왜 실패담을 자랑하나요?
남: 진정으로 성공하기 위해서는 우리가 실패를 인정해야 할 필요가 있다는 메시지를 박물관이 전하고자 한다고 생각해요.
여: 그렇군요, 하지만 우리는 보통 실패를 다시 떠올리게 되는 것을 원하지 않죠.
남: 우리는 모두 실패를 두려워하지만, 그래야만 한다고는 생각하지 않아요. 내가 어떻게 내 레스토랑의 새 요리에 대한 조리법을 개 발했는지 아세요?
여: 아니요. 어떻게 그것을 개발했어요?
남: 사실, 내가 실패한 조리법을 모두 검토해 보고 무엇이 잘못되었 는지 알아냈어요. 그러고 나서 새 조리법을 개발하는 데 성공했 어요.
여: 와, 당신의 실패가 성공의 어머니였다는 거군요?
남: 맞아요. 실패를 받아들이는 것이 내 성공의 비결이었어요.
문제 해설 〉 남자가 실패했던 조리법을 모두 검토해 보고 난 후 자신의 새 조리법을 개발하는 데 성공했다고 말하자, 여자가 실패가 성공의 어머니였는지 묻고 있으므로, 여자의 마지막 말에 대한 남자의 응답 으로 가장 적절한 것은 ②이다.
① 사실, 내 요리법을 그들에게 이미 팔았어요.
③ 미안해요. 그들은 더 이상 그 특별 메뉴를 갖고 있지 않아요.
④ 그래요. 제 생각에는 우리가 온라인으로 박물관 표를 살 수 있을 것 같아요.
⑤ 좋은 생각이에요. 우리의 실수를 줄이는 법을 알아내는 것이 중요 해요.
어휘와 어구 〉
• show off ~을 자랑하다
• deliver (메시지를) 전하다
• admit 인정하다
• recipe 조리법, 요리법

정답 〉 ③
소재 〉 십 대 자녀 대하기에 대한 조언
대본 〉
M: Oliver has a 14-year-old son, Steve. They used to be really close before Steve entered middle school. Now
that Steve is a middle school student, all he seems to  do is listen to music with his headphones on and he rarely talks to Oliver. Oliver is unhappy about this. Oliver remembers that his older sister Melanie also had a similar experience with her teenage daughter. Oliver asks Melanie for advice about how to deal with his teenage son. Melanie wants to suggest that Oliver try taking an interest in things that Steve likes. In this situation, what would Melanie most likely say to Oliver?
해석 〉
남: Oliver에게는 14세의 아들 Steve가 있습니다. 그들은 Steve가 중학교에 들어가기 전에는 정말로 가깝게 지냈습니다. Steve가 중학생이 되니 그가 하는 것처럼 보이는 일이라곤 자신의 헤드폰 을 끼고 음악을 듣는 것뿐이고 Oliver에게 거의 말을 걸지 않습 니다. Oliver는 이것에 대해 속이 상합니다. Oliver는 자신의 누 나인 Melanie 역시 그녀의 십 대 딸과 비슷한 경험을 했다는 것 을 기억합니다. Oliver는 Melanie에게 자신의 십 대 아들을 어 떻게 다루어야 할지에 대해 조언을 구합니다. Melanie는 Oliver 에게 Steve가 좋아하는 것에 관심을 가져 볼 것을 제안하고 싶습 니다. 이런 상황에서, Melanie는 Oliver에게 뭐라고 말하겠습 니까?
Melanie: Steve가 좋아하는 것에 관심을 가져 보는 것이 어떨까? 문제 해설 〉 Oliver가 십 대 아들인 Steve를 어떻게 다루어야 할지 에 대해 자신의 누나인 Melanie에게 조언을 구하자, Melanie는 Steve가 좋아하는 것에 관심을 가져 보라고 제안하려는 상황이므로, Melanie가 Oliver에게 할 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ③이다.
① Steve에게 너의 속상함을 말하는 것이 좋겠어.
② 나는 네가 세대 차이를 고려해야 한다고 생각해.
④ 부모들은 자신의 감정을 다른 어른들에게 말할 필요가 있어.
⑤ Steve를 재미있는 활동에 가입시키는 것이 어때?
어휘와 어구 〉
• take an interest in ~에 관심을 갖다
• generation gap 세대 차이
• share 말하다, 이야기하다

정답 〉 16 ② 17 ④
소재 〉 멸종 위기에 처한 식품
대본 〉
W: Hello, everyone. Last class, we learned about the causes of climate change. Today we’re going to talk about how climate change will have a negative impact on our food production. Endangered lists are no longer just for animals. The following foods are so-called “endangered
foods.” One of them is coffee. Coffee plantations in South America, Africa, and Hawaii are being threatened by rising air temperatures and unstable rainfall patterns. Second, peanuts require consistently warm temperatures and 20 to 40 inches of rain over five months. Because of long-term droughts, these plants are finding it very difficult to stay alive. Third, wheat  is becoming endangered, too. In the coming decades,  at least one-quarter of the world’s wheat production will be lost. Lastly, climate change is affecting the world’s aquaculture as well. As the water temperature rises, salmon populations will decline because they depend on cold water for reproduction. Now let’s have a look at some graphs of recent global changes in temperature.
해석 〉
여: 안녕하세요, 여러분. 지난 수업 시간에 우리는 기후 변화의 원인 에 대해 학습했습니다. 오늘은 기후 변화가 우리의 식품 생산에 어떻게 부정적인 영향을 미치게 될 것인지에 대해 이야기해 보 겠습니다. 멸종 위기 목록은 더 이상 동물에게만 해당되지 않습 니다. 다음의 식품은 이른바 ‘멸종 위기 식품’입니다. 그중 하나 는 커피입니다. 남아메리카, 아프리카, 그리고 하와이의 커피 농 장은 대기 온도 상승과 불안정한 강우 패턴으로 위협받고 있습니 다. 둘째, 땅콩은 지속적으로 따뜻한 온도와 5개월 넘게 20에서 40인치의 비가 필요합니다. 장기간의 가뭄 때문에, 이 식물은 연 명하는 것에 매우 어려움을 겪고 있습니다. 셋째, 밀 또한 멸종 위기에 처해 있습니다. 앞으로 수십 년 후에, 세계 밀 생산의 최 소 4분의 1은 사라질 것입니다. 마지막으로, 기후 변화는 세계의 수산 양식에도 또한 영향을 미치고 있습니다. 수온이 올라감에 따 라, 연어 개체 수가 감소할 것인데, 그것들은 번식을 위해 차가운 물에 의존하기 때문입니다. 이제 최근의 세계 기온 변화에 대한 그래프를 좀 살펴봅시다.
문제 해설 〉
16 기후 변화가 식품 생산에 어떻게 부정적인 영향을 미치는지에 대 해 설명하고 있으므로, 여자가 하는 말의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은 ② ‘기후 변화에 의해 위협받는 식품’이다.
① 식품 생산을 향상시키는 방법
③ 유기농 식품을 먹는 영양상의 이점
④ 기후 변화가 인간의 건강에 미치는 영향
⑤ 기후 변화와 해수면 상승의 세계적인 추세
17 커피, 땅콩, 밀, 연어는 언급되었지만, 쌀은 언급되지 않았으므 로, 언급된 식품이 아닌 것은 ④ ‘쌀’이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
• endangered 멸종 위기에 처한
• plantation (커피, 설탕 등을 재배하는 대규모) 농장
• unstable 불안정한
• rainfall 강우
• consistently 지속적으로, 끊임없이
• drought 가뭄

Posted by 최 샘

2020년, ebs, 수능완성, 실전 모의고사, 영어듣기, 4회 정답, 및 대본

정답 〉 ⑤
소재 〉 새로운 동네의 장점
대본 〉
W: Michael, I heard you recently moved. How’s your new neighborhood?
M: So far, so good. I really like it.
W: That’s great. What do you like so much about it?
해석 〉
여: Michael, 최근에 이사했다고 들었어요. 새 동네는 어때요?
남: 지금까지는 좋아요. 동네가 정말 마음에 들어요.
여: 잘됐네요. 어떤 게 그렇게 마음에 들어요?
남: 걸어서 갈 수 있는 거리 내에 좋은 음식점들이 많아요.
문제 해설 〉 새로 이사한 동네가 정말 좋다는 남자에게 여자가 어떤 점 이 좋은지 묻고 있으므로, 남자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것은 ⑤이다.
① 그건 빠른 속도로 작동하고 내구성이 매우 강해요.
② 저는 언제 이사를 갈지 가능한 한 빨리 결정해야 해요.
③ 집세가 너무 비싸서 새로운 아파트를 찾고 있어요.
④ 우리 집 거실에 있는 가구 색깔이 너무 싫어요.
어휘와 어구 〉
• neighborhood 동네, 지역
• walking distance 걸어서 갈 수 있는 거리

정답 〉 ②
소재 〉 잡지 구매
대본 〉
M: Hello. Can I help you find anything?
W: Yeah. I’m looking for the October issue of the magazine Trendy. I don’t see it here on the shelf.
M: I’m sorry, but it’ll be in next Monday.


해석 〉
남: 안녕하세요. 뭐 찾으시는 거 도와 드릴까요?
여: 네. 저는 Trendy 잡지 10월호를 찾고 있어요. 여기 책꽂이에는 보이지 않네요.
남: 죄송하지만, 다음 주 월요일에 들어올 거예요.

정답 〉 ③
소재 〉 업무 스트레스 해소
대본 〉
여: 알겠어요. 그러면 다음 주에 다시 올게요.
문제 해설 〉 Trendy라는 잡지를 찾는 여자에게 남자가 그 잡지는 다 음 주 월요일에 들어올 거라고 말했으므로, 여자의 응답으로 가장 적 절한 것은 ②이다.
① 그렇군요. 지금 제가 가서 책꽂이를 확인해 볼게요.
③ 네. 당신은 훌륭한 잡지 편집자가 되실 거예요.
④ 좋아요. 다 팔리기 전에 지금 가져갈게요.
⑤ 아쉬워요. 여기 좀 더 일찍 오셨어야 했어요.
어휘와 어구 〉
• issue (정기 간행물의) 호
• shelf 책꽂이, 선반

정답 〉 ④
소재 〉 건물 페인트칠을 위한 이동 주차
대본 〉
W: Good morning, residents. I’m Maria Smith, building manager. As you know, we will begin painting the outside of the building tomorrow. Please take the following precautions to protect your vehicles. If your vehicle is in parking lot A, the one in front of the building, please move it to one of the other parking lots. Some of the paint may get on the cars, so be sure to move your car out of parking lot A. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the management office. Thank you for your cooperation.
해석 〉
여: 좋은 아침입니다, 주민 여러분. 저는 건물 관리인 Maria Smith 입니다. 아시다시피, 내일 우리 건물의 외벽에 페인트칠을 시작 할 것입니다. 여러분의 차량을 보호하기 위하여 다음의 예방 조치 를 취해 주시기 바랍니다. 여러분의 차량이 건물 앞에 있는 주차 장인 A 주차장에 있다면, 차를 다른 주차장 중 하나로 이동하십 시오. 페인트 일부가 차에 묻을 수도 있으므로, A 주차장에서 반 드시 차를 이동해 주시기 바랍니다. 문의 사항이 있으면, 편하게 관리 사무소에 연락하십시오. 협조해 주셔서 감사합니다.
문제 해설 〉 건물 외벽에 페인트칠을 시작하게 되는데, 페인트가 차에 묻을 수 있으니 A 주차장에 있는 차를 이동 주차해 달라는 내용이므 로, 여자가 하는 말의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은 ④이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
• take precautions 예방 조치를 취하다
• vehicle 차량
W: I’m going home. See you tomorrow, John.
M: Okay, Linda. Looks like you’ve been really stressed out about our project recently.
W: Yeah. I’ve been so worried about meeting our deadline.
M: If you arrive home stressed, your family can feel it.
W: I know. That worries me. I feel that I’m less patient with my family due to work pressures.
M: That happens to me sometimes, too. So I try to relieve my work stress before I get home. I think you should do so, too.
W: What do you do?
M: Well, I just try to take my mind off of work. Sometimes I take a walk around the park near my house or drop by a bookstore to browse some books before I go home.
W: Sounds like a good idea.
M: Try that. If you get rid of your stress from work before you get home, you’ll be much calmer around your family.
W: Okay. I’ll try that today. Thanks for the advice.
M: No problem.
해석 〉
여: 저는 집에 갑니다. 내일 봐요, John.
남: 그래요, Linda. 요즈음 우리 프로젝트로 인해 스트레스를 많이 받아 온 것처럼 보여요.
여: 네. 마감일을 맞추는 것에 대해 굉장히 걱정해 왔어요.
남: 스트레스를 받은 채로 집에 도착하면, 가족들이 그걸 느낄 수 있 어요.
여: 알아요. 그게 걱정돼요. 저는 일의 압박 때문에 가족들에게 인내 심이 약해진 걸 느껴요.
남: 저에게도 가끔 그런 일이 생겨요. 그래서 저는 집에 가기 전에 업무 스트레스를 풀려고 노력해요. 당신도 그렇게 하셔야 할 것 같아요.
여: 뭘 하는데요?
남: 음, 저는 그냥 일에 대해 잊어버리려고 해요. 가끔 저는 집에 가 기 전에 집 근처 공원을 산책하거나 서점에 들러 책을 몇 권 훑어 봐요.
여: 좋은 생각인 것 같아요.
남: 그렇게 해 보세요. 집에 도착하기 전에 직장에서의 스트레스를 해 소하시면, 가족과 있을 때 훨씬 더 평온할 거예요.
여: 알았어요. 오늘 해 볼게요. 조언해 주셔서 고마워요.
남: 별말씀을요.
문제 해설 〉 남자는 자신의 업무 스트레스를 가족이 느낄까 봐 걱정하 는 여자에게 집에 도착하기 전에 여러 방법으로 업무로 인한 스트레 스를 해소할 것을 권하고 있다. 따라서 남자의 의견으로 가장 적절한 것은 ③이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
• patient 인내심이 있는
• relieve 풀다, 완화하다
• take one’s mind off of ~을 잊어버리다, ~으로부터 마음을 돌 리다
• drop by ~에 들르다
• browse 훑어보다

정답 〉 ④
소재 〉 요리사에 관한 다큐멘터리 제작
대본 〉
M: Good afternoon, Ms. Norman.
W: Good afternoon, Mr. Brown. Thank you for taking the time to meet me today.
M: My pleasure.
W: I’ve always admired your passion for food. You’ve been in this field for 40 years, right?
M: That’s right. For the last 40 years I’ve been cooking, tasting, and trying out new recipes.
W: And you won the National Cooking Competition last year. That must have been a real pleasure.
M: Sure, but what brings me real joy is the experience of being fully engaged in what I’m doing.
W: Well, that’s one reason I’d like to direct a documentary about you. I want to share your passion and experiences that go into being a chef.
M: Sounds fascinating. How do you plan on filming it?
W: The cameras would follow you around during your daily life, like when you’re cooking or buying ingredients.
M: So I’d need to get used to cameras always around me.
W: [Laughing] Yes. I brought an outline of the documentary.
If you’d like, I can show it to you now.
M: Sure.
해석 〉
남: 안녕하세요, Norman 씨.
여: 안녕하세요, Brown 씨. 오늘 시간 내서 저를 만나 주셔서 감사 합니다.
남: 저도 기쁩니다.
여: 저는 항상 음식에 대한 당신의 열정을 존경해 왔습니다. 40년 동 안 이 분야에 종사하셨지요, 그렇죠?
남: 맞습니다. 지난 40년 동안 저는 요리하고, 맛보고, 새로운 요리법 을 시도해 왔습니다.
여: 그리고 작년에는 전국 요리 대회에서 우승하셨지요. 정말 기쁘셨 겠네요.
남: 물론이죠, 하지만 제게 진정한 기쁨을 가져다주는 건 제가 하고
있는 일에 완전히 몰두해 있는 경험입니다.
여: 음, 그게 제가 당신에 대한 다큐멘터리를 감독하고 싶은 한 가지 이유입니다. 저는 요리사가 되는 데 쏟는 당신의 열정과 경험을 나누고 싶습니다.
남: 그것 참 흥미진진하겠군요. 어떻게 찍으실 계획입니까?
여: 당신의 일상생활, 예를 들면 당신이 요리를 하거나 재료를 살 때 카메라가 당신을 따라다닐 겁니다.
남: 그러면 저는 항상 제 주변에 카메라가 있는 것에 익숙해져야 하겠 군요.
여: [웃음소리] 네. 제가 그 다큐멘터리의 개요를 가져왔습니다. 원하 신다면 지금 보여 드릴 수 있습니다.
남: 물론이죠.
문제 해설 〉 요리하고, 맛보고, 새로운 요리법을 시도하는 일을 해 왔 고, 작년에는 전국 요리 대회에서 우승한 남자와 그에 관한 다큐멘터 리를 감독하고 싶어 하는 여자의 대화이므로, 두 사람의 관계를 가장 잘 나타낸 것은 ④이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
• admire 존경하다
• recipe 요리법
• fascinating 흥미진진한
• ingredient 재료

정답 〉 ⑤
소재 〉 주말 소풍
대본 〉
W: Did you have a good weekend, Kyle?
M: Yes, Ms. Jones. My family went on a picnic on Saturday. Here’s a picture of me and my dad.
W: It looks like the weather was perfect.
M: It was. And this was the perfect spot because these tree branches at the top of the picture kept us cool under the shade.
W: Nice. I love your polka-dot mat.
M: We bought it on the way to the park. It came with this heart-shaped cushion leaning against the picnic basket.
W: That’s nice. I see your dad playing the guitar.
M: Yeah. He played a few of my favorite songs.
W: That’s cool. And you’re holding a butterfly net in your hand.
M: Yeah. I caught a few insects to observe and released them later.
W: Looks like you had a wonderful picnic.
해석 〉
여: 주말 잘 보냈니, Kyle?
남: 네, Jones 선생님. 저희 가족은 토요일에 소풍을 갔어요. 여기 저 와 저희 아빠의 사진이에요.

여: 날씨가 정말 좋았던 것 같구나.
남: 그랬어요. 그리고 사진의 맨 위에 있는 이 나뭇가지들이 우리를 그늘에서 시원하게 해 주었기 때문에 이곳은 완벽한 장소였어요.
여: 좋구나. 너의 물방울무늬 매트가 정말 마음에 드네.
남: 우리는 공원에 가는 길에 그걸 샀어요. 소풍 바구니에 기대어 놓 여 있는 이 하트 모양의 쿠션이 딸려 왔어요.
여: 그거 좋네. 너희 아버지께서 기타 치시는 게 보이는구나.
남: 네. 아빠께서 제가 제일 좋아하는 노래 몇 곡을 연주하셨어요.
여: 멋지다. 그리고 너는 손에 잠자리채를 들고 있네.
남: 네. 저는 관찰할 곤충 몇 마리를 잡고는 나중에 풀어 주었어요.
여: 멋진 소풍이었던 것 같구나.
문제 해설 〉 대화에서 Kyle이 손에 잠자리채를 들고 있다고 하였으나, 제시된 그림에서 남자아이는 꽃다발을 들고 있으므로, 대화의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은 ⑤이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
• polka-dot 물방울무늬
• butterfly net 잠자리채
• observe 관찰하다
• release 풀어 주다

정답 〉 ④
소재 〉 세탁물 찾기
대본 〉
[Cell phone rings.]
W: Hi, honey. What’s up?
M: I finally finished the project I’ve been working on for months.
W: Congratulations, honey! I’m so proud of you.
M: Thanks. I left the office a little bit later than usual, but I’ll be home by 6.
W: I see. Well, I just stopped by the grocery store and I’m heading home now.
M: All right.
W: Is there anything you want me to do on my way home?
M: Sure. It’s my turn to pick up Emma from the day care center, so....
W: Oh, I can pick her up.
M: That’s okay. I’ll do that. I’ve already called the day care center and told them I’d be 30 minutes late.
W: Okay. Then what do you need me to do?
M: I need to go to the dry cleaner’s to pick up some clothes. Can you do that for me?
W: Sure. It’s Greenwood Dry Cleaner’s, right?
M: Yes. Thanks, honey. See you soon.
해석 〉
[휴대 전화가 울린다.]
여: 아, 여보. 무슨 일이에요?
남: 몇 달 동안 작업해 온 프로젝트를 드디어 마무리했어요.
여: 축하해요, 여보! 당신이 매우 자랑스러워요.
남: 고마워요. 평소보다 조금 늦게 사무실을 나섰는데, 6시까지는 집 에 갈 거예요.
여: 알겠어요. 음, 나는 방금 식료품점에 들렀다가 지금 집으로 가는 중이에요.
남: 알았어요.
여: 집에 가는 길에 제가 뭐 해 줄 거 있어요?
남: 네. 내가 어린이집에서 Emma를 데려올 차례니까⋯.
여: 오, 내가 데리러 갈 수 있어요.
남: 괜찮아요. 내가 할게요. 이미 내가 어린이집에 전화를 걸어 30분 늦을 거라고 말했어요.
여: 알았어요. 그럼 내가 뭘 해야 할까요?
남: 세탁소에 가서 옷을 좀 찾아와야 해요. 나 대신 그걸 해 줄 수 있 어요?
여: 물론이죠. Greenwood 세탁소지요, 그렇죠?
남: 네. 고마워요, 여보. 곧 봐요.
문제 해설 〉 남자는 세탁소에서 옷을 찾아오는 일을 해 줄 수 있는지 여자에게 묻고 있으므로, 남자가 여자에게 부탁한 일로 가장 적절한 것은 ④이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
• grocery store 식료품점
• head 가다, 향하다
• day care center 어린이집

정답 〉 ②
소재 〉 대학원 진학을 위한 퇴사
대본 〉
M: Lisa, I heard you’re moving back home to your country.
W: Yeah, Tom. I feel sad to leave everyone here at work.
I’ve loved working here.
M: Everybody feels the same about you. I remember you saying that you really missed your family. Is that why you’re going back?
W: I miss them, but that’s not why I’m going back.
M: Oh, okay. I hope it’s not because someone home is sick.
W: Thankfully, that’s not the reason, either. I just feel it’s time to take my career to the next level.
M: Oh, did you get a job offer from a bigger accounting firm?
W: No. I’m going to focus on my studies.
M: Is that necessary? You already have the highest-level accounting license.
W: I know, but I’ve always had an urge to study accounting more academically.
M: What do you plan on doing?
W: I got admission to a good graduate school in my home country. I’m going to study there.
M: Congratulations! That’ll be a great opportunity for you!
해석 〉
남: Lisa, 귀국하신다는 말을 들었어요.
여: 네, Tom. 여기 직장에 모든 사람들을 남겨 두고 떠나게 되어 슬 퍼요. 여기서 일하는 게 정말 좋았어요.
남: 모두가 당신에 대해 똑같은 기분이에요. 가족이 정말 그립다고 말 했던 것을 기억하는데요. 그래서 돌아가는 건가요?
여: 그들이 그립긴 한데, 그래서 돌아가는 건 아니에요.
남: 오, 그렇군요. 집에 누가 아파서 그런 게 아니었으면 좋겠네요.
여: 다행스럽게도, 그것도 이유가 아니에요. 저는 제 경력을 한 단계 더 발전시킬 때가 되었다고 느낄 뿐이에요.
남: 오, 더 큰 회계 사무소로부터 취업 제의를 받았나요?
여: 아니요. 저는 공부에 집중할 거예요.
남: 그게 필요한가요? 이미 최고 수준의 회계 자격증을 가지고 있잖 아요.
여: 알아요, 하지만 전 항상 회계학을 더 학문적으로 공부하고 싶은 욕구가 있었어요.
남: 무엇을 할 계획인가요?
여: 고국에 있는 좋은 대학원에 입학 허가를 받았어요. 그곳에서 공부 할 거예요.
남: 축하해요! 그것은 당신에게 좋은 기회가 될 거예요!
문제 해설 〉 여자는 직장을 떠나 고국으로 돌아가 회계학 공부에 집중 할 계획이라고 하면서, 고국에 있는 대학원에 입학 허가를 받아 그곳 에서 공부할 것이라고 하였다. 따라서 여자가 회사를 그만두게 된 이 유로 가장 적절한 것은 ②이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
• accounting firm 회계 사무소
• license 자격증
• urge 욕구
• academically 학문적으로, 학술적으로

정답 〉 ③
소재 〉 샴푸와 바디 워시 구매
대본 〉
W: Good afternoon. Is there anything I can help you find?
M: Yes. Where are your shampoo and body wash?
W: They’re over here. [Pause] This shampoo is $10 for one bottle. And just so you know, we have a special promotion today. If you buy one, you’ll get another one for 50% off.
M: Great. I’ll take two of them.
W: Okay. Then the second one is $5. And right behind you is the body wash.
M: Is it on sale, too?
W: No, it’s not. It’s $8 a bottle.
M: That’s okay. I’ll get two bottles.
W: If you’re going to buy two bottles of body wash, you may want to just get a family-size bottle. It’s the same amount as two bottles and it’s a dollar cheaper than buying two bottles.
M: I see. Then I’ll take a family-size bottle.
W: All right. Do you need anything else?
M: No, that’s all.
W: Then I’ll check you out at the counter.
해석 〉
여: 안녕하세요. 뭐 찾는 것 좀 도와 드릴까요?
남: 네. 샴푸와 바디 워시는 어디에 있나요?
여: 여기 있습니다. [잠시 후] 이 샴푸는 한 병에 10달러입니다. 그리 고 참고로 말씀드리자면, 오늘 특별 판촉 행사 중입니다. 하나를 사면, 다른 하나를 50퍼센트 할인받을 수 있습니다.
남: 좋아요. 두 개를 살게요.
여: 알겠습니다. 그러면 두 번째 것은 5달러입니다. 그리고 손님 바로 뒤에 바디 워시가 있습니다.
남: 그것도 할인 중인가요?
여: 아니요, 그렇지 않습니다. 그것은 한 병에 8달러입니다.
남: 괜찮아요. 두 병을 사겠어요.
여: 바디 워시 두 병을 사실 거라면, 그냥 대용량으로 한 병을 사시는 것이 좋을 거예요. 두 병과 같은 양이고 두 병을 사는 것보다 1달 러 더 쌉니다.
남: 그렇군요. 그러면 대용량으로 한 병을 살게요. 여: 알겠습니다. 그 밖에 또 필요한 것이 있나요? 남: 아니요, 그게 다입니다.
여: 그럼 계산대에서 계산해 드리겠습니다.
문제 해설 〉 남자는 10달러짜리 샴푸 두 병을 샀지만, 두 번째 것을 할 인받아 5달러에 샀으므로 샴푸 두 병에 15달러를 지불하면 된다. 또 한 한 병에 8달러인 바디 워시를 두 병 사려고 하다가(16달러), 그 보다 1달러 싼 대용량으로 한 병을 샀으므로 바디 워시에 대해서도 15달러를 지불하면 된다. 따라서 남자가 지불할 금액은 ③ ‘30달러’ 이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
• just so you know 참고로 말하자면
• promotion 판촉 행사, 판촉 활동
• family-size 대용량의

정답 〉 ⑤ 소재 〉 운동회 대본 〉
M: Mom, when do you plan on doing laundry?
W: Tomorrow. Why?
M: Because my red T-shirt is dirty and I need it for the

field day at school. Each class is wearing a different color and my class is wearing red.
W: Okay. When is the field day?
M: The day after tomorrow, at 10 a.m.
W: All right. It’ll be cleaned by then. The events are going to be outside on the playground, right?
M: Yes, and in the gym, too.
W: Will there be some races?
M: Sure. There’ll also be basketball, volleyball, and table tennis.
W: Sounds like fun. What sports are you participating in?
M: Basketball and volleyball.
W: Let me know how your team does.
M: I will, Mom. Thanks!
해석 〉
남: 엄마, 빨래 언제 하실 거예요?
여: 내일. 왜?
남: 왜냐하면 제 빨간 티셔츠가 더러운데 학교 운동회 날에 그게 필요 하거든요. 반마다 다른 색을 입을 건데 우리 반은 빨간색을 입어요.
여: 알았어. 운동회가 언제니?
남: 모레 오전 10시예요.
여: 알겠다. 그때까진 세탁될 거야. 행사는 바깥 운동장에서 열리지, 그렇지?
남: 네, 그리고 학교 체육관에서도 해요.
여: 달리기도 있니?
남: 그럼요. 농구, 배구, 탁구도 있어요.
여: 재미있겠다. 너는 어떤 경기에 참가하니?
남: 농구와 배구요.
여: 네 팀이 어떻게 하는지 알려 줘.
남: 그럴게요, 엄마. 고마워요!
문제 해설 〉 참가 복장(Each class is wearing a different color and my class is wearing red.), 개최 일시(The day after tomorrow, at 10 a.m.), 개최 장소(the playground, the gym), 경기 종목(race, basketball, volleyball, table tennis)은 언급되 었지만, ⑤ ‘우승 상품’은 언급되지 않았다.
어휘와 어구 〉
• laundry 빨래, 세탁

정답 〉 ④
소재 〉 유아기 박람회
대본 〉
M: Good morning, Green City residents! I’m Darcy Young, activity director at the Green City Community Center. Do you have a child under the age of 5? If so, you don’t want to miss the 2020 Early Childhood Fair. There, you’ll be able to get information about early childhood
education, child health and development, and community programs for children. You’ll even be able to sign up for the programs for preschoolers. The first 50 children to arrive will receive a free gift, and there will be fun activities for children. And come hungry; there will be free snacks! The 2020 Early Childhood Fair will be held on October 24 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00
p.m. at Larson Preschool. And the best part is the fair is free to attend! See you there!
해석 〉
남: 좋은 아침입니다, Green City 주민 여러분! Green City 지역 사회 센터의 활동 담당자 Darcy Young입니다. 5살 미만의 아 이가 있습니까? 그렇다면 2020 유아기 박람회를 놓치지 마세 요. 그곳에서, 여러분은 유아기 교육, 아동 건강과 발달, 그리고 아동을 위한 지역 사회 프로그램에 대한 정보를 얻을 수 있을 것 입니다. 여러분은 심지어 취학 전 아동을 위한 프로그램에 등록 할 수도 있을 것입니다. 먼저 도착한 50명의 아동은 무료 선물을 받게 될 것이고, 아동들을 위한 재미있는 활동도 있을 것입니다. 그리고 배고픈 상태로 오세요. 무료 간식이 있을 예정이니까요! 2020 유아기 박람회는 10월 24일 오전 11시부터 오후 1시까지 Larson 유치원에서 열릴 것입니다. 그리고 가장 좋은 부분은 박 람회에 무료로 참석할 수 있다는 것입니다! 거기서 뵙겠습니다!
문제 해설 〉 2020 유아기 박람회는 10월 24일 오전 11시부터 오후 1 시까지 열린다고 했으므로 2시간 동안 진행된다. 따라서 담화의 내용 과 일치하지 않는 것은 ④이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
• early childhood 유아기
• sign up for ~에 등록하다
• preschooler 취학 전의 아동

정답 〉 ④
소재 〉 공연 관람
대본 〉
W: Mr. Williams, have you decided what we’re going to do for our department get-together next month?
M: Yeah. We’re going to see a performance at Central Theater. But I still haven’t decided which one. Here’s a list of their performances next month.
W: Let me take a look. They all seem interesting. But this one seems a bit long. It’s over 100 minutes. I don’t think we should see it.
M: I agree. What type of performance do you think would be best?
W: Well, a play or musical would be fine, but I don’t think we should see a ballet. So let’s cross that out.
M: Okay. Then that leaves these three.
W: This one is quite a bit more expensive than the other two. Given the budget, I don’t think we can see it.
M: You’re right. It’s too expensive. Then it comes down to these two.
W: Hmm. They both look good. What do you think?
M: This one has a better review. Let’s go with it.
W: Okay. I’m sure it’ll be really good.
해석 〉
여: Williams 씨, 다음 달 우리 부서 모임에서 뭘 할지 결정하셨어요? 남: 네. 우리는 Central 극장에서 공연을 볼 거예요. 하지만 저는 어 느 것으로 할지 아직 결정하지 못했어요. 여기 그 극장의 다음 달
공연 목록이 있어요.
여: 제가 한번 볼게요. 모두 흥미로워 보이네요. 그런데 이건 좀 긴 것 같아요. 100분이 넘어요. 그건 보면 안 될 것 같아요.
남: 저도 동의해요. 어떤 종류의 공연이 가장 좋을 것 같으세요?
여: 글쎄요, 연극이나 뮤지컬은 괜찮겠지만, 발레는 보면 안 될 것 같 아요. 그러니 그것은 지웁시다.
남: 알았어요. 그럼 이 셋이 남네요.
여: 이건 다른 두 개보다 꽤 비싸요. 예산을 고려하면 우리가 볼 수 없을 것 같아요.
남: 옳으신 말씀이에요. 너무 비싸요. 그러면 결국 이 두 가지가 되 네요.
여: 흠. 둘 다 좋아 보여요. 어떻게 생각하세요?
남: 이게 더 평이 좋아요. 이걸로 합시다.
여: 알았어요. 정말 좋을 거라고 확신해요.
문제 해설 〉 두 사람은 100분이 넘지 않고, 발레가 아니며, 가격이 나 머지 한 개보다 높지 않은 두 개의 공연 중 평이 더 좋은 공연을 골랐 으므로, 부서 모임에서 보러 갈 공연은 ④이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
• get-together 모임, 파티
• performance 공연
• cross out ~을 지우다
• given ~을 고려하면
• budget 예산
• come down to 결국 ~이 되다

정답 〉 ⑤
소재 〉 한국 문화 및 역사 강연
대본 〉
W: Sam! I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.
M: It’s okay, Daisy. I got our tickets while I was here. Let’s go in the gallery.
W: Thanks! So this is the exhibition you talked about in our debate club meeting.
M: Yeah. I heard it’s one of the best collections of traditional Korean paintings.
W: Awesome.
M: The paintings will give you a good understanding of Korean culture and history.
W: Cool. Oh, look at this poster. The gallery is hosting lectures on different aspects of Korean culture and history every Thursday evening.
M: Wow. Korean history is what I’m really interested in. I’d love to attend some of the lectures.
W: Me, too. But I don’t think we can attend any of them until the end of the semester.
M: Why is that?
W: Because we have debate club meetings every Thursday evening during the semester.
해석 〉
여: Sam! 기다리게 해서 미안해.
남: 괜찮아, Daisy. 여기 있는 동안 우리 표를 샀어. 화랑에 들어 가자.
여: 고마워! 그러니까 이게 우리 토론 동아리 모임에서 네가 얘기했던 전시회구나.
남: 그래. 한국 전통 회화 최고의 컬렉션 중 하나라고 들었어.
여: 굉장해.
남: 그 그림들은 네가 한국 문화와 역사에 대해 잘 이해할 수 있게 해 줄 거야.
여: 멋지다. 오, 이 포스터 좀 봐. 이 화랑은 매주 목요일 저녁 한국 문화와 역사의 여러 면에 대한 강의를 주최하고 있어.
남: 와. 한국 역사는 내가 정말 관심 있는 거야. 나는 일부 강의에 참 석하고 싶어.
여: 나도. 하지만 학기 끝날 때까지 우리는 그중 어느 것에도 참석할 수 없을 것 같아.
남: 그건 왜지?
여: 우리는 학기 중 매주 목요일 저녁에 토론 동아리 모임이 있기 때 문이야.
남: 맞아. 그렇다면 방학 중에 제공되는 강의를 찾아보자.
문제 해설 〉 학기가 끝날 때까지 남자가 관심 있어 하는 분야에 대한 강의에 참석할 수 없을 거라고 말하는 여자에게 남자는 그 이유를 묻 고, 이에 대해 여자는 학기 중에는 같은 시간에 동아리 모임이 있다고 말하고 있으므로, 남자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것은 ⑤이다.
① 괜찮아. 어차피 나는 한국 역사에 관심이 없어.
② 좋아. 그럼, 강의를 위해 오늘 오후에 다시 오자.
③ 문제없어. 우리는 다른 주제로 전시회를 열 수 있어.
④ 동의해. 그러면 강의 등록을 취소하러 갈게.
어휘와 어구 〉
• gallery 화랑
• exhibition 전시회

정답 〉 ③


소재 〉 중국어 공부
대본 〉
M: Hey, Jessica. Is everything all right? You’re looking kind of down.
W: I am. I failed my Chinese test. I need to retake it next month.
M: Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that.
W: It’s just so frustrating. I studied a lot. I got all of the vocabulary questions right, but I did really bad on the pronunciation part.
M: So you pretty much just need to focus on your pronunciation.
W: Yeah. But it’s difficult to do by myself.
M: I had the same problem when I started studying Chinese, but using multimedia really helped me out.
W: Really? What did you do?
M: I watched a lot of Chinese movies and imitated the pronunciation of the actors.
W: That’s a great idea. I need to find out where I can get some Chinese movies.
M: I know some good websites where you can watch Chinese movies. I’ll send you the links to them.
해석 〉
남: 이봐, Jessica. 괜찮아? 좀 우울해 보이네.
여: 우울해. 중국어 시험에서 낙제했어. 다음 달에 재시험을 쳐야 해.
남: 오, 정말 안됐구나.
여: 그냥 정말 답답해. 공부를 많이 했어. 어휘 문제는 다 맞혔는데, 발음 부분에서 정말 못했어.
남: 그러면 거의 발음에만 집중하면 되는구나.
여: 그래. 하지만 그건 혼자 하기 어려워.
남: 나도 중국어를 공부하기 시작했을 때 같은 문제가 있었지만, 멀티 미디어를 사용하는 것이 나에게 정말 도움이 됐어.
여: 정말? 뭘 했는데?
남: 중국 영화를 많이 보고 배우들의 발음을 흉내 냈어.
여: 좋은 생각이야. 중국 영화를 어디서 좀 구할 수 있는지 알아봐야 겠어.
남: 네가 중국 영화를 볼 수 있는 좋은 웹사이트들을 좀 알고 있어. 그것들로 연결되는 링크들을 너에게 보내 줄게.
여: 고마워! 그것들을 사용하는 것이 내가 시험에 합격하는 데 도움이 되면 좋겠다.
문제 해설 〉 여자가 중국어 발음 공부를 위해 중국 영화를 구할 수 있 는 곳을 알아봐야겠다고 하자, 이에 남자는 중국 영화를 볼 수 있는 웹사이트들로 연결되는 링크들을 보내 주겠다고 말하고 있으므로, 여 자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것은 ③이다.
① 걱정 마. 나는 이미 DVD들을 반납했어.
② 잘했어! 네 발음이 많이 좋아졌구나.
④ 유감이야. 나는 중국 영화를 정말 보고 싶었어.
⑤ 물론이지! 네가 극장에서 그것들을 즐겁게 봤다니 다행이야.

어휘와 어구 〉
• down 우울한
• frustrating 답답하게 하는, 좌절감을 일으키는
• imitate 흉내 내다, 모방하다

정답 〉 ③
소재 〉 스마트폰 사용에 관한 규칙
대본 〉
M: Hannah and Steve have a 9-year-old son, Joel. They decide to buy Joel a smartphone so they can keep track of his whereabouts and quickly get in touch with him when they need to. Unfortunately, a week after buying Joel his smartphone, Hannah notices that he cannot keep his hands off his smartphone. He constantly watches videos, plays games, and texts with his friends. She thinks Joel is using his smartphone too much because she and Steve haven’t made any clear guidelines about when and how long Joel can use his smartphone. So Hannah wants to suggest to Steve that they establish a set of smartphone use rules for Joel. In this situation, what would Hannah most likely say to Steve?
해석 〉
남: Hannah와 Steve는 9살짜리 아들 Joel이 있습니다. 그들은 그 의 소재를 계속 파악하고 필요할 때 빨리 연락할 수 있도록 Joel 에게 스마트폰을 사 주기로 결정합니다. 유감스럽게도, Joel에 게 스마트폰을 사 준 지 일주일 후, Hannah는 그가 스마트폰에 서 손을 떼지 못한다는 것을 알아차립니다. 그는 끊임없이 비디 오를 보고, 게임을 하고, 그의 친구들과 문자를 주고받습니다. 그 녀는 자신과 Steve가 Joel이 스마트폰을 언제 그리고 얼마나 오 래 사용할 수 있는지에 대해 명확한 지침을 만들지 않았기 때문에 Joel이 스마트폰을 너무 많이 사용하고 있다고 생각합니다. 그 래서 Hannah는 Steve에게 그들이 Joel을 위한 일련의 스마트 폰 사용 규칙을 정할 것을 제안하고 싶어 합니다. 이런 상황에서, Hannah는 Steve에게 뭐라고 말하겠습니까?
Hannah: 우리는 Joel의 스마트폰 사용에 대한 규칙을 좀 정해야 해요.
문제 해설 〉 Hannah가 남편 Steve에게 아들 Joel이 스마트폰을 언 제 그리고 얼마나 오래 사용할 수 있는지 규칙을 정하자고 제안하고 싶어 하는 상황이므로, Hannah가 Steve에게 할 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ③이다.
① Joel의 스마트폰을 빼앗는 게 어떨까요?
② 우리는 몇 가지 안전 규칙을 미리 알아야 해요.
④ Joel의 현재 스마트폰 규칙을 완화시키는 것이 좋겠어요.
⑤ 당신이 새 스마트폰을 사고 Joel에게 당신 것을 주는 게 어때요?
어휘와 어구 〉
• keep track of ~의 소재를 계속 파악하다, ~을 추적하다
• whereabout(s) 소재, 행방
• get in touch with ~와 연락하다
• keep one’s hands off ~에서 손을 떼다

정답 〉 16 ③ 17 ④
소재 〉 동화 속 동물들이 주는 교훈
대본 〉
W: Hello, students! Last class we focused on fairy tale animals. Today, we’re going to focus on some common lessons that they teach, especially moral lessons. For example, in the tale The Crow and the Jug, the thirsty crow finds a jug with water, and patiently fills it with pebbles to raise the water level to drink. By doing so, the crow teaches us that we should never give up. Also, the duckling in The Ugly Duckling teaches us that everyone is beautiful just the way they are. In this tale, the duckling was picked on by others, but finally grows into a beautiful swan. Also, in the tale Two Goats, the goats argue and fight about who should cross the narrow bridge first. In the end, they both fall into the water. These goats teach us not to be stubborn. Finally, in The Lazy Donkey, the donkey emphasizes that we must always do our work honestly. The donkey keeps falling into the pond to reduce the weight of the salt on its back. But it falls for its own trick when the master loads it with cotton. Now let’s watch a video about these stories.
해석 〉
여: 안녕하세요, 학생 여러분! 지난 수업에서 우리는 동화 속 동물 에 초점을 맞췄습니다. 오늘 우리는 그것들이 가르쳐 주는 몇 가 지 일반적 교훈들, 특히 도덕적 교훈에 초점을 맞출 것입니다. 예 를 들어, ‘까마귀와 물병’이라는 이야기에서 목마른 까마귀는 물 이 담긴 물병을 발견하고, 수위를 높여 물을 마시기 위해 참을성 있게 그것을 조약돌로 채웁니다. 그렇게 함으로써 까마귀는 우리 에게 절대 포기해서는 안 된다고 가르칩니다. 또한, ‘미운 오리 새 끼’에 나오는 오리 새끼는 모든 이가 있는 그대로 아름답다는 것 을 우리에게 가르쳐 줍니다. 이 이야기에서, 오리 새끼는 다른 오 리들에게 괴롭힘을 당했지만, 마침내 아름다운 백조로 성장합니 다. 또한, ‘두 마리의 염소’라는 이야기에서 염소들은 누가 좁은 다리를 먼저 건너가야 하는지에 대해 언쟁하고 싸웁니다. 결국, 둘 다 물에 빠지지요. 이 염소들은 우리에게 고집부리지 말라고 가르칩니다. 마지막으로 ‘게으른 당나귀’에서 당나귀는 우리가 항 상 정직하게 일을 해야 한다고 강조합니다. 당나귀는 등에 있는 소금의 무게를 줄이기 위해 연못에 자꾸 빠집니다. 하지만, 주인 이 솜을 실을 때 자기 꾀에 넘어가지요. 이제 이 이야기들에 대한
비디오를 봅시다.
문제 해설 〉
16 여러 동화의 내용을 언급하며 동화 속 동물들이 주는 도덕적 교훈 에 대해 이야기하고 있으므로, 여자가 하는 말의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은 ③ ‘동화 속 동물들로부터의 도덕적 교훈’이다.
① 애완동물과 함께 자라는 것의 이점
② 우화에서 발견되는 문화적 차이
④ 인간이 동물 개체 수에 미치는 영향
⑤ 동물 복지에 관한 윤리적 문제
17 까마귀, 오리 새끼, 염소, 당나귀는 언급되었지만, ④ ‘쥐’는 언급 되지 않았다.
어휘와 어구 〉
• fairy tale 동화
• moral 도덕적인
• jug 물병, 주전자
• pebble 조약돌
• water level 수위
• pick on ~을 괴롭히다
• argue 언쟁하다, 다투다
• stubborn 고집스러운
• fall for ~에 넘어가다, ~에 속다
• load 싣다

Posted by 최 샘

2020년, ebs, 수능완성, 실전 모의고사, 영어듣기, 3회 정답, 및 대본

정답 〉 ④
소재 〉 안연고 구입
대본 〉
W: Excuse me, but I think you forgot to include the eye ointment.
M: Let me check. Well, the eye ointment is not included in your prescription.
W: Oh, my doctor must have forgotten to add it to the prescription. Can I buy it over the counter?

해석 〉
여: 죄송하지만, 안연고를 포함시키는 것을 잊으신 것 같아요.
남: 확인해 보겠습니다. 음, 안연고는 고객님의 처방전에 포함되어 있지 않아요.
여: 아, 의사 선생님이 그것을 처방전에 추가하는 것을 잊으신 것이 틀림없어요. 그것을 처방전 없이 살 수 있을까요?
남: 죄송하지만, 처방전 없이는 그것을 구입할 수 없어요.
문제 해설 〉 여자는 안연고를 처방전 없이 살 수 있는지 물어보고 있 다. 따라서 남자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것은 ④이다.
① 다시 한번 봐 주세요. 분명히 제가 그것을 고객님께 드렸어요.
② 맞아요. 안연고가 알약보다 더 효과가 있어요.
③ 물론이죠. 고객님의 처방전을 제출하시고 나중에 다시 오세요.
⑤ 걱정하지 마세요. 이 연고는 콘택트렌즈와 함께 사용해도 안전 해요.
어휘와 어구 〉
• ointment 연고
• prescription 처방전
• over the counter 처방전 없이 (살 수 있는)
• purchase 구입하다

정답 〉 ④
소재 〉 유통 기한이 지난 우유
대본 〉
M: Honey, this milk smells sour. It must have gone bad.
W: But I just bought it yesterday. Let me try it.
M: You’d better not. Look. It’s past the expiration date.
Let’s just dump it out.
해석 〉
남: 여보, 이 우유에서 시큼한 냄새가 나요. 상한 게 틀림없어요.
여: 하지만 바로 어제 그것을 샀어요. 내가 먹어 볼게요.
남: 그러지 않는 게 좋겠어요. 봐요. 그것은 유통 기한이 지났어요. 그것을 그냥 버립시다.
여: 아니, 잠깐만요. 내가 가게에 다시 가서 환불을 요청할게요.
문제 해설 〉 남자는 우유의 유통 기한이 지났으니 그냥 버리자고 말한 다. 따라서 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것은 ④이다.
① 따뜻한 우유를 약간 마시는 게 어때요?
② 아니, 괜찮아요. 우유를 마시면 배탈이 나요.
③ 걱정하지 말아요. 내가 이미 부엌의 싱크대를 청소했어요.
⑤ 당신이 마지막으로 식료품을 사러 간 것이 언제였죠?
어휘와 어구 〉
• expiration date 유통 기한

정답 〉 ⑤
소재 〉 학생들의 엘리베이터 이용
대본 〉
W: Good morning, students. This is your vice principal speaking. I would like to talk about the new elevator. One of the main reasons the elevator was installed is   to help students who are physically unable to use the stairs. In order to use the elevator, students need a note from the nursing teacher, directly stating that they’re unable to use the stairs. However, a lot of students who are not supposed to use the elevator are still using it. Some students are riding the elevator with their injured friend who doesn’t need help, but this is not a valid reason. I’m not just concerned about the elevator being misused. I am concerned about the impact on the environment and on your health. We need to save energy and students need exercise. Please use the stairs and leave the elevator to those in need. Thanks for your cooperation.
해석 〉
여: 안녕하세요, 학생 여러분. 저는 교감입니다. 저는 새 엘리베이터 에 대한 이야기를 하고 싶습니다. 엘리베이터가 설치된 주된 이유 중 하나는 신체적으로 계단을 이용할 수 없는 학생들을 돕기 위한 것입니다. 엘리베이터를 이용하기 위해서, 학생들은 그들이 계단 을 이용할 수 없다는 것을 직접적으로 명시한 보건 선생님의 확인

서가 필요합니다. 그러나, 엘리베이터를 이용하지 않아야 할 많 은 학생들이 여전히 그것을 이용하고 있습니다. 몇몇 학생들은 도 움이 필요 없는 다친 친구와 함께 엘리베이터에 타는데, 이것은 정당한 이유가 아닙니다. 저는 엘리베이터가 잘못 사용되고 있는 것만을 걱정하는 것이 아닙니다. 저는 환경과 여러분의 건강에 미 치는 영향을 걱정하는 것입니다. 우리는 에너지를 절약해야 하고 학생들은 운동이 필요합니다. 계단을 이용하고 엘리베이터는 어 려움에 처한 사람들에게 남겨 주세요. 여러분의 협조에 감사드립 니다.
문제 해설 〉 여자는 교감이며, 몸이 불편하지 않아 계단을 이용할 수 있는 학생들은 엘리베이터 이용을 자제해 달라고 학생들에게 요청 하고 있다. 따라서 여자가 하는 말의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은
어휘와 어구 〉
• install 설치하다
• physically 신체적으로
• valid 정당한, 타당한
• be concerned about ~을 걱정하다

정답 〉 ①
소재 〉 스마트폰 중독의 징후
대본 〉
W: Hi, Dr. Young. Congratulations on your new book release.
M: Thank you, Deborah. And it’s a great honor to be invited on your show.
W: Our pleasure. First off, what made you decide to write a book about smartphone addiction?
M: Well, I thought it’s a growing problem in society, especially among young people.
W: I agree. How would we know if someone has smartphone addiction?
M: First of all, they probably spend more time using their phone than hanging out with their family or friends.
W: So, you are saying that if a person chooses their phone over people, then they may have smartphone addiction.
M: That’s right. Neglecting oneself is another sign. For my book, I interviewed someone who uses his phone for about 15 hours a day, and he often skips eating and washing.
W: 15 hours! Every day?
M: Yeah. And he even feels anxious when he’s not using his phone.
W: That must really affect his ability to develop personal relationships.
M: You’re right. So, if you see anybody showing these signs, it may be time to seek help for them.
W: I see. Timely intervention seems to be really important. Sorry to say, but we’ve got to take a break now. We’ll be right back.
해석 〉
여: 안녕하세요, Young 박사님. 새 책 발간을 축하드립니다.
남: 감사합니다, Deborah. 그리고 당신의 프로그램에 초대받은 것 은 큰 영광입니다.
여: 천만에요. 먼저, 스마트폰 중독에 관한 책을 쓰기로 결정하셨던 이유가 무엇이죠?
남: 음, 저는 그것이 사회에서, 특히 젊은 사람들 사이에서 심해지는 문제라고 생각했습니다.
여: 동의합니다. 누군가가 스마트폰 중독이 있는지 어떻게 알 수 있을 까요?
남: 우선, 그 사람은 가족이나 친구들과 시간을 보내는 것보다 전화를 사용하는 데 더 많은 시간을 쓸 것입니다.
여: 그러니까 누군가가 사람들보다 전화를 선택한다면, 스마트폰 중 독일지 모른다는 말씀이군요.
남: 맞습니다. 자신을 돌보지 않는 것이 또 다른 징후입니다. 제 책을
위해, 저는 하루에 약 15시간 전화를 사용하는 사람을 인터뷰했 는데, 그는 먹고 씻는 것을 자주 거릅니다.
여: 15시간이요! 매일요?
남: 네. 그리고 그는 심지어 전화를 사용하고 있지 않을 때 불안감을 느끼기도 합니다.
여: 그것은 정말로 그의 대인 관계 개발 능력에 영향을 미칠 것 같습 니다.
남: 맞아요. 따라서, 만약 어떤 사람이 이러한 징후를 나타내는 것이 보이면, 그들을 위해 도움을 요청할 때일지도 모릅니다.
여: 알겠습니다. 시기적절한 개입이 정말 중요한 것 같습니다. 죄송 합니다만, 우리는 지금 잠깐 쉬어야 합니다. 바로 돌아오겠습니다. 문제 해설 > 스마트폰 중독을 겪게 되면 다른 사람들과 함께하는 것보 다 전화를 사용하는 데 시간을 더 많이 쓰며, 자신을 돌보지 않는 등 의 징후를 보인다는 내용이다. 따라서 두 사람이 하는 말의 주제로 가
장 적절한 것은 ①이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
• release (책의) 발간, 신발매
• addiction 중독
• hang out with ~와 시간을 보내다
• neglect 돌보지 않다, 방치하다
• intervention 개입, 간섭

정답 〉 ④
소재 〉 야구 경기 관람
대본 〉
W: Wow, it’s so crowded here. What row are our seats in?
M: Let’s see. Row 18. Right here. The first two seats.
W: Oh, Jake. Our seats are so far from the field. I wished
we could’ve gotten better seats. Sitting behind home plate last time was so cool.
M: But, then we’d have to watch the game through the net again.
W: The net didn’t bother me.
M: I didn’t like it though. And besides, those tickets are so much more expensive.
W: But they’re worth it. I want to see the players up close!
M: Who knows? We may catch a home-run ball here.
W: All right, but just this time. Okay?
M: Okay. I promise.
W: I hope we are lucky and get a home-run ball for a souvenir.
M: Look, the players are starting batting practice.
W: I’m glad we got here early enough to see this! I hope our home team wins today.
해석 〉
여: 와, 여기 너무 붐비네요. 우리 자리는 몇 열인가요?
남: 어디 봐요. 18열. 바로 여기예요. 첫 번째 두 자리.
여: 오, Jake. 우리 자리는 필드에서 너무 멀어요. 더 좋은 자리를 잡 을 수 있기를 바랐어요. 지난 번 홈 베이스 뒤에 앉았던 것이 정 말 좋았어요.
남: 하지만, 그러면 우리는 경기를 또 네트를 통해서 봐야 해요.
여: 네트는 저를 신경 쓰이게 하지 않았어요.
남: 하지만 저는 그것이 마음에 들지 않았어요. 그리고 게다가, 그 티 켓들은 훨씬 더 비싸요.
여: 그렇지만 그것들은 그만한 가치가 있어요. 저는 선수들을 바로 가 까이에서 보고 싶어요!
남: 누가 알아요? 우리는 여기에서 홈런 볼을 잡을 수 있을지도 몰라요.
여: 알았어요, 하지만 이번만이에요. 알겠어요?
남: 좋아요. 약속할게요.
여: 우리가 운이 좋아서 기념품으로 홈런 볼을 얻을 수 있으면 좋겠 어요.
남: 봐요, 선수들이 배팅 연습을 시작하고 있어요.
여: 우리가 이것을 볼 수 있을 정도로 여기에 충분히 일찍 와서 기뻐 요! 우리 홈팀이 오늘 이겼으면 좋겠어요.
문제 해설 〉 두 사람은 경기장에서 자리를 찾고 있으며, 홈 베이스 뒷 자리에 앉기를 바랐다는 여자의 말에 남자가 현재 자리에서는 홈런 볼을 잡을 수도 있다고 말하고 있으므로, 두 사람이 대화하는 장소로 가장 적절한 곳은 ④이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
• row 열, 줄
• home plate (야구에서) 홈 베이스
• souvenir 기념품

정답 〉 ③
소재 〉 심리 상태를 보여 주는 그림
대본 〉
W: Hi, Mr. White. I’m Nancy Blake, Elin’s mom.
M: Nice to meet you, Ms. Blake. Have a seat, please.
W: Thank you.
M: Last week I asked my students to draw a picture, and this is Elin’s.
W: Oh, it’s nice. She put the sun in the corner.
M: It’s a common thing among kids. What is interesting is that Elin drew a house with a chimney.
W: You’re right. Smoke is coming out of it. Does it mean anything special?
M: A smoking chimney means an expression of warmth and affection within the family.
W: That’s a good sign.
M: And the wide-open door leading to the pathway shows her open mind to the outside world.
W: That makes sense. The girl who is jumping rope must be Elin.
M: Yes, I think so. And take a look at this tree. She drew branches and leaves on the tree. It means she has a well-rounded nature.
W: It’s very interesting that we can read her mind just with a picture.
M: I hope it helps you understand a part of her psychological state.
해석 〉
여: 안녕하세요, White 선생님. 저는 Elin의 엄마 Nancy Blake
남: 만나서 반갑습니다, Blake 씨. 앉으세요.
여: 감사합니다.
남: 지난주에 저는 학생들에게 그림을 그리라고 했는데, 이것이 Elin
의 것입니다.
여: 오, 멋지네요. 그녀는 태양을 모서리에 두었네요.
남: 그것은 아이들 사이에서 흔한 일입니다. 흥미로운 점은 Elin이 굴뚝이 있는 집을 그렸다는 것입니다.
여: 맞아요. 그것에서 연기가 나오고 있어요. 이것이 어떤 특별한 것 을 의미하나요?
남: 연기 나는 굴뚝은 가족 내에서의 따뜻함과 애정의 표현을 의미합 니다.
여: 그것은 좋은 징후네요.
남: 그리고 좁은 길로 이어지는 활짝 열린 문은 외부 세계에 대한 그 녀의 열린 마음을 보여 줍니다.
여: 일리가 있네요. 줄넘기를 하고 있는 소녀는 틀림없이 Elin이군요. 남: 네, 그렇게 생각합니다. 그리고 이 나무를 보세요. 그녀는 나무에 가지와 잎들을 그렸어요. 그것은 그녀가 원만한 성품을 가졌다는
것을 의미합니다.
여: 우리가 그녀의 마음을 단지 그림 한 장으로 읽을 수 있다는 것이 매우 흥미롭군요.
남: 그것이 어머님께서 그녀의 심리 상태 일부를 이해하는 데 도움이

되기를 바랍니다.
문제 해설 〉 대화에서 좁은 길로 이어지는 문이 활짝 열려 있다고 했으 나, 제시된 그림에서는 문이 닫혀 있으므로, 대화의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은 ③이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
• chimney 굴뚝
• affection 애정, 애착
• pathway 좁은 길, 오솔길
• jump rope 줄넘기를 하다
• well-rounded 원만한
• psychological 심리적인, 정신적인

정답 〉 ④
소재 〉 손님 초대 준비
대본 〉
M: Honey, sorry, I’m late. The traffic was awful.
W: That’s okay. You’re just in time. Oh, you bought some balloons and candles.
M: Yeah, I want to put these balloons on the gate to welcome our guests.
W: That’s a good idea.
M: And, I’ll place these candles on the table. That’ll create a good mood.
W: Thank you, honey.
M: Is there anything I can help you with?
W: No, I think everything is ready now.
M: That’s good. Hmm, something smells good. The roasted chicken? It’ll go well with the wine I bought yesterday.
W: Oh, did you buy some wine, too?
M: Yeah, but I left it in my car. I’ll go and get it. By the way, I saw your car in the driveway.
W: Oh, I forgot to move it into the garage. Can you do that for me? I’ve got to check on the chicken in the oven.
M: No problem.
해석 〉
남: 여보, 미안해요, 내가 늦었어요. 차가 너무 막혔어요.
여: 괜찮아요. 당신은 딱 시간 맞춰 왔어요. 오, 풍선과 양초를 좀 사 왔군요.
남: 네, 나는 우리 손님들을 환영하기 위해 이 풍선들을 대문에 붙이 고 싶어요.
여: 좋은 생각이에요.
남: 그리고 이 양초는 테이블 위에 둘 거예요. 그렇게 하면 분위기가 좋아질 거예요.
여: 고마워요, 여보.
남: 내가 도와줄 것이 있나요?
여: 아뇨, 이제 모든 것이 준비된 것 같아요.
남: 좋아요. 흠, 뭔가 좋은 냄새가 나요. 구운 통닭인가요? 그것은 내
가 어제 산 와인과 잘 어울릴 거예요.
여: 아, 와인도 좀 샀나요?
남: 네, 하지만 그것을 차에 두고 왔어요. 가서 가지고 올게요. 그런 데, 당신 차가 진입로에 있는 것을 봤어요.
여: 아, 그것을 차고로 옮기는 것을 잊었어요. 나 대신 그것을 해 줄 수 있나요? 나는 오븐에 있는 닭을 확인해야 해요.
남: 그럼요.
문제 해설 〉 여자가 진입로에 주차되어 있는 자신의 차를 차고로 옮겨 줄 수 있냐고 남자에게 물었으므로, 여자가 남자에게 부탁한 일로 가 장 적절한 것은 ④이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
• roasted chicken 구운 통닭
• driveway (도로에서 집·차고까지의) 진입로
• garage 차고, 주차장

정답 〉 ③
소재 〉 텀블러 구매
대본 〉
M: Lisa, I’ll buy you a coffee today. You bought mine last time.
W: Okay, thanks. Here’s my tumbler. Just have them put my coffee in it.
M: All right. Oh, you got a new tumbler! I like it.
W: I lost my old one.
M: Well, you had it for a long time.
W: Yeah, and the lid didn’t close tightly, so it was time to buy a new one anyway. Why don’t you get one?
M: I don’t feel like carrying one around with me.
W: But you can save money. When you use your own tumbler, you get one dollar off your coffee.
M: Wow, then I can save more than $100 a year. I think I should get one as well.
W: I got mine online. I can show you the site.
M: That’s cool.
W: While you’re getting our coffee, I’ll open the webpage for you.
M: Sounds good. I’ll be right back.
해석 〉
남: Lisa, 오늘은 제가 커피를 살게요. 당신이 지난번에 제 것을 사셨 잖아요.
여: 좋아요, 고마워요. 제 텀블러 여기 있어요. 제 커피는 그냥 여기 에 담아 달라고 하세요.
남: 알았어요. 오, 새 텀블러를 샀군요! 마음에 들어요.
여: 이전의 것을 잃어버렸어요.
남: 음, 그것을 오랫동안 사용하셨지요.
여: 그래요, 그리고 뚜껑이 꽉 닫히지 않아서 어쨌든 새것을 살 때였 어요. 텀블러를 하나 사시는 게 어때요?
남: 저는 텀블러를 들고 다니고 싶지 않아요.
여: 하지만 돈을 절약하실 수 있어요. 자신의 텀블러를 사용하면, 커 피에서 1달러를 할인받아요.
남: 와, 그러면 제가 1년에 100달러 이상 절약할 수 있군요. 저도 하 나 사야겠어요.
여: 제 것은 온라인으로 샀어요. 사이트를 보여 드릴 수 있어요.
남: 좋아요.
여: 당신이 커피를 사시는 동안, 제가 웹페이지를 열어 놓을게요.
남: 좋은 생각이에요. 금방 올게요.
문제 해설 〉 자신의 텀블러를 사용하면 커피를 할인받을 수 있다며, 여 자가 남자에게 텀블러를 구매할 것을 권유하고 있고, 이에 남자가 자 신도 하나 사야겠다고 말했다. 따라서 남자가 텀블러를 구매하려고 하는 이유는 ③이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
• lid 뚜껑
• carry around ~을 들고 다니다, ~을 휴대하다

정답 〉 ①
소재 〉 셔츠 교환
대본 〉
W: Hi, I’d like to exchange this shirt. Here’s the receipt.
M: Okay. Is there anything wrong with it?
W: No, I just want a different color. So I’d like to exchange it with this gray one.
M: All right. Well, they’re different styles, and the gray one is slightly more expensive.
W: What’s the price difference?
M: The gray one is $35. The one you want to exchange is
$30. You just have to pay the difference.
W: Okay, that’s all right.
M: And how about these sneakers? I think they match well with the gray shirt.
W: I like them. Do you have the right size for me?
M: Sure. What size are you?
W: I’m a size 6. How much are they?
M: You’re lucky today. Originally they were $40, but they’re 50% off now.
W: That’s great. I’ll buy the shoes as well.
M: Okay. Here’s your total.
W: All right. Here’s my credit card.
해석 〉
여: 안녕하세요, 저는 이 셔츠를 교환하고 싶어요. 여기 영수증이 있 어요.
남: 알겠습니다. 그것에 무슨 문제가 있나요?
여: 아뇨, 저는 단지 다른 색깔을 원해요. 그래서 그것을 이 회색 셔 츠로 교환하고 싶어요.
남: 좋습니다. 음, 그것들은 스타일이 다르고, 회색 셔츠가 약간 더 비쌉
여: 가격 차이가 얼마죠?
남: 회색 셔츠는 35달러입니다. 손님이 교환을 원하시는 것은 30달 러입니다. 손님께서는 차액만 지불하시면 됩니다.
여: 좋아요, 괜찮아요.
남: 그리고 이 스니커즈는 어때요? 제 생각에는 회색 셔츠와 잘 어울 리는 것 같아요.
여: 마음에 들어요. 제게 맞는 사이즈가 있나요?
남: 물론이죠. 몇 사이즈죠?
여: 사이즈 6이에요. 가격이 얼마인가요?
남: 오늘 운이 좋으시네요. 원래 40달러였지만, 지금은 50퍼센트 할 인을 하고 있습니다.
여: 잘됐군요. 신발도 사겠습니다.
남: 알겠습니다. 여기 손님의 총액이 있습니다.
여: 좋아요. 여기 제 신용 카드가 있어요.
문제 해설 〉 여자가 처음 구매한 셔츠는 30달러였고 회색 셔츠는 35 달러이다. 셔츠를 교환하기 위해서 여자는 5달러의 차액을 지불해야 하고, 신발은 40달러였지만 50퍼센트 할인 중이라고 했으므로, 여자 가 지불할 금액은 ① ‘25달러’이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
• receipt 영수증
• slightly 약간
• sneakers 스니커즈, 고무창을 댄 운동화
• originally 원래

정답 〉 ④
소재 〉 학생 건강 보험
대본 〉
[Telephone rings.]
W: Hello, Student Health Insurance Office. How may I help you?
M: Hello, I’m a new international student, and I was wondering when the deadline is for applying for student health insurance.
W: It’s by the end of the first week of the semester, which is this Friday.
M: Okay. And how much does it cost?
W: It’s $325 per semester.
M: That’s good. And what does the insurance cover?
W: It covers 80% of medical fees for visits to off-campus hospitals, and 100% of medical fees for visits to the clinic on campus. It even includes a health checkup.
M: Okay. Then can I just stop by your office to apply for it?
W: Yes. And bring your passport and student ID card.
M: All right. Thank you for your help.


해석 〉
[전화벨이 울린다.]
여: 여보세요, 학생 건강 보험 사무실입니다. 무엇을 도와 드릴까요?
남: 여보세요, 저는 새로 온 유학생인데요, 학생 건강 보험 신청 마감 일이 언제인지 궁금해서요.
여: 학기 첫 번째 주 마지막 날까지인데, 이번 주 금요일이에요.
남: 알겠습니다. 그리고 비용이 얼마죠?
여: 학기당 325달러입니다.
남: 좋군요. 그리고 보험은 무엇을 보장하나요?
여: 그것은 캠퍼스 밖의 병원을 방문할 경우 의료비의 80퍼센트를 보 장하고, 캠퍼스 내의 병원을 방문할 경우 의료비의 100퍼센트를 보장합니다. 그것은 건강 검진도 포함하고 있어요.
남: 알겠습니다. 그러면 제가 그것을 신청하기 위해 사무실에 잠깐만 들러도 될까요?
여: 네. 그리고 여권과 학생증을 가지고 오세요.
남: 알겠습니다. 도와주셔서 감사합니다.
문제 해설 〉 신청 마감일(It’s by the end ~ Friday.), 보험료($325 per semester), 보장 범위(It covers ~ on campus.), 신청 시 필요 한 것(your passport and student ID card)에 관해서는 언급되었 지만, 사무실 위치는 언급되지 않았으므로, 학생 건강 보험에 관해 언 급되지 않은 것은 ④이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
• medical fee 의료비
• off-campus 캠퍼스 밖의
• health checkup 건강 검진

정답 〉 ③
소재 〉 일기 예보
대본 〉
M: Good afternoon, I’m Michael Kaine from Channel 5 with a weather report. We had some pleasant weather this morning, but we’re currently experiencing high levels of fine dust again. A northerly wind had kept the dust levels low, but a change in wind direction brought in a large amount of fine dust. Into the night, a lot more places will be affected by the dust. Dust levels will stay high tomorrow, but it’ll be sunny across the country. The temperature in the morning will be around 12 degrees, climbing to 24 degrees tomorrow afternoon. For the time being, we’ll be under clear skies. During the weekend, the daytime temperatures will be around 29 degrees, so you may feel somewhat hot. I’ll be back with another update later this evening. Thank you.
해석 〉
남: 안녕하세요, 저는 Channel 5 일기예보의 Michael Kaine입니 다. 오늘 아침에는 날씨가 좀 쾌적했지만, 현재 다시 높은 수준의
미세 먼지를 겪고 있습니다. 북쪽에서 부는 바람이 먼지의 수준을 낮게 유지했었지만, 바람의 방향 변화가 많은 양의 미세 먼지를 가져왔습니다. 밤까지 훨씬 더 많은 곳이 먼지의 영향을 받을 것 입니다. 먼지 수준은 내일 높게 유지되겠지만, 전국적으로 맑은 날씨가 될 것입니다. 아침 기온은 약 12도 정도이며, 내일 오후에 는 24도로 오르겠습니다. 당분간 맑은 하늘이 계속될 것입니다. 주말에는, 낮 기온이 약 29도 정도 될 것이므로, 다소 덥게 느껴 질 수도 있겠습니다. 저는 오늘 저녁 더 최신 정보를 가지고 돌아 오겠습니다. 감사합니다.
문제 해설 〉 밤까지 훨씬 더 많은 곳이 먼지의 영향을 받아 먼지 수준 은 내일 높게 유지될 것이라고 했으므로, 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은
어휘와 어구 〉
• currently 현재
• fine dust 미세 먼지
• for the time being 당분간

정답 〉 ②
소재 〉 우편 서비스
대본 〉
W: Hi, I’d like to send this package to Boston.
M: Okay. Could you place it on the scale?
W: Sure. Oh, here’s the list of mailing options.
M: Yeah. It weighs about 5 pounds, so this option isn’t available. It’s for packages of 3.5 pounds or less.
W: Oh, I see. Then which option would be good for me? M: Does your package need to arrive by a certain day? W: Yes, it should be delivered within 4 days.
M: Okay, then, I suggest you choose one of these. And if you choose this one, it’ll arrive at least a day earlier than the others.
W: But I think spending over $25 just for shipping is pretty expensive. Between these two options left, I’ll go with the cheaper one.
M: Okay. Oh, may I ask what’s inside your package?
W: They’re brochures and concert tickets.
M: Then it may be better to choose the other one. It’s more expensive, but it includes insurance.
W: You’re right. I’ll choose that one, then.
해석 〉
여: 안녕하세요, 저는 이 소포를 Boston으로 보내고 싶어요.
남: 알겠습니다. 그것을 저울 위에 올려 주시겠어요?
여: 물론이죠. 아, 여기 우편 선택 목록이 있네요.
남: 네. 그것이 무게가 5파운드여서, 이 선택은 이용할 수 없습니다. 그것은 3.5파운드 이하의 소포를 위한 것입니다.
여: 아, 알겠습니다. 그러면 어느 선택이 저에게 좋을까요?
남: 손님의 소포가 특정한 날까지 도착할 필요가 있나요?
여: 네, 그것은 4일 이내에 배달되어야 합니다.
남: 알겠습니다, 그러면 저는 손님이 이것들 중 하나를 선택할 것을 추천합니다. 그리고 손님이 이것을 선택하시면, 그것은 다른 것 들보다 적어도 하루는 더 빨리 도착할 것입니다.
여: 하지만 제 생각엔 운송에만 25달러 넘게 쓰는 것은 꽤 비싼 것 같 아요. 이 남은 두 개의 선택 중, 저는 더 싼 것으로 할게요.
남: 좋습니다. 아, 손님의 소포 안에 무엇이 들었는지 물어봐도 될까요?
여: 팸플릿과 콘서트 티켓이에요.
남: 그러면 다른 것을 선택하는 게 더 나을지도 몰라요. 더 비싸긴 하 지만, 그것은 보험을 포함하고 있습니다.
여: 맞아요. 그러면 저는 그것을 선택할게요.
문제 해설 〉 무게가 5파운드이기 때문에 ④는 선택할 수 없고, 4일 이 내에 도착해야 하므로 ①~③ 중에서 선택해야 한다. 여자는 25달러 이상을 쓰는 것은 비싸다고 했으며 보험을 포함한 것을 선택하기로 했다. 따라서 여자가 이용할 우편 서비스는 ②이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
• package 소포, 상자
• scale 저울
• brochure 팸플릿, 소책자

정답 〉 ⑤
소재 〉 독서 우수상 수상 자격
대본 〉
W: Hi, Mr. Robin.
M: Hi, Susie.
W: Can you check my reading log online?
M: Sure. Just a minute. [Typing sound] You’ve read 12 books in total this semester.
W: I see. So if I read one more book by tonight, am I eligible for the Excellent Reader Award?
M: Sorry, but no, Susie. You still have to read two more books. The award is given to those who read 14 books or more in a semester.
W: But last semester I just read 13 and got the award.
M: Yeah, you’re right. But because you’ve advanced to the intermediate level this semester, you have to read 14 books, not 13.
W: Oh, I didn’t know that.
M: The deadline is tomorrow. That means you need to read a lot tonight.

해석 〉
여: 안녕하세요, Robin 선생님.
남: 안녕, Susie.
여: 온라인으로 제 독서 기록을 확인해 주실 수 있나요?
남: 물론이지. 잠깐만 기다려. [자판 두드리는 소리] 너는 이번 학기 에 총 12권을 읽었어.
여: 알겠습니다. 그래서 제가 오늘 밤까지 한 권을 더 읽으면, 저는 독서 우수상 자격이 있는 건가요?
남: 미안하지만, 아니야, Susie. 너는 아직 두 권을 더 읽어야 해. 그 상은 한 학기에 14권 이상 읽은 사람에게 주어져.
여: 하지만 지난 학기에 저는 13권만 읽었는데 상을 받았어요.
남: 그래, 네 말이 맞아. 하지만 네가 이번 학기에 중급 단계로 향상 했기 때문에 너는 13권이 아니고 14권을 읽어야 해.
여: 아, 저는 그건 몰랐어요.
남: 마감일이 내일이야. 그것은 오늘밤 네가 독서를 많이 해야 한다는 뜻이지.
여: 좋아요, 내일까지 두 권 더 읽는 것을 끝낼 수 있도록 노력해 볼 게요.
문제 해설 〉 독서 우수상을 받기 위해서는 한 학기에 책을 14권 이상 읽어야 하는데, 여자는 12권을 읽었으므로, 상을 받기 위해서는 오늘 밤 독서를 많이 해야 한다고 남자가 말했다. 따라서 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것은 ⑤이다.
① 아, 제가 마감일을 놓쳐서 죄송해요.
② 저는 규칙적인 독서가 정말 유익하다는 것에 동의해요.
③ 그 상에 저를 추천해 주셔서 감사합니다.
④ 네, 저는 중급 단계로 가기 위해 책을 더 많이 읽을 거예요.
어휘와 어구 〉
• log 기록, 일지
• eligible 자격이 있는
• advance 향상하다
• intermediate 중급의

정답 〉 ①
소재 〉 한국 민속촌 방문
대본 〉
W: Hey, Joe. It’s a perfect day to visit the Korean Folk Village, isn’t it?
M: Yeah. I’m so glad we came here today.
W: Me too. Do you know where the ticket booth is?
M: It’s over there. Wow, look at the long line.
W: Oh, it looks like there’s a special event today.
M: Really?
W: Yeah. See the sign. There’s a special festival related to the Joseon Dynasty today.
M: That sounds really cool!
W: Yeah! Let’s get in line and get our tickets.
M: All right. Hey, do you see those people inside the village wearing hanboks?
W: Yeah. I wonder if we can rent hanboks here.
M: Let’s ask the person at the ticket booth.
W: What if they say yes?

해석 〉
여: 안녕, Joe. 한국 민속촌을 방문하기에 완벽한 날이야, 그렇지 않니?
남: 그래. 나는 우리가 오늘 여기 와서 너무 기분이 좋아.
여: 나도 그래. 매표소가 어디에 있는지 아니?
남: 저기에 있어. 와, 저 긴 줄을 봐.
여: 아, 오늘 특별한 행사가 있는 것 같아.
남: 정말?
여: 응. 표지판을 봐. 오늘 조선왕조와 관련된 특별한 축제가 있어.
남: 정말 멋질 것 같아!
여: 그래! 줄을 서서 표를 사자.
남: 좋아. 이봐, 너는 마을 안에 한복을 입고 있는 사람들이 보이니?
여: 응. 나는 우리가 여기에서 한복을 빌릴 수 있는지 궁금해.
남: 매표소에 있는 사람에게 물어보자.
여: 그렇다고 하면 어떻게 할 건데?
남: 그러면 우리는 한복을 빌리고 사진을 몇 장 찍어야지.
문제 해설 〉 한복을 입고 있는 사람들이 민속촌에서 한복을 빌렸는지 를 매표소에 있는 사람에게 물어보자는 남자의 말에 여자가 한복을 빌려준다고 하면 어떻게 할 건지 물었다. 따라서 남자의 응답으로 가 장 적절한 것은 ①이다.
② 음, 오늘은 그냥 평범한 날인데도 줄이 길어.
③ 글쎄, 나는 한국 민속촌이 방문하기 가장 좋은 곳이라고 생각해.
④ 문제없어! 우리가 한복을 입고 있어서 할인을 받을 수 있어.
⑤ 걱정하지 마. 우리가 여기 일찍 와서 나는 우리가 앞줄에 앉을 수 있을 거라고 생각해.
어휘와 어구 〉
• ticket booth 매표소
• dynasty 왕조

정답 〉 ④
소재 〉 글쓰기 과제물
대본 〉
W: Ms. Evans is a high school writing teacher. Last week she gave her students a writing assignment about environmental issues. Now she’s reading a paper written by Alex, one of her students. The paper is quite short, but it is well-organized and very informative. She thinks Alex did a good job of explaining various environmental problems and their possible long-term solutions. Therefore, she gives Alex an A for his paper. However, Alex’s paper has some problems. There are some spelling mistakes and some places where he forgot to put commas and periods. So she wants to inform him that it is important to reread his writing  to check for spelling and punctuation mistakes before submitting it. In this situation, what would Ms. Evans most likely say to Alex?
Ms. Evans:
해석 〉
여: Ms. Evans는 고등학교 글쓰기 담당 교사입니다. 지난주 그녀 는 학생들에게 환경 문제에 관한 글쓰기 과제를 주었습니다. 지금 그녀는 자신의 학생 중 한 명인 Alex가 쓴 과제물을 읽고 있습니 다. 과제물은 매우 짧지만, 정리가 잘되어 있으며 매우 유익합니 다. 그녀는 Alex가 다양한 환경 문제와 실행할 수 있는 장기적 인 해결책을 잘 설명했다고 생각합니다. 그래서 그녀는 Alex의 과제물에 A를 줍니다. 하지만, Alex의 과제물은 몇 가지 문제가 있습니다. 몇 개의 철자 오류와 쉼표와 마침표를 찍는 것을 그가 잊은 곳이 몇 군데가 있습니다. 그래서 그녀는 그에게 글을 제출 하기 전에 철자와 구두점 오류를 확인하기 위해 그것을 다시 읽어 보는 것이 중요하다는 것을 알려 주고 싶습니다. 이런 상황에서, Ms. Evans는 Alex에게 뭐라고 말하겠습니까?
Ms. Evans: 너는 과제물을 제출하기 전에 항상 그것을 교정을 볼 필
요가 있어.
문제 해설 〉 글쓰기 담당 교사인 Ms. Evans가 Alex의 글에서 철자 와 구두점 오류를 발견하고, Alex에게 글을 제출하기 전에 그것을 다시 읽어 보는 것이 중요하다는 것을 알려 주고 싶어 하는 상황이므 로, Ms. Evans가 Alex에게 할 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ④이다.
① 네가 계획을 미리 세울 수 있도록 마감일을 명심해.
② 네가 너의 생각에 대해 더 상세히 말하고 싶으면, 연구를 더 할 필 요가 있어.
③ 몇 가지 잘못 찍힌 쉼표 때문에 나는 너에게 낮은 점수를 주어야 해.
⑤ 네 과제물이 정리가 잘되어 있지 않고 정보가 부족해서 너는 B를 받아.
어휘와 어구 〉
• assignment 과제
• well-organized 정리가 잘된
• informative 유익한
• long-term 장기적인
• inform 알려 주다, 알리다
• punctuation 구두점
• expand on ~에 대해 더 상세히 말하다
• proofread 교정을 보다

정답 〉 16 ② 17 ⑤ 소재 〉 설탕 섭취 줄이기 대본 〉
M: Hi, I’m Stewart Kim, a nutritionist. Do you want to lose weight and feel healthier? Then cutting sugar out of your diet can help. Sugar is highly addictive, and it’s hard to give up at first, but over time you won’t miss it. I’ll show you how. First of all, skip the sugar  in your daily coffee. Instead, use coconut milk. Not
only is coconut milk lower in calories, but it’s also slightly sweet. Even eating fruit with your coffee can reduce the bitterness of the coffee and satisfy your sweet tooth. Secondly, when you’re thirsty, drink water instead of soda or juice. Many of us aren’t even aware of the amount of sugar we consume through beverages. So, drinking water is a great way to reduce sugar intake. It sounds tough to achieve a life without sugar, but you will sleep better, look better, and even feel better.
해석 〉
남: 안녕하세요, 영양사 Stewart Kim입니다. 체중을 줄이고 더 건 강하다고 느끼고 싶으신가요? 그러면 여러분의 식단에서 설탕을 빼는 것이 도움이 될 수 있습니다. 설탕은 매우 중독성이 있어서 처음에는 포기하기 어렵지만, 시간이 지나면 여러분은 그것을 그 리워하지 않을 것입니다. 제가 여러분께 방법을 알려 드리겠습니 다. 우선, 여러분이 매일 마시는 커피에서 설탕을 거르세요. 대신 에, 코코넛 우유를 사용하세요. 코코넛 우유는 칼로리가 더 낮을 뿐 아니라 약간 달콤하기도 합니다. 심지어 여러분의 커피를 과일 과 함께 먹는 것도 커피의 쓴 맛을 줄이고 단것을 좋아함을 만족 시킬 수 있습니다. 두 번째로, 목이 마를 때 탄산음료나 주스 대 신 물을 마시세요. 우리 중 많은 사람은 우리가 음료를 통해 먹는 설탕의 양을 알지도 못합니다. 따라서, 물을 마시는 것은 설탕 섭 취를 줄이는 좋은 방법입니다. 설탕 없는 삶을 달성하는 것이 어 렵게 들리겠지만, 잠을 더 잘 자고, 더 건강해 보이고, 심지어 기 분도 더 좋아질 것입니다.
문제 해설 〉
16 설탕 섭취를 줄일 수 있는 방법을 소개하는 담화이므로, 남자가 하는 말의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은 ② ‘식단에서 설탕을 줄이는 방법’ 이다.
① 아침 식사로 먹기에 가장 좋은 음식
③ 시중에 판매되고 있는 가장 인기 있는 음료
④ 커피를 맛있게 하기 위해 넣어야 할 것들
⑤ 너무 많은 설탕이 나쁜 이유
17 커피, 과일, 물, 주스는 언급되었지만, ⑤ ‘사탕’은 언급되지 않았다.
어휘와 어구 〉
• nutritionist 영양사, 영양학자
• addictive 중독성이 있는
• bitterness 쓴 맛
• sweet tooth 단것을 좋아함
• be aware of ~을 알다
• consume 먹다, 마시다
• beverage 음료
• intake 섭취

Posted by 최 샘

2020년, ebs, 수능완성, 실전 모의고사, 영어듣기, 2회 정답, 및 대본

정답 〉 ⑤
소재 〉 한국어 공부 방법
대본 〉

실전 모의고사 2회 본문 99~115쪽
M: Yes. It sounds fun. I’m going. How about you?
W: Me, too. But I’m afraid it’ll be cold out there at night.
해석 〉
여: Matt, ‘별 보는 밤’에 관한 안내문 봤니?
남: 응. 재미있을 것 같아. 나는 갈 거야. 너는? 여: 나도. 하지만 야외라서 밤에는 추울 것 같아. 남: 맞아. 따뜻한 담요를 꼭 가져와.
문제 해설 〉 별 보는 밤 행사에 가기로 한 여자가 야외라서 밤에는 추 울 것 같다고 말하고 있다. 따라서 남자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것은
① 알아. 너는 그것을 고대하고 있잖아.
③ 고마워. 나는 그곳에서 정말로 별을 보길 원했어.
④ 미안하지만, 나는 그 행사에 너와 함께할 수 없어.
⑤ 유감스럽게도, 나는 그것에 관한 안내문을 보지 못했어.
어휘와 어구 〉
• notice 안내문
• stargaze 별을 바라보다
• look forward to ~을 고대하다
M: Sophia, how long have you been learning Korean?
W: About a year. I started learning it last summer.
M: Really, that’s all? I heard you’re already really good at Korean. How do you study?
해석 〉
남: Sophia, 한국어를 배운 지 얼마나 되었나요?
여: 약 1년이요. 지난여름에 그것을 배우기 시작했어요.
남: 정말요, 그게 전부예요? 당신이 이미 한국어를 매우 잘한다고 들 었어요. 어떻게 공부하세요?
여: 저는 다수의 한국 드라마를 보고 많은 표현을 복습해요.
문제 해설 〉 남자는 여자가 한국어를 매우 잘한다고 들었다고 하면서 어떻게 공부하는지를 묻고 있다. 따라서 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절 한 것은 ⑤이다.
① 영어를 배우는 데 지름길은 없어요.
② 세종대왕은 평민들을 위해 한글을 만드셨어요.
③ 요즘 점점 더 많은 외국인이 한국을 방문하고 있어요.
④ 한글 자모는 너무 복잡해서 기억하지 못해요.
어휘와 어구 〉
• royal road 지름길, 쉬운 길, 왕도
• tons of 다수의
• go over ~을 복습하다, ~을 검토하다

정답 〉 ②
소재 〉 별 보는 밤 행사
대본 〉
W: Matt, did you see the notice about the ‘Stargazing Night’?
• blanket 담요

정답 〉 ⑤
소재 〉 학년 회장에 출마한 친구 지지
대본 〉
M: Good morning, everyone. Thank you for the warm welcome. I’m standing here today on behalf of the strongest presidential candidate for our grade of 2020, Mark Jenson. The reasons I support him are simple. This year, there are two major events for us as seniors. First is the school festival and the second is the dance party at the end of the school year. They’re the biggest and most important events of our high school lives, and they require a tremendous amount of time and planning to organize. So, we need a leader who can meet that challenge. And I think Mark is the most qualified candidate to be able to plan and put on these two major events. He has shown leadership in class, and he will do the same for the school if we elect him. So vote for Mark. Thank you.
해석 〉
남: 안녕하세요, 여러분. 따뜻하게 환영해 주셔서 감사합니다. 저 는 2020년도 우리 학년을 위한 가장 강력한 회장 후보인 Mark Jenson을 위해 오늘 이곳에 서 있습니다. 제가 그를 지지하는 이유는 간단합니다. 올해, 졸업반인 우리에게 두 개의 중요 행사 가 있습니다. 첫 번째는 학교 축제이고 두 번째는 학년 말에 열리 는 댄스파티입니다. 그것들은 우리의 고등학교 생활 중 가장 크 고 가장 중요한 행사들이고, 준비하는 데 엄청난 양의 시간과 계
획을 필요로 합니다. 그래서, 우리는 그 어려운 과제에 대처할 수 있는 리더가 필요합니다. 그리고 저는 Mark가 이 두 개의 중요 행사를 계획하고 실행할 수 있는 가장 적합한 후보라고 생각합니 다. 그는 학급에서 리더십을 보여 주었고, 그리고 우리가 그를 선 출한다면 그는 학교를 위해서도 같은 일을 할 것입니다. 그러니 Mark에게 투표해 주세요. 감사합니다.
문제 해설 〉 남자는 학년 회장에 출마한 친구 Mark를 위해 지지 연설 을 하면서 Mark에게 투표해 주기를 부탁하고 있다. 따라서 남자가 하는 말의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은 ⑤이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
• on behalf of ~을 위해서, ~을 대표하여
• candidate 후보자
• tremendous 엄청난
• organize 준비[조직]하다
• meet 대처하다, 충족시키다, 만나다
• qualified 적합한, 자격이 있는
• put on 실행하다
• vote for ~에게 투표하다

정답 〉 ⑤
소재 〉 여행지 선택
대본 〉
W: Hi, Tom. Where are you headed?
M: Hi, Lily. I’m going to meet Jimmy and Tyler to plan for our summer trip.
W: Where are you guys going?
M: We haven’t decided yet. Jimmy wants to travel to Rome again while Tyler firmly insists that we go to a country that we have not been to before like Nepal.
W: Why does Jimmy want to go to Rome again?
M: Because when we went there last time, we didn’t have time to do everything we wanted.
W: What’s Tyler’s argument?
M: He thinks that traveling in developed countries doesn’t challenge us enough. What do you think?
W: Hmm. If I had a vote, I’d go with Tyler.
M: Why is that?
W: First of all, when the culture is totally different, any experiences you have of the new culture will broaden your horizon.
M: Hmm, interesting.
W: Also, I think you’ll learn a lot from a journey into a new country you’ve never been to.
해석 〉
여: 안녕, Tom. 어디 가고 있니?
남: 안녕, Lily. 여름 여행 계획을 짜기 위해 Jimmy와 Tyler를 만 나러 가는 중이야.
여: 너희들은 어디로 갈 거니?
남: 아직 결정하지 못했어. Jimmy는 다시 로마를 여행하길 원하고 Tyler는 우리가 이전에 가 보지 않았던 네팔과 같은 나라에 가야 한다고 확고히 주장해.
여: Jimmy는 로마를 왜 다시 가길 원하니?
남: 지난번에 로마를 방문했을 때 원하는 모든 것을 할 시간이 없었거 든.
여: Tyler 주장의 근거가 뭐니?
남: 그는 선진국으로의 여행은 우리에게 도전 의식을 충분히 북돋우 지 않는다고 생각해. 너는 어떻게 생각하니?
여: 음. 내가 투표권이 있다면 나는 Tyler 편을 들 거야.
남: 왜 그러니?
여: 무엇보다도, 문화가 완전히 다르면 그 새로운 문화에 대해 갖게 되는 경험이 너의 시야를 넓혀 줄 거야.
남: 음, 흥미로운데.
여: 또한 네가 가 보지 않은 새로운 나라로의 여행에서 많은 것을 배 울 거라고 생각해.
문제 해설 〉 여자는 이전에 갔던 지역에 다시 여행을 가길 원하는
Jimmy와 이전에 가 보지 않은 지역에 가자는 Tyler의 의견이 서로 맞서 있다는 것을 듣고, 문화가 낯선 지역에 가면 시야가 넓어지고 많 은 것을 배울 거라는 의견을 말하고 있다. 따라서 여자의 의견으로 가 장 적절한 것은 ⑤이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
• firmly 확고히, 단호히
• argument 주장의 근거, 주장
• challenge 도전 의식을 북돋우다
• broaden (경험·지식 등을) 넓히다
• horizon 시야, 수평선

정답 〉 ①
소재 〉 택시 탑승
대본 〉
W: Hello, sir. Welcome to Korea.
M: Thank you. I’m so excited. This is my first visit here.
W: Great! Are you here for work?
M: Kind of. I have a conference to attend.
W: Got it. So, where are you going?
M: I’m going to the Suwon Convention Center. What route do you plan on taking?
W: Hmm I’m thinking about taking the highway and
getting off at the East Suwon exit.
M: Actually, I’d like to avoid the highway. That’s what a friend recommended me.
W: Okay.
M: How long do you expect it to take?
W: If we don’t take the highway, I’d guess around an hour and a half.

M: Oh, no. That’s too long. Taking the highway will probably take less then, won’t it?
W: Yeah, I think so. It’ll probably take less than an hour.
But you have to pay tolls.
M: That’s okay. Let’s take the highway.
해석 〉
여: 안녕하세요, 손님. 한국에 오신 것을 환영합니다.
남: 감사합니다. 저는 매우 신이 납니다. 이번이 제가 이곳에 처음 방 문한 것이라서요.
여: 좋네요! 일 때문에 오신 건가요?
남: 그런 셈이죠. 참석할 회의가 있어서요.
여: 알겠습니다. 그래서, 어디로 가시나요?
남: 저는 수원 컨벤션 센터로 갈 거예요. 어느 길로 가실 계획인가요?
여: 음⋯. 고속도로를 탄 다음 동수원 출구로 나갈 거예요.
남: 실은 저는 고속도로를 피하고 싶어요. 그게 친구가 제게 권해 준 것이거든요.
여: 알겠습니다.
남: 그곳까지 얼마나 걸릴까요?
여: 고속도로를 타지 않으면 1시간 30분 정도 걸릴 것 같아요.
남: 아, 안 돼요. 너무 오래 걸리네요. 그렇다면 고속도로를 타는 것 이 아마 시간이 덜 걸리겠네요, 그렇겠죠?
여: 네, 그렇게 생각해요. 아마 1시간이 안 걸릴 거예요. 하지만 통행 료를 내셔야 해요.
남: 괜찮습니다. 고속도로로 가죠.
문제 해설 〉 회의 참석을 위해 한국에 처음 온 남자에게 여자는 목적지 까지 가는 경로를 알려 주고 있고 남자는 여자에게 고속도로를 타고 갈 것인지와 시간이 얼마나 걸릴지를 묻고 있다. 따라서 두 사람의 관 계를 가장 잘 나타낸 것은 ①이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
• exit 출구
• toll 통행료

정답 〉 ④
소재 〉 친구가 가입한 밴드 사진
대본 〉
M: Hi, Belle!
W: Hi, Niels. Daniella just sent me a picture of her school rock band. Check it out.
M: What a nice photo! Why do they have this picture of an eagle on the wall?
W: Because the school mascot is an eagle.
M: Oh, I see. Hey, who’s this guy with the beard on keyboard? Surely he’s not a student!
W: He’s the music teacher. Daniella said he can sing well and play a bunch of instruments.
M: Is the boy playing the guitar Daniella’s younger brother Jim?
W: Yeah. He always wears that Santa Claus hat.
M: And look at Daniella singing in the middle, holding the mic with both hands. She looks like a pro!
W: Haha! I’ll tell her you said that!
M: Do you know what all those trophies in the glass case on the right are from?
W: Daniella told me they’re from competitions the school band has won over the years. The school band started 60 years ago.
M: Wow, it has a really long history.
해석 〉
남: 안녕, Belle!
여: 안녕, Niels. Daniella가 방금 자기 학교 록 밴드 사진을 나에게 보냈어. 봐 봐.
남: 멋진 사진이네! 벽에 있는 이 독수리 사진은 왜 있는 거야?
여: 학교 마스코트가 독수리이기 때문이야.
남: 아, 알겠어. 이봐, 키보드를 치고 있는 수염을 기른 이 남자는 누 구니? 분명 그는 학생은 아닐 거야!
여: 그는 음악 선생님이야. Daniella가 그는 노래를 잘하고 여러 가 지 악기를 다룰 수 있다고 말했어.
남: 기타를 치고 있는 이 소년은 Daniella의 동생인 Jim이지?
여: 맞아. 그는 항상 저 산타클로스 모자를 쓰고 있어.
남: 그리고 마이크를 양손으로 잡고 중앙에서 노래를 부르고 있는
Daniella를 봐. 프로 같아!
여: 하하! 그녀에게 네가 그렇게 말했다고 전해 줄게!
남: 오른편 유리 진열장 안에 든 저 모든 트로피가 어디서 온 건지 아 니?
여: Daniella는 그것들이 학교 밴드가 수년간 우승한 대회에서 받은 거라고 말했어. 학교 밴드는 60년 전에 시작되었어.
남: 와, 정말 역사가 길구나.
문제 해설 〉 대화에서는 노래를 부르고 있는 Daniella가 양손으로 마 이크를 잡고 있다고 했는데, 그림에서는 한 손으로 마이크를 잡고 있 으므로, 그림에서 대화의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은 ④이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
• eagle 독수리
• beard (턱)수염
• a bunch of 여러 가지의, 다수의

정답 〉 ①
소재 〉 면접 준비
대본 〉
M: Hi, Jane. I heard you were looking for me.
W: That’s right. I wanted to ask a favor.
M: Sure, what is it?
W: I applied to Loyden University.
M: Wow! That’s a prestigious school.
W: Right. But they don’t require applicants to take any
essay test.
M: Oh, and because you’re such a good writer, that takes away your advantage.
W: Yeah. So I’m a little worried.
M: Then how do they decide who to accept?
W: Through an interview process. And I’m really afraid of speaking in front of others.
M: I understand. It’s never easy to have an interview, let alone one for admission to a top university.
W: So, I wanted to ask you if you could help me to prepare for the interview.
M: Aha, that’s why you wanted to see me. Sure, I can help you out. Just tell me when and where you want to meet up and practice.
W: Thank you so much. I’ll let you know later.
해석 〉
남: 안녕, Jane. 네가 나를 찾고 있었다고 들었어.
여: 그랬어. 부탁을 하고 싶었어.
남: 그렇구나, 뭐니?
여: 내가 Loyden 대학교에 지원했어.
남: 와! 그것은 일류 학교야.
여: 맞아. 하지만 거기서는 지원자들에게 에세이 시험 치르기를 요구 하지 않아.
남: 아, 그리고 네가 글을 아주 잘 쓰는데, 그렇게 되면 너의 장점을 빼앗는 거네.
여: 맞아. 그래서 내가 좀 걱정이 돼.
남: 그럼 그들은 누구를 뽑을지를 어떻게 결정하니?
여: 면접 과정을 통해서야. 그리고 나는 다른 사람들 앞에서 말하는 것이 정말 두려워.
남: 이해해. 면접을 하는 것은 쉽지 않지, 일류 대학교에 입학하기 위 한 면접은 말할 것도 없고.
여: 그래서, 나는 네가 내가 면접 준비하는 것을 도와줄 수 있는지 물 어보고 싶었어.
남: 아하, 그래서 네가 나를 만나길 원했구나. 물론이지, 도와줄 수 있어. 언제 어디서 만나서 연습하고 싶은지 말만 해.
여: 정말 고마워. 내가 나중에 알려 줄게.
문제 해설 〉 여자는 다른 사람들 앞에서 말하는 것이 정말 두렵다고 하 면서 남자에게 면접 준비를 도와 달라고 말하고 있으므로, 여자가 남 자에게 부탁한 일로 가장 적절한 것은 ①이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
• favor 부탁
• apply to ~에 지원하다
• prestigious 일류의, 명망 있는
• applicant 지원자
• let alone ~은 말할 것도 없고, ~은 고사하고
• admission 입학
정답 〉 ②
소재 〉 프랑스어 통역 요청하기
대본 〉
W: Hey, Matthew. I’ve found a young French biomedical engineer.
M: Oh? That’s great.
W: Yes. I believe she can play a big role in completing our company’s new major project. So I want her to join our team.
M: How are you going to get her to join us?
W: I will go to Daejeon to meet her this Saturday. She is working in a lab there.
M: Did you set up a time to meet her?
W: Yes. I sent her an email and she said she could meet me on Saturday.
M: I see. But do you think she will be interested?
W: I think I am going to have to persuade her to work with us.
M: Oh, really?
W: Yeah. But the biggest problem is she doesn’t speak Korean well, and I only speak a little French.
M: Oh, that’s a problem.
W: So, could you go see her with me? You speak French, don’t you?
M: Yes, I do. But I’m afraid I can’t. My older sister is getting married this Saturday.
W: Oh, I forgot. Anyway, I need to find someone to help me out.
해석 〉
여: 안녕, Matthew. 젊은 프랑스 생의학 공학자를 찾았어.
남: 오? 잘됐네.
여: 그래. 나는 그녀가 우리 회사의 중요한 새 프로젝트를 마무리하는 데 큰 역할을 할 수 있다고 생각해. 그래서 나는 그녀가 우리 팀 에 함께하기를 원해.
남: 어떻게 그녀가 우리와 함께하도록 할 거니?
여: 나는 이번 토요일에 그녀를 만나러 대전에 갈 거야. 그녀는 그곳 에 있는 실험실에서 일하고 있어.
남: 그녀와 만날 시간을 잡았니?
여: 응. 그녀에게 이메일을 보냈고, 그녀가 토요일에 나를 만날 수 있 다고 했어.
남: 알겠어. 그런데 그녀가 관심을 가질 거라고 생각해?
여: 그녀가 우리와 함께 일하도록 설득해야 할 거라고 생각해.
남: 아, 그래?
여: 응. 하지만 가장 큰 문제는 그녀는 한국어를 잘하지 못하고 나는 프랑스어를 조금밖에 못 한다는 거야.
남: 아, 그거 문제네.
여: 그래서, 네가 그녀를 만나러 나와 함께 갈 수 있겠니? 너는 프랑 스어를 하잖아, 그렇지?

남: 그래. 하지만 갈 수 없을 것 같아. 누나가 이번 주 토요일에 결혼 해.
여: 아, 잊고 있었어. 아무튼, 나를 도와줄 누군가를 찾아야겠어.
문제 해설 〉 여자는 남자에게 토요일에 프랑스인 생의학 공학자를 만 나러 같이 가 달라고 부탁했으나 남자는 누나의 결혼식 때문에 함께 갈 수 없다고 말한다. 따라서 남자가 토요일에 여자와 함께 갈 수 없 는 이유는 ②이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
• biomedical 생의학의
• complete 마무리하다
• lab 실험실(laboratory)
• persuade 설득하다

정답 〉 ③
소재 〉 스터디룸 사용
대본 〉
W: Hi. I’d like to check out.
M: Okay. Just a second. [Pause] The computer shows you used the study room for two hours.
W: That’s right.
M: It’s $5 an hour, so your total comes to $10.
W: All right. And I also want to pay for my two friends who shared the study room with me.
M: Actually, you don’t pay per person. You pay per room.
W: Oh, I was confused for a second. And do you offer student discounts?
M: Yes. You get 10% off the price of the room if you have a student ID.
W: That’s great. Here’s my student ID.
M: Okay. And you ordered two pieces of rice cake.
W: Yes.
M: Each piece of rice cake is $3. The student discount doesn’t apply to foods and beverages.
W: Okay. I’ll pay in cash.
해석 〉
여: 안녕하세요. 계산할게요.
남: 알겠습니다. 잠시만요. [잠시 후] 컴퓨터에 당신이 스터디룸을 2
시간 사용한 것으로 나오네요.
여: 맞습니다.
남: 한 시간에 5달러니까, 총액이 10달러네요.
여: 좋아요. 그리고 저는 저와 함께 스터디룸을 사용한 제 친구 두 명 의 비용도 지불하고 싶어요.
남: 실은 인당으로 지불하지 않습니다. 스터디룸에 대해 지불하면 됩 니다.
여: 아, 제가 잠시 착각했어요. 그리고 학생 할인을 해 주시나요?
남: 네. 학생증이 있으면 스터디룸에 대해 10퍼센트 할인을 받을 수 있어요.
여: 그거 좋네요. 여기 제 학생증입니다.
남: 좋습니다. 그리고 떡 2조각을 주문하셨네요.
여: 네.
남: 떡 한 조각에 3달러입니다. 학생 할인은 음식과 음료에는 적용되 지 않습니다.
여: 알겠습니다. 현금으로 낼게요.
문제 해설 〉 여자는 한 시간에 5달러인 스터디룸을 2시간 사용하고 10 퍼센트 할인을 받았고, 한 조각에 3달러인 떡을 2조각 주문했으므로, 여자가 지불할 금액은 ③ ‘15달러’이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
• ID 신분증(identification)
• piece 조각
• rice cake 떡
• beverage 음료

정답 〉 ③
소재 〉 생존 캠프 2020
대본 〉
W: Ben, have you read the notice about Survival Camp 2020 at Mt. Smokey?
M: No, what’s that?
W: You probably don’t know because you transferred here this year. Our school has a survival camp every summer. It started in 2010.
M: That sounds kind of cool. How long is it? W: Five days, from the first Monday of July. M: Where does it take place?
W: In the Mt. Smokey Campground in Belleville.
M: I know where that is. It’s not too far. What do students do at the camp?
W: Since it’s a survival camp, they learn basic survival skills.
M: Really? That sounds like fun.
W: There are also survival games where you need to use the skills you learn to win.
M: Is the camp for all students? W: No, it’s just for sophomores. M: Ah! How much does it cost?
W: It’s $50. Do you want to apply?
M: Sure. It sounds fun.
해석 〉
여: Ben, Smokey 산에서 있을 Survival Camp 2020에 관한 안 내문을 읽었니?
남: 아니, 그게 뭐니?
여: 네가 올해 이곳으로 전학을 왔기 때문에 아마 모를 거야. 우리 학 교는 매년 여름에 생존 캠프를 해. 그것은 2010년에 시작되 었어.
남: 그거 다소 멋지게 들리는걸. 기간이 얼마 동안이니?
여: 7월의 첫 번째 월요일부터 5일간이야.
남: 어디에서 열리지?
여: Belleville에 있는 Smokey 산 야영지에서야.
남: 그곳이 어디인지 알아. 그리 멀지 않네. 캠프에서 학생들은 뭘 하니?
여: 생존 캠프여서, 기본적인 생존 기술을 배워.
남: 정말? 재미있겠는데.
여: 이기기 위해 네가 배우는 기술을 사용할 필요가 있는 서바이벌 게 임도 있어.
남: 모든 학생이 참가할 수 있니?
여: 아니, 그건 2학년생만을 위한 거야.
남: 아하! 비용은 얼마니?
여: 50달러야. 지원하고 싶니?
남: 물론이지. 재미있을 것 같아.
문제 해설 〉 기간(Five days, from the first Monday of July), 장소(Mt. Smokey Campground in Belleville), 활동(learn basic survival skills, survival games where you need  to use the skills you learn to win), 참가 대상(just for sophomores)은 언급되었지만, ③ ‘모집 인원’은 언급되지 않았다.
어휘와 어구 〉
• notice 안내문, 공고문
• survival 생존
• transfer 전학하다
• sophomore 2학년생

정답 〉 ④
소재 〉 예술 철학 수업
대본 〉
W: Hello, students. I’m Professor Julia Kim. This is an advanced course in the philosophy of art, so you must have completed the introductory course to take this class. If you haven’t completed the introductory course, you need to drop this class and take that course first. In this class, we will explore the philosophy and nature of art in depth. This is different from art criticism class. Art criticism focuses on analyzing and evaluating particular artworks. Instead, this class is mainly concerned with the basic philosophical concepts of art. So, from the very beginning, we explore some deep questions on art and artists: What is art? What is beauty? Can art ever be objective? I’m sure that you will find this class challenging and interesting.
해석 〉
여: 안녕하세요, 학생 여러분. 저는 Julia Kim 교수입니다. 이 수업 은 예술 철학의 고급 과정이므로, 이 수업을 듣기 위해 여러분은 입문 과정을 틀림없이 이수했을 것입니다. 만약 여러분이 입문 과
정을 마치지 않았다면, 이 수업을 취소하고 그 과정을 먼저 수강 하셔야 합니다. 이 수업에서, 우리는 예술의 철학과 본질을 심도 있게 탐구할 것입니다. 이 수업은 예술 비평 수업과는 다릅니다. 예술 비평은 특정 예술 작품을 분석하고 평가하는 데 초점을 둡 니다. 대신에 이 수업은 주로 예술의 기본적인 철학 개념과 관련 이 있습니다. 그래서 맨 처음부터 예술과 예술가에 관한 몇몇 심 도 있는 질문들을 탐구합니다. 즉, 예술이 무엇인가? 아름다움이 무엇인가? 예술이 객관적일 수 있을까? 저는 여러분이 이 수업을 도전적이면서도 재미있다고 생각하리라 확신합니다.
문제 해설 〉 특정 예술 작품에 대한 분석과 평가를 주로 하는 것은 예 술 비평 수업이고, 이 수업은 주로 예술의 기본적인 철학 개념과 관련 이 있다고 했으므로, 담화의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은 ④이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
• advanced 고급의, 상급의
• complete 이수하다, 끝마치다
• introductory 입문의, 입문자들을 위한
• drop 취소하다, 중단하다
• explore 탐구하다
• analyze 분석하다
• evaluate 평가하다
• concept 개념
• objective 객관적인

정답 〉 ①
소재 〉 발레 수업 선택
대본 〉
M: Welcome to Seattle Ballet Academy. May I help you?
W: Hello, I’d like to sign up for a ballet class.
M: Great! Have you ever done ballet before?
W: Yes, I took some ballet classes about 10 years ago.
M: That’s a long time ago, so I don’t recommend the advanced class. Any of the others should be okay.
W: All right.
M: And these are the times of the classes.
W: I can’t take any class that ends after 3:30 p.m. I need to pick up my daughter at 4 p.m.
M: Okay. And how many days a week would you like?
W: Hmm. I’d prefer three times a week, but it’s too expensive for me.
M: I see. Then, how about between these two?
W: Um. I’ll sign up for this one. I think it’s better to learn the basics of ballet again. And it’s cheaper.
M: Okay. Good choice.
해석 〉
남: Seattle 발레 학원에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 도와 드릴까요?
여: 안녕하세요, 저는 발레 수업에 등록하고 싶어요.
남: 좋습니다! 전에 발레를 해 보신 적이 있나요?

여: 네, 약 10년 전에 발레 수업을 좀 들었어요.
남: 그건 오래전이어서, 저는 고급 과정은 권해 드리지 않겠습니다. 다른 것들은 모두 괜찮을 겁니다.
여: 좋습니다.
남: 그리고 이것이 수업 시간입니다.
여: 저는 오후 3시 30분 이후에 끝나는 수업은 들을 수 없어요. 오후
4시에 딸을 데리러 가야 해요.
남: 알겠습니다. 그리고 일주일에 며칠 수업을 듣기 원하시나요?
여: 음. 저는 일주일에 세 번 수업을 듣고 싶지만, 그건 제게 너무 비 싸요.
남: 알겠습니다. 그럼 이 두 가지 중에서는 어떠세요?
여: 음. 저는 이것에 등록할게요. 발레의 기초를 다시 배우는 게 더 좋을 것 같아요. 그리고 그게 더 싸네요.
남: 좋습니다. 잘 선택하셨습니다.
문제 해설 〉 여자는 고급 과정이 아닌 것, 수업이 오후 3시 30분 이후 에 끝나지 않는 것, 주 2회 수업인 것, 그리고 더 싼 것을 선택했으므 로 여자가 등록할 발레 수업은 ①이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
• sign up for ~에 등록하다
• advanced class 고급 과정
• basics 기초

정답 〉 ⑤
소재 〉 배송 조회
대본 〉
[Telephone rings.]
W: Hat World. What can I do for you?
M: Hi, my name is Henry Lee, and I ordered a hat from you online a week ago.
W: All right.
M: I should’ve received it by yesterday, but I haven’t received it yet.
W: I’m sorry about that. Can you tell me your name again, sir?
M: Henry Lee. And I need it by this Saturday because it’s a birthday gift for my wife.
W: Let me check the delivery status for you. Could you tell me your order number?
M: Sure. It’s 114 – 4272137.
W: Please hold on while I check your order. [Pause] Mr.
M: Yes, I’m here.
W: I found your order. I have “Henry Lee, 1159 Creve Lake Drive, Olive, Illinois, 66512”.
M: Oh, no.
W: Is there anything wrong with that?
해석 〉
[전화벨이 울린다.]
여: Hat World입니다. 무엇을 도와 드릴까요?
남: 안녕하세요, 저는 Henry Lee인데, 1주일 전에 온라인으로 당신 가게에서 모자를 주문했어요.
여: 네.
남: 제가 어제까지 그것을 받았어야 했는데, 아직 받지 못했어요.
여: 그 점에 대해 죄송합니다. 성함을 다시 말씀해 주시겠어요, 고객 님?
남: Henry Lee입니다. 그리고 아내에게 줄 생일 선물이어서 이번 토요일까지는 그것이 필요해요.
여: 배송 상태를 확인해 드릴게요. 주문 번호를 말씀해 주시겠어요?
남: 그러죠. 114-4272137입니다.
여: 주문을 확인하는 동안 잠시 기다려 주세요. [잠시 후] Lee 씨?
남: 네, 듣고 있습니다.
여: 고객님의 주문을 찾았어요. ‘Henry Lee, 1159 Creve Lake Drive, Olive, Illinois, 66512’라고 되어 있네요.
남: 아, 이런.
여: 잘못된 게 있나요?
남: 제가 실수를 한 것 같아요. 예전 주소를 적었어요.
문제 해설 〉 주문한 물건이 배송되지 않아 문의를 한 남자를 위해 여자 가 주문 내역과 주소를 확인해 주면서 뭔가 잘못된 것이 있는지를 묻 고 있다. 따라서 남자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것은 ⑤이다.
① 저는 이미 그 소포를 받았어요.
② 사실 아내는 이미 많은 모자를 가지고 있어요.
③ 죄송하지만 저는 당신의 배송 정책을 읽지 않았어요.
④ 아내가 모자를 마음에 들어 하지 않으면, 환불할 수 있나요?
어휘와 어구 〉
• delivery 배송, 배달
• status 상태

정답 〉 ③
소재 〉 기차 플랫폼 찾기
대본 〉
W: May I help you, sir?
M: Yes. I’m not sure which platform my train leaves from.
W: Where are you going to?
M: To Yeosu.
W: If you go straight and turn to  your right, you’ll see a big board with information about all arrivals and departures.
M: I know, but the information board isn’t working now.
W: Oh, I forgot. Let me check your train information.
M: Thank you, but I’m cutting it really close. My train leaves in five minutes.
W: It’s Platform No. 1.
M: Thank you. Could you tell me how to get there?
W: Sure. Go straight that way and go down the second escalator on your right. It’s the platform on your left.
M: Oh, my. I hope I make it in time.
해석 〉
여: 도와 드릴까요?
남: 네. 제가 탈 기차가 어느 플랫폼에서 출발하는지 모르겠어요.
여: 어디 가시나요?
남: 여수입니다.
여: 직진해서 오른쪽으로 돌면, 모든 도착과 출발에 관한 정보가 있는 큰 안내판이 있을 거예요.
남: 알아요, 하지만 그 안내판이 지금 작동이 되지 않고 있어요.
여: 아, 잊고 있었네요. 제가 손님의 기차 정보를 확인해 드릴게요.
남: 감사합니다만, 정말로 시간적으로 아슬아슬해요. 기차가 5분 후 에 출발이에요.
여: 1번 플랫폼이에요.
남: 감사합니다. 그곳으로 가는 방법을 알려 주시겠어요?
여: 물론이죠. 저쪽으로 쭉 가시다가 오른쪽에 있는 두 번째 에스컬레 이터를 타고 내려가세요. 손님의 왼쪽에 있는 플랫폼입니다.
남: 아, 이런. 시간 내에 갈 수 있으면 좋겠어요.
여: 걱정 마세요. 서두르시면 3분이 채 안 걸릴 거예요.
문제 해설 〉 기차 승차 시간이 얼마 남지 않은 남자가 자신이 기차를 탈 플랫폼에 시간 내에 갈 수 있을지 걱정하고 있다. 따라서 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것은 ③이다.
① 죄송하지만, 1번 플랫폼은 공사 중이에요.
② 유감스럽게도 오늘 여수행 기차표는 매진되었어요.
④ 안 됩니다. 다음 역으로 가는 택시를 타시는 게 어떠신가요?
⑤ 표를 더 일찍 구매했더라면 더 저렴한 표를 구할 수 있었을 텐 데요.
어휘와 어구 〉
• board 안내판, 게시판
• arrival 도착
• departure 출발
• cut it close (시간이) 아슬아슬하다
• make it (시간 내에) 가다, 해내다

정답 〉 ③
소재 〉 시험 문제 정답 확인
대본 〉
W: Jean had a biology exam yesterday. She likes biology and had studied for the test for a week. She was certain she got a perfect score until Mr. White, her biology teacher, gave her answer sheet back to her today. To her disappointment, she missed two questions. One was obviously her mistake. She marked a wrong number on the answer sheet even though she marked the correct
answer on her exam paper. But she wonders why her answer to Question Number 9 is wrong. She tries to find out why her answer is wrong, but she can’t. So she wants to ask Mr. White to explain why her answer is wrong. In this situation, what would Jean most likely say to Mr. White?

해석 〉
여: Jean은 어제 생물학 시험을 치렀습니다. 그녀는 생물학을 좋아 해서 시험을 위해 1주일간 공부했습니다. 생물학 교사인 Mr. White가 오늘 그녀에게 답안지를 다시 나눠 줄 때까지는 그녀는 자신이 만점을 받을 것으로 확신했습니다. 실망스럽게도 그녀는 두 문제를 틀렸습니다. 하나는 명백히 그녀의 실수였습니다. 시 험지에는 정답을 표시했지만, 답안지에는 잘못된 번호를 표시했 습니다. 하지만 그녀는 9번 문항에 대한 자신의 답이 왜 틀렸는지 궁금해합니다. 그녀는 자신의 답이 왜 틀렸는지를 알기 위해 애쓰 지만, 알 수가 없습니다. 그래서 그녀는 Mr. White에게 자신의 답이 왜 틀렸는지를 설명해 달라고 요청하고 싶어 합니다. 이런 상황에서, Jean은 Mr. White에게 뭐라고 말하겠습니까?
Jean: 저는 이 문제에서 제가 왜 점수를 잃었는지 궁금했어요.
문제 해설 〉 생물학 시험에서 만점을 예상했던 Jean이 답안지를 확인 하면서 하나는 본인이 실수했지만, 다른 하나에 대해서는 자신의 답 이 왜 틀렸는지를 알 수 없어 Mr. White에게 설명을 요청하려고 하 는 상황이다. 따라서 Jean이 Mr. White에게 할 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ③이다.
① 저는 생물학을 매우 좋아해서 그것을 전공하기로 결심했어요.
② 죄송하지만, 저는 수업을 따라갈 수 없었어요.
④ 죄송하지만, 선생님은 저희에게 이 자료를 공부하라고 말씀하시지 않았다고 생각해요.
⑤ 선생님의 강의는 제가 시험에서 만점을 받는 데 정말 도움이 되었 어요.
어휘와 어구 〉
• biology 생물학
• perfect score 만점
• answer sheet 답안지
• obviously 명백히, 분명히
• mark 표시하다

정답 〉 16 ② 17 ③
소재 〉 Gandhi에게 영향을 받은 지도자들
대본 〉
M: Hello, students. Last time, we talked about Mahatma Gandhi, one of the world’s most influential people of the 20th century. Today, we will look into great leaders who were inspired by him. The Dalai Lama, the religious and political leader of the Tibetan people,

has always said he has the greatest admiration for Gandhi. He has confessed that Gandhi has inspired him greatly. Another person who was inspired by Gandhi was Nelson Mandela from South Africa. He often confessed Gandhi’s ideas played a critical role in his movement to abolish racism in South Africa. Also, I’d like to mention John Lennon, an anti-war activist as well as a member of the legendary band The Beatles. He said that Gandhi had a significant influence on his music. His famous song “Give Peace  a Chance” became an anti-war song. Finally, I  have to add the most beloved civil rights leader in the US, Martin Luther King, Jr. He once said that Mahatma Gandhi showed him how to employ a non-violent civil rights movement to oppose racism aimed at African Americans.
해석 〉
남: 안녕하세요, 학생 여러분. 지난 시간에 우리는 20세기에 세계에서 가장 영향력 있는 사람들 중 한 사람인 Mahatma Gandhi에 관 해 이야기했습니다. 오늘 우리는 그에게서 영감을 받은 위대한 지 도자들을 살펴볼 것입니다. 티베트 국민들의 종교적, 정치적 지 도자인 Dalai Lama는 자신이 Gandhi를 가장 존경한다고 항상 말했습니다. 그는 Gandhi가 자신에게 크게 영감을 주었다고 고 백했습니다. Gandhi에게 영감을 받은 또 다른 사람은 남아프리 카 공화국의 Nelson Mandela였습니다. 그는 자주 Gandhi의 신념이 남아프리카 공화국에서 인종 차별주의를 폐지하고자 하는 자신의 운동에 중요한 역할을 했다고 고백했습니다. 또한, 전설적 그룹인 The Beatles의 멤버이자 반전 활동가인 John Lennon 을 언급하고자 합니다. 그는 Gandhi가 자신의 음악에 중대한 영향을 끼쳤다고 말했습니다. 그의 유명한 노래 ‘Give Peace a Chance’는 반전 노래가 되었습니다. 마지막으로 저는 미국에서 가장 사랑받는 시민의 평등권 지도자인 Martin Luther King, Jr.를 덧붙여야 하겠습니다. 그는 Mahatma Gandhi가 아프리 카계 미국인을 겨냥하는 인종 차별주의에 반대하기 위해 비폭력 적인 시민의 평등권 운동을 어떻게 이용하는지를 자신에게 보여 주었다고 말한 적이 있습니다.
문제 해설 〉
16 남자는 Gandhi에게 영향을 받은 지도자들을 소개하고 있으므 로, 남자가 하는 말의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은 ② ‘Gandhi의 영향을 받은 세계 지도자들’이다.
① 전 세계의 위대한 종교 지도자들
③ 영감을 주는 Gandhi의 글과 연설
④ 인권 운동의 역사
⑤ 비폭력 운동과 선구자들
17 Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela, John Lennon, Martin Luther King, Jr.는 언급되었지만, ③ ‘Albert Schweitzer’는 언 급되지 않았다.
어휘와 어구 〉
• influential 영향력 있는
• inspire 영감을 주다
• admiration 존경, 감탄
• confess 고백하다, 인정하다
• critical 중요한, 중대한
• abolish 폐지하다
• racism 인종 차별주의
• legendary 전설적인, 전설의
• significant 중대한, 중요한, 의미 있는
• oppose 반대하다

Posted by 최 샘

2020년, ebs, 수능완성, 실전 모의고사, 영어듣기, 1회 정답, 및 대본




01 ③ 02 ① 03 ③ 04 ④ 05 ⑤
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정답 > ③
소재 > 학급 회장 선거 결과에 대한 실망
대본 >
W: Dad, today was the big day, but Angela was elected
class president.
M: No wonder you look so sad.
W: I tried my best, but I’m so disappointed with the result.
해석 >
여: 아빠, 오늘이 그 중요한 날이었는데, Angela가 학급 회장으로
남: 네가 그렇게 슬퍼 보이는 것이 당연하구나.
여: 저는 최선을 다했지만, 그 결과에 너무 실망이에요.
남: 이해해, 하지만 나는 네가 최선을 다한 것이 자랑스럽다.
문제 해설 > 여자는 남자에게 학급 회장이 되려고 노력했지만, 되지 못
해서 실망스럽다고 말하고 있다. 따라서 남자의 응답으로 가장 적절
한 것은 ③이다.
① 너의 선거 운동 포스터를 붙이는 것을 도와줄게.
② 축하한다. 나는 네가 그만한 자격이 있다고 확신한다.
④ 마침내 학급 회장에 출마할 결심을 했구나.
⑤ Angela의 선거 운동을 돕자.
어휘와 어구 〉
•run for ~에 출마하다
•election campaign 선거 운동
정답 〉①
소재 〉발표 예행연습
대본 〉
M: Helen, where will we meet to rehearse for our
W: Oh, I totally forgot that the rehearsal is today! I was so
busy with other things.
M: The presentation is tomorrow. Have you memorized
your part of the script?
해석 〉
남: Helen, 우리의 발표 예행연습을 하기 위해서 어디에서 만날까
여: 아, 예행연습이 오늘이라는 것을 완전히 잊었어요! 다른 일 때문
에 너무 바빴어요.
남: 발표가 내일이에요. 원고에서 당신이 맡은 부분을 암기했어요?
여: 미안해요, 가능한 한 빨리 내가 맡은 부분을 암기할게요.
문제 해설 〉발표 예행연습이 오늘이라는 것을 완전히 잊고 있던 여자
에게 남자가 맡은 부분을 암기했냐고 물었다. 따라서 여자의 응답으
로 가장 적절한 것은 ①이다.
② 좋아요. 혼자서 그 주제에 관한 에세이를 쓸게요.
③ 네, 아무에게도 말하지 않을게요. 당신의 비밀을 지킬게요.
④ 아주 잘했어요! 연습을 많이 하셨다고 확신해요.
⑤ 당신에게 효과 있는 암기 기술을 찾길 바라요.
어휘와 어구 〉
•rehearse 예행연습을 하다
•presentation 발표
•script 원고
정답 〉③
소재 〉학부모 자원봉사자 모집
대본 〉
W: Good morning, parents! I’m Nancy White, principal
at Meadow High School. I really appreciate your
making time to attend the parent-teacher conference.
Today, I would like to ask for your help. We are looking
for volunteers who can work either at the school library
or at the school cafeteria. Some of the duties at the
library include cleaning shelves, labeling books,
reshelving books, and entering new information into
the database. And volunteers who wish to interact
more with students can serve meals in the cafeteria or
perform other tasks. Anyone willing to put in at least
five hours a week is welcome to sign up at the entrance.
It would be a great help to our students and the school
overall. Thank you.
해석 〉
여: 안녕하세요, 학부모님! 저는 Meadow 고등학교 교장인 Nancy
White입니다. 교사 학부모 협의회에 참석하기 위해서 시간을 내
어 주셔서 정말 감사합니다. 오늘, 저는 학부모님의 도움을 요청
하고자 합니다. 학교 도서관이나 학교 식당에서 일할 수 있는 자
원봉사자를 찾고 있습니다. 도서관에서 하는 일의 일부에는 책장
을 청소하고, 책을 분류하고, 책을 다시 책장에 꽂고, 데이터베이
01 ③ 02 ① 03 ③ 04 ④ 05 ⑤
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실전 모의고사 1회 본문 82~98쪽
52 EBS 수능완성 영어
실 전 편
스에 새로운 정보를 입력하는 것이 포함됩니다. 그리고 학생들과
더 많이 교류하기를 원하는 자원봉사자는 식당에서 음식을 내어
주거나 다른 업무를 수행할 수 있습니다. 일주일에 최소한 5시간
을 기꺼이 내어 주실 사람은 누구든 입구에서 신청하시는 것을 환
영합니다. 우리 학생들과 학교에 전반적으로 커다란 도움이 될 것
입니다. 감사합니다.
문제 해설 〉학교 도서관이나 학교 식당에서 일할 수 있는 학부모 자원
봉사자를 찾고 있다고 했으므로, 여자가 하는 말의 목적으로 가장 적
절한 것은 ③이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
•principal 교장
•appreciate 감사하다, 고맙게 여기다
•conference 협의회
•volunteer 자원봉사자
•label (라벨을 붙여서) 분류하다
•reshelve (책을) 책장에 다시 꽂다
•interact 교류하다
•sign up 신청하다, 등록하다
정답 〉④
소재 〉수면 부족과 체중 증가의 상관관계
대본 〉
W: Bill, you’ve been looking so tired these days. Is everything
M: Hi, Marie. I’ve been staying up all night these past few
days trying to finish my term paper.
W: I see. You must be exhausted.
M: Also, I feel like I’m gaining weight.
W: Are you snacking late at night?
M: Yes, and I’ve been eating a lot of greasy fast foods.
W: Did you know that a lack of sleep can lead to
significant weight gain? 
M: No, I didn’t know that. What does sleep have to do with
weight gain?
W: Well, I read an article that said insufficient sleep
increases hunger hormones.
M: No wonder I’m always hungry.
W: Also, sleep-deprived people tend to make poor food
choices, so the first thing they reach for is usually
something full of fat.
M: Aha, that’s why I’ve been longing for high-fat foods.
W: Your term paper is important, but you should always
get enough sleep.
M: Thanks. That’s great information. I’ll try to get to bed
early tonight.
해석 〉
여: Bill, 요즘 너무 피곤해 보여. 괜찮아?
남: 안녕, Marie. 학기말 리포트를 끝내느라 지난 며칠 동안 밤을 새
여: 알겠어. 몹시 피곤하겠구나.
남: 게다가 체중도 증가하는 것 같아.
여: 밤늦게 간식을 먹니?
남: 응, 그리고 기름진 패스트푸드를 전부터 많이 먹고 있어.
여: 수면 부족이 상당한 체중 증가로 이어질 수 있다는 것을 알고 있
남: 아니, 그건 몰랐어. 수면이 체중 증가와 무슨 관계가 있니?
여: 음, 불충분한 수면이 배고픔 호르몬을 증가시킨다는 기사를 읽
남: 내가 언제나 배가 고픈 것은 당연하구나.
여: 또한, 수면이 부족한 사람은 잘못된 음식 선택을 하는 경향이 있
어서, 그들이 손을 뻗는 첫 번째 것은 대개 기름이 가득한 것이야 .
남: 아, 그래서 내가 고지방 음식이 간절히 먹고 싶은 거군.
여: 너의 학기말 리포트가 중요하긴 하지만, 언제나 충분한 잠을 자야 해 .
남: 고마워. 좋은 정보네. 오늘 밤은 일찍 자도록 노력해야겠어.
문제 해설 〉남자는 학기말 리포트를 끝마치기 위해서 지난 며칠 동안
밤을 새웠고, 밤늦게 기름진 패스트푸드를 먹으면서 살이 찌고 있다
고 했다. 여자는 수면이 부족하면 호르몬의 영향으로 고지방 음식이
먹고 싶어진다고 말했다. 따라서 두 사람이 하는 말의 주제로 가장 적
절한 것은 ④이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
•stay up 깨어 있다
•term paper 학기말 리포트
•gain weight 체중이 증가하다
•significant 상당한
•have to do with ~와 관계가 있다
•article 기사
•sleep-deprived 수면이 부족한
•long for ~을 간절히 원하다
정답 〉⑤
소재 〉무용 오디션 참가
대본 〉
W: Are you ready, Mr. Simpson?
M: I’m pretty nervous, but yes, I’m ready.
W: Just relax and do your best.
M: Thank you. Could I take a quick sip of water first?
W: Sure. Begin when you are ready.
M: Okay, I’m ready. I’ll start now.
W: [Pause] Oh, that was wonderful!
M: Thank you.
W: You performed it so smoothly even with your ankle
bandaged up.
M: My ankle is still sore from performing in Swan Lake in
the international dance festival last week.
정답과 해설 _ 실전 모의고사 1회 53
W: Part of being a dancer is performing through the pain,
and you just did that. You moved so effortlessly that I
couldn’t even tell your ankle was hurting.
M: Once I start to dance, I don’t even notice the pain.
W: Based on your audition today, I can tell you are
extremely talented and dedicated.
M: Thank you for saying that. If I get the part, I will do my
best to put on a great production.
해석 〉
여: 준비되었나요, Simpson 씨?
남: 매우 긴장되지만, 네, 준비되었어요.
여: 긴장을 풀고 최선을 다하세요.
남: 감사합니다. 먼저 물 한 모금 빨리 마셔도 될까요?
여: 물론이지요. 준비되면 시작하세요.
남: 네, 준비되었어요. 지금 시작합니다.
여: [잠시 후] 아, 멋졌어요!
남: 감사합니다.
여: 발목에 붕대를 감고도 매우 부드럽게 춤을 추는군요.
남: 지난주 국제 무용 축제 때, ‘백조의 호수’ 공연에서 춤을 추었는데
발목이 아직 아픕니다.
여: 무용수가 되는 일의 일부는 고통을 참고 춤을 추는 것인데, 당신
이 바로 그것을 하신 겁니다. 아주 수월하게 움직이셔서 발목이
아프다는 것을 알 수도 없었네요.
남: 일단 춤을 추기 시작하면, 고통을 느끼지도 못해요.
여: 오늘 당신의 오디션을 보니, 당신은 매우 재능 있고 헌신적이십니다.
남: 그렇게 말해 주셔서 감사합니다. 그 배역을 맡는다면, 좋은 작품
을 무대에 올리도록 최선을 다하겠습니다.
문제 해설 〉 남자는 지난주 국제 무용 축제 때 ‘백조의 호수’ 공연에서
춤을 추었다고 했으므로 무용수임을 알 수 있다. 여자는 남자의 오디
션을 보고 남자의 실력을 평가하고 있으므로 심사 위원임을 알 수 있
다. 따라서 두 사람의 관계를 가장 잘 나타낸 것은 ⑤이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
•sip 한 모금
•perform 공연하다
•bandage up ~에 붕대를 감다
•sore 아픈, 쑤시는
•effortlessly 수월하게, 힘들이지 않고
•dedicated 헌신적인
•production 작품
정답 〉 ⑤
소재 〉 자녀 방 꾸미기
대본 〉
W: Honey, look at the picture in this interior design book. I
want to decorate Mike’s room like this.
M: Let me see. Wow, it’s wonderful. The first thing that
gets my attention is the world map on the wall.
W: I think world maps are great because they allow us to
dream of far-off places.
M: This big bookshelf beside the window is nice. It would make organizing all of Mike’s books easier.
W: Yes, it would. I like how the desk is placed in front of
the window.
M: Me, too. Let’s move Mike’s desk like that. It’ll be a
more comfortable place for him to do his homework.
W: And look how they have storage boxes under the bed.
That’s a good way to create more storage.
M: If we do that, we could stop worrying about him leaving his stuff all over the room.
W: That’d be great. And look at the plant hanging from
the ceiling. Some greenery in a room is always a mood
M: Right. Plants can have a positive effect on a child’s
emotional well-being.
W: I can’t wait to start redecorating his room.
해석 〉
여: 여보, 이 실내 디자인 책에 있는 사진을 보세요. Mike의 방을 이
렇게 꾸미고 싶어요.
남: 어디 봅시다. 와, 멋지군요. 내 눈길을 끄는 첫 번째 것은 벽에 붙
은 세계 지도예요.
여: 세계 지도는 우리가 멀리 떨어진 곳을 꿈꾸게 해 줄 수 있어서 멋
지다고 생각해요.
남: 창문 옆에 있는 이 커다란 책꽂이가 멋지네요. 그것은 Mike의
모든 책을 정리하는 것을 더 쉽게 해 줄 거예요.
여: 네, 그럴 거예요. 창문 앞에 책상이 배치된 것이 마음에 드는
남: 나도요. Mike의 책상을 그렇게 옮깁시다. 그곳이 그가 숙제하기
에 더 편안한 장소일 거예요.
여: 그리고 침대 밑에 보관함을 둔 것을 보세요. 더 많이 보관하기 위
한 좋은 방법이네요.
남: 그렇게 하면, 그가 온 방 안에 물건을 놔두는 것에 대해서 걱정을
그만할 수 있겠어요.
여: 좋을 것 같군요. 그리고 천장에 매달린 식물을 보세요. 방 안에 화초가 좀 있는 것이 언제나 분위기를 돋워 주지요.
남: 맞아요. 식물은 아이의 정서적 행복에 긍정적인 영향을 미칠 수
여: 빨리 그의 방을 다시 꾸미는 것을 시작하고 싶네요.
문제 해설 〉 대화에서는 식물이 천장에 매달려 있다고 했으나, 그림에
서는 침대 발치 쪽 바닥에 놓여 있으므로, 대화의 내용과 일치하지 않
는 것은 ⑤이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
•interior 실내의
•decorate 꾸미다
•organize 정리하다
•storage box 보관함
•stuff 물건
54 EBS 수능완성 영어
실 전 편
•greenery 화초
•mood booster 분위기를 돋우는 것
정답 〉②
소재 〉휴대 전화 분실
대본 〉
M: Amy, it looks like you’re looking for something.
W: I’ve misplaced my cell phone and can’t find it.
M: I saw you holding it in the school cafeteria.
W: Yes. I remember having my phone with me there, too.
So I must have lost it on my way back to the classroom.
M: Did you stop anywhere in between those two places?
W: I went to the bathroom.
M: Then, maybe you left it there.
W: I checked, but I couldn’t find it there, either.
M: Should I call your phone?
W: It won’t be of any use. I put my phone on silent mode.
What should I do?
M: I think the only thing left to do is look in the lost and
W: That sounds like a good idea. But first, can I use your
phone to make a call?
M: Here you go.
W: Thanks, I have to tell my mom that I won’t be able to
answer her call when she comes to pick me up after
해석 〉
남: Amy, 무언가를 찾고 있는 것 같구나.
여: 휴대 전화를 둔 곳을 잊어서 찾을 수가 없어.
남: 난 네가 학교 식당에서 그것을 들고 있는 것을 보았어.
여: 응. 나도 거기에서 휴대 전화를 가지고 있던 것을 기억해. 그러니
까 교실로 돌아오는 길에 그것을 잃어버린 것이 틀림없어.
남: 그 두 장소 사이의 어딘가에 잠깐 들렀니?
여: 화장실에 갔었어.
남: 그럼, 아마도 그곳에 두었나 보네.
여: 살펴보았지만, 그곳에서도 찾을 수 없었어.
남: 너의 휴대 전화로 전화를 걸까?
여: 소용없을 거야. 휴대 전화를 무음 상태로 설정했거든. 어떻게 해
야 하지?
남: 유일하게 남겨진 할 일은 분실물 보관소에 들러서 확인해 보는 것
이라고 생각해.
여: 좋은 생각인 것 같아. 하지만 먼저, 전화를 걸기 위해서 네 전화
기를 사용할 수 있을까?
남: 여기 있어.
여: 고마워, 엄마가 방과 후에 나를 태우러 올 때, 전화를 받을 수 없
을 거라고 엄마한테 말해야 해.
문제 해설 〉여자는 엄마에게 전화를 걸기 위해서 남자의 휴대 전화를
빌렸으므로, 여자가 할 일로 가장 적절한 것은 ②이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
•misplace 둔 곳을 잊다
•put ~ on silent mode 무음 상태로 설정하다
•look in ~에 들러서 확인해 보다
•lost and found 분실물 보관소
정답 〉①
소재 〉워크숍에 끝까지 참석할 수 없는 이유
대본 〉
[Cell phone rings.]
W: Hi, Sam. What’s up?
M: I’m calling about our schedule for tomorrow. We were
supposed to drive to the workshop together, remember?
W: Oh, yeah. Thanks for calling. I’m really excited about
the workshop tomorrow. When and where should we
M: Why don’t we meet in front of the city library at 9 a.m.?
W: Good.
M: By the way, are you planning to attend all the sessions?
W: Yes, I want to.
M: Well, I won’t be able to stay until the end, so you might
need to look for a ride back home.
W: You’re not going to stay for the whole workshop?
M: No, I can’t. I have a dentist’s appointment. I’m sorry to
inconvenience you.
W: That’s okay. Unfortunately you’ll miss some really
good workshop sessions.
M: I know, but I couldn’t reschedule the appointment. The
dentist will be out of the office the day after tomorrow
for a week to attend a conference.
W: I see. So you would have to wait at least a week if you
postponed this appointment.
M: That’s right. And my tooth aches so much that I can’t
wait another week.
해석 〉
[휴대 전화가 울린다.]
여: 안녕, Sam. 무슨 일인가요?
남: 내일 우리 일정 때문에 전화했어요. 우리는 워크숍에 함께 차를
타고 가기로 되어 있어요, 기억해요?
여: 아, 네. 전화해 줘서 고마워요. 내일 워크숍 때문에 정말 들떠 있
어요. 언제 어디서 만날까요?
남: 오전 9시에 시립 도서관 앞에서 만나는 게 어때요?
여: 좋아요.
남: 그런데, 모든 활동 시간에 참석할 계획인가요?
여: 네, 그러고 싶어요.
남: 음, 저는 끝날 때까지 머물 수 없을 테니, 집으로 오는 차편을 알
정답과 해설 _ 실전 모의고사 1회 55
여: 워크숍에 내내 머물 작정이 아니군요?
남: 네, 그럴 수 없어요. 치과 예약이 있어요. 불편하게 해 드려 미안
여: 괜찮아요. 유감스럽게도 당신은 몇몇 정말 좋은 워크숍 활동 시간
을 놓치실 거예요.
남: 알아요, 그렇지만 예약 일정을 변경할 수 없었어요. 치과 의사가
학회에 참석하기 위해서 모레부터 일주일 동안 진료실을 비울 거
여: 알겠어요. 그래서 당신이 이 예약을 연기하면 적어도 일주일을 기
다려야 하겠군요.
남: 맞아요. 그리고 이가 너무 아파서 일주일을 더 기다릴 수는 없
문제 해설 〉남자의 치과 의사가 모레부터 일주일 동안 진료하지 못하
는 상황이어서, 남자는 내일 치과에 꼭 가야 한다. 따라서 남자가 워
크숍에 끝까지 참석할 수 없는 이유는 ①이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
•session 활동 시간
•inconvenience 불편하게 하다
•reschedule 일정을 변경하다
•conference 학회
•postpone 연기하다
정답 〉②
소재 〉가구 구입
대본 〉
W: May I help you?
M: Yes, I’m interested in this tea cabinet. How much does
it cost?
W: It’s $300. It’s a wonderful tea cabinet to display tea
cups and saucers.
M: Wow! That’s more expensive than I expected.
W: It’s made of solid cherry wood. Do you see these
beautiful details carved into it?
M: Yes, they are pretty, but isn’t this a display model?
Could you drop the price a bit?
W: I wish I could, but I can’t on this one. However, if you
buy this tea cabinet, I can give you a discount on other
pieces of furniture.
M: I’ll take the tea cabinet. Well, I also need to buy a coffee
table. Do you sell coffee tables?
W: Of course. We have a wide selection of coffee tables. I’ll
show you. Follow me, please.
M: Thanks. [Pause] How much is this black one?
W: It’s $50, but I’ll give you a 10% discount on it.
M: Great. Then, I’ll take this one along with the tea cabinet.
W: I’ll also give you an extra $5 off, including free delivery
because you are the first customer of the day.
M: Thank you! Here’s my credit card.
해석 〉
여: 도와 드릴까요?
남: 네, 이 찻장에 관심 있어요. 얼마인가요?
여: 300달러입니다. 그것은 찻잔과 받침 접시를 전시하기 위한 멋진
남: 와! 예상했던 것보다 더 비싸군요.
여: 이것은 견고한 체리목으로 만들어졌어요. 그것에 조각해 넣은 이
아름다운 세공이 보이시나요?
남: 네, 예쁘지만, 전시품 아닌가요? 가격을 좀 깎아 주실 수 있나요?
여: 할 수 있다면 좋겠지만, 이것은 그럴 수 없네요. 하지만, 이 찻장
을 사시면 다른 가구들은 할인해 드릴 수 있어요.
남: 이 찻장을 살게요. 음, 커피 테이블도 사야 해요. 커피 테이블을
여: 물론이지요. 다양한 커피 테이블을 갖추고 있습니다. 보여 드릴
게요. 저를 따라오세요.
남: 감사합니다. [잠시 후] 이 검은색은 얼마인가요?
여: 그것은 50달러이지만, 10퍼센트 할인해 드릴게요.
남: 좋군요. 그럼, 찻장과 함께 이것을 사겠어요.
여: 오늘 첫 손님이시므로 무료 배송을 포함해서 5달러를 추가로 할
인해 드리겠습니다.
남: 감사합니다! 여기 신용 카드가 있어요.
문제 해설 〉찻장은 300달러인데 할인이 안 되고, 커피 테이블은 50
달러인데 10퍼센트 할인해서 45달러이다. 찻장과 커피 테이블을 합
쳐서 345달러인데, 여기에서 추가로 5달러를 할인해 준다고 했으므
로, 남자가 지불할 금액은 ② ‘340달러’이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
•tea cabinet 찻장
•solid 견고한
•carve 조각하다
•display model 전시품
•furniture 가구
•delivery 배송, 배달
정답 〉④
소재 〉법률 회사에 인턴 지원자 추천
대본 〉
M: Professor Smith, I heard you wanted to see me.
W: Yes, John. Come in. You told me earlier that you are
looking for an internship at a law firm, didn’t you?
M: Yes, that’s right.
W: There is an internship at a law firm, and I’d like to
recommend you for that position.
M: Thank you so much. Is it a full-time position?
W: Yes, it is. It’s 9 to 5, Monday through Friday.
M: Great. How long is the internship?
56 EBS 수능완성 영어
실 전 편
W: It’s for the whole month of July, and if you’d like, you
can extend the internship until the start of the semester.
M: Sounds good. Do you know what the pay is?
W: The pay is $13 per hour.
M: That’s great news. This sounds like a really valuable
W: That’s why I thought of you. Through this internship,
you could get a recommendation letter from the
lawyers, which could really help you in the future.
M: That’d help out so much.
W: Here’s the information. They’re accepting applications
until this Friday.
M: I can’t thank you enough.
해석 〉
남: Smith 교수님, 저를 만나고 싶어 하신다고 들었어요.
여: 그래, John. 들어오게. 법률 회사 인턴 과정을 찾고 있다고 전에
내게 말했었지, 그렇지 않나?
남: 네, 맞아요.
여: 법률 회사 인턴 과정이 있는데, 그 자리에 자네를 추천하고 싶네.
남: 정말 감사합니다. 전임 자리인가요?
여: 그렇다네. 월요일부터 금요일까지 9시부터 5시까지야.
남: 좋군요. 인턴 근무 기간은 얼마나 되나요?
여: 7월 한 달 전체인데, 원한다면 학기 시작까지 인턴 근무를 연장할
수 있어.
남: 좋네요. 급여는 얼마인지 아시나요?
여: 시간당 13달러야.
남: 좋은 소식이군요. 정말 귀중한 기회인 것 같네요.
여: 그래서 자네를 생각한 걸세. 이 인턴 근무를 통해서 변호사들에게서
추천서를 받을 수 있는데, 장래에 자네에게 정말 도움이 될 거야.
남: 정말 많은 도움이 될 거예요.
여: 여기 자료가 있네. 이번 주 금요일까지 지원서를 받고 있어.
남: 정말 감사합니다.
문제 해설 〉 근무 시간(9 to 5, Monday through Friday), 기간(for
the whole month of July), 급여($13 per hour), 지원 마감일
(accepting applications until this Friday)은 언급되었지만, ④
‘지원 자격’은 언급되지 않았다.
어휘와 어구 〉
•internship 인턴 과정, 인턴 근무
•recommend 추천하다
•extend 연장하다
•semester 학기
•application 지원서
정답 〉⑤
소재 〉Bring Your Family to School 행사
대본 〉
M: Good morning, students. Our annual event, Bring Your
Family to School, is coming up soon. On this special
day, you can share many aspects of your school life
with your family members. It’ll be held on the last
Friday of this month from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Your family
members can stay with you either for just a couple
of hours or for the whole day. Please note that you are
not allowed to bring any pets to school. Make sure
to ask your parents to read and sign the form to confirm
whether they will attend or not. Please hand in the
form to your homeroom teacher no later than next
Wednesday. Thanks for listening.
해석 〉
남: 안녕하세요, 학생 여러분. 우리의 연례행사인 Bring Your
Family to School이 곧 다가옵니다. 이 특별한 날에, 여러분의
가족 구성원들과 학교생활의 많은 면을 공유할 수 있습니다. 이번
달 마지막 주 금요일 오전 8시부터 오후 3시까지 열릴 겁니다. 여
러분의 가족은 두어 시간 동안만 또는 온종일 여러분과 함께할 수
있습니다. 어떠한 애완동물도 학교에 데려올 수 없다는 점을 주의
해 주세요. 부모님께 참가할지 안 할지를 확인하는 신청서를 읽고
서명하시도록 꼭 요청하세요. 늦어도 다음 주 수요일까지는 담임
선생님께 신청서를 제출하세요. 들어 주셔서 감사합니다.
문제 해설 〉늦어도 다음 주 수요일까지는 담임 선생님께 신청서를 제
출하라고 했으므로, 담화의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은 ⑤이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
•annual 연례의
•aspect 면, 양상
•note 주의하다, 주목하다
•form 신청서
•confirm 확인하다
•no later than 늦어도 ~까지는
정답 〉④
소재 〉커피 메이커 구입
대본 〉
W: Hello, how can I help you?
M: I’m looking for a coffee maker for my wife.
W: What’s your price range?
M: I was thinking under $500.
W: Okay. Is there a specific model or function you have in
M: Well, my wife likes lattes, so I’d like to get one with a
milk steamer.
W: These are our models that have that.
M: Okay. What are the differences between them?
W: These ones have an auto on and off mode, so you don’t
have to worry about forgetting to turn them off.
정답과 해설 _ 실전 모의고사 1회 57
M: Great. I need one with that auto mode. How long are
the warranties for these?
W: The warranty period is 5 years for the ones over $450,
and 2 years for the less expensive ones.
M: I’ll go with the one with the 5-year warranty.
W: Excellent choice. Your wife will be pleased.
M: Thank you for helping me out.
해석 〉
여: 안녕하세요, 무엇을 도와 드릴까요?
남: 아내를 위한 커피 메이커를 찾고 있어요.
여: 손님이 생각하는 가격대는 얼마인가요?
남: 500달러 미만을 생각하고 있었어요.
여: 알겠어요. 마음에 두고 있는 특정한 모델이나 기능이 있나요?
남: 음, 아내는 라테를 좋아해서, 우유 스팀기가 있는 것을 사고 싶어요 .
여: 이것들이 우유 스팀기가 있는 모델이에요.
남: 알겠어요. 그것들 사이의 차이점은 무엇인가요?
여: 이것들은 자동 켜짐과 꺼짐 모드가 있어서, 커피 메이커를 끄는
것을 잊을까 봐 걱정할 필요가 없어요.
남: 좋군요. 그 자동 모드가 있는 것이 필요해요. 이것들의 보증 기간은
얼마나 됩니까?
여: 450달러가 넘는 것은 보증 기간이 5년이고, 덜 비싼 것은 2년입
남: 보증 기간이 5년인 것을 선택하겠어요.
여: 훌륭한 선택이에요. 부인께서 좋아하실 겁니다.
남: 도와주셔서 감사합니다.
문제 해설 〉가격이 500달러 미만이고, 우유 스팀기가 있으며, 자동
켜짐과 꺼짐 모드가 있고, 보증 기간이 5년인 커피 메이커를 산다고
했으므로, 남자가 구입할 커피 메이커는 ④이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
•price range 가격대
•specific 특정한
•function 기능
•warranty 보증
•go with ~을 선택하다
정답 〉④
소재 〉오전 수업 신청을 망설이는 이유
대본 〉
M: Judy, let’s go grab something to eat at the cafeteria.
W: Can you hold on a second? I’ve got something to finish.
M: All right. What are you doing?
W: I’m looking at the class schedule for this fall semester.
M: Oh, you haven’t finished registering yet?
W: I’m done with my required courses. I have to register
for an elective course.
M: Have you found anything that you think sounds
W: Yeah, a couple of courses. One’s a leadership course
and the other’s a philosophy course. But I’m not sure if
I should register for either of them.
M: Why not?
W: Because all the afternoon classes are full.
M: Are there any morning classes available?
W: Yeah.
M: Then, sign up for a morning class. What’s the problem?
해석 〉
남: Judy, 식당에 가서 간단히 무얼 좀 먹자.
여: 잠시 기다려 줄 수 있어? 나는 끝내야 할 것이 있어.
남: 괜찮아. 무엇을 하고 있니?
여: 이번 가을 학기 수업 일정을 보고 있어.
남: 아, 아직 등록을 마치지 않았니?
여: 필수 과목은 끝마쳤어. 선택 과목을 등록해야 해.
남: 흥미로워 보인다고 생각하는 것을 찾았니?
여: 그래, 두 과목. 하나는 리더십 과목이고 다른 것은 철학 과목이
야. 그런데 둘 중 하나를 등록해야 하는지 확신이 안 서.
남: 어째서?
여: 모든 오후 수업이 찼기 때문이야.
남: 신청 가능한 오전 수업이 있니?
여: 응.
남: 그럼 오전 수업에 등록해. 뭐가 문제야?
여: 나는 아침형 인간이 아니라서, 그렇게 해야 할지 확신이 안 서.
문제 해설 〉여자는 듣고 싶은 선택 과목이 오후 수업에는 자리가 없
고, 오전 수업에만 자리가 남아 있어서 등록을 망설이고 있다. 남자가
여자에게 오전 수업에 등록하면 되는데, 뭐가 문제인지 물었으므로,
남자의 말에 대한 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것은 ④이다.
① 그들은 이 과목들을 오전에도 제공해.
② 맞아. 난 그럼 등교 시간을 절약할 수 있어.
③ 그래서 내가 오후 수업에 등록하는 것을 주저하고 있어.
⑤ 내가 모든 필수 과목을 등록했는지를 확인할 거야.
어휘와 어구 〉
•grab something to eat ~을 간단히 먹다
•semester 학기
•register 등록하다
•required course 필수 과목
•elective course 선택 과목
•philosophy 철학
정답 〉①
소재 〉한옥 체험 제안
대본 〉
M: Sophie, I heard you’re going back to the States next
58 EBS 수능완성 영어
실 전 편
W: Yes, I am. I can’t believe I’ve already been in Korea
for a year. I regret I haven’t fully enjoyed life in Korea
because I’ve been so busy studying.
M: You still have a month left before you leave.
W: That’s true. Can you recommend some interesting
things for me to do?
M: There are tons of activities to choose from if you check
the official Korean tourist website.
W: Have you participated in any of the programs?
M: I’ve done a lot of them. My favorite ones were visiting
Buddhist temples and sleeping in a hanok.
W: They both sound interesting, but I don’t really feel
comfortable going alone.
M: Do you want to join my sister and me next week?
We’ve reserved two rooms at a hanok. We’re going to
stay there for two nights.
W: Sounds great! I’d love to join if you don’t mind.
M: No problem.
W: I’ll pay my part.
해석 〉
남: Sophie, 다음 달에 네가 미국으로 돌아간다고 들었어.
여: 응, 그래. 벌써 한국에서 일 년 동안 있었다니 믿을 수 없어. 공부
하느라 너무 바빠서 한국에서의 생활을 충분히 즐기지 못한 것이
남: 떠나기 전에 한 달이 아직 남아 있잖아.
여: 맞아. 내가 할 몇 가지 흥미로운 일을 추천해 줄 수 있니?
남: 공식 한국 관광객 웹사이트를 확인하면 선택할 수많은 활동이 있
여: 그 프로그램 중 참가해 본 것이 있니?
남: 많은 것을 해 봤어. 내가 가장 좋아하는 것은 절을 방문하는 것과
한옥에서 숙박하는 거였어.
여: 둘 다 재미있을 것 같지만, 혼자 가는 것은 정말 불편해.
남: 다음 주에 내 여동생과 나와 함께 갈래? 한옥에 방을 두 개 예약
했어. 그곳에서 이틀 밤을 머물려고 해.
여: 좋을 것 같다! 괜찮다면 함께 가고 싶어.
남: 문제없어.
여: 내 몫은 내가 지불할게.
남: 좋아. 세 명이면 매우 저렴할 거야.
문제 해설 〉남자는 자신의 여동생과 한옥에서 머물기 위해 방을 두 개
예약한 상태이다. 남자가 여자에게 함께 한옥에서 머물지를 물었고,
여자는 좋다고 하면서 자신의 몫은 자신이 지불하겠다고 말했으므로,
여자의 말에 대한 남자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것은 ①이다.
② 미안하지만, 모든 방이 예약되었다고 들었어.
③ 네 말이 맞아. 나는 방문할 더 많은 장소를 찾아야 해.
④ 이틀 밤을 머무는 것은 부담스럽다. 하룻밤만 머물자.
⑤ 좋아. 오늘 밤 머물 장소를 찾기 위해서 이 앱을 사용하자.
어휘와 어구 〉
•official 공식의
•participate in ~에 참가하다
•Buddhist temple 절
•reserve 예약하다
•burdensome 부담스러운
정답 〉④
소재 〉예약한 식당 자리에 대한 불만
대본 〉
M: Julia looks on the Internet for a restaurant for her
parents’ wedding anniversary dinner. She makes a
reservation at a restaurant where they can dine on an
outdoor terrace overlooking beautiful scenery. On the
day of the dinner, when Julia and her family arrive at
the restaurant, they are seated at a table without a nice
view. The restaurant website says that the tables on the
terrace have a nice view, so they are pretty disappointed.
They look around and spot an unoccupied table on the
other side of the terrace that clearly has a better view.
So Julia asks to talk to the manager. When the manager
comes over, he asks Julia if there is something wrong.
In this situation, what would Julia most likely say to
해석 〉
남: Julia는 부모님의 결혼기념일 저녁 식사를 위해 인터넷에서 식
당을 찾습니다. 그녀는 아름다운 경치가 내려다보이는 야외 테라
스에서 식사를 할 수 있는 식당을 예약합니다. 식사를 하는 날,
Julia와 그녀의 가족이 식당에 도착했을 때, 그들은 전망이 좋지
않은 테이블로 안내를 받습니다. 식당 웹사이트에 테라스에 있
는 테이블은 전망이 좋다고 적혀 있으므로, 그들은 매우 실망합니
다. 그들은 주변을 둘러보다 테라스의 반대편에 있는, 더 좋은 전
망을 가진 것이 분명한, 사람이 앉아 있지 않은 테이블을 발견합
니다. 그래서 Julia는 매니저와 이야기하겠다고 요청합니다. 매
니저가 왔을 때, 그는 Julia에게 문제가 있는지 묻습니다. 이런
상황에서 Julia는 그에게 뭐라고 말하겠습니까?
Julia: 이 테이블은 전망이 좋지 않네요. 저 테이블로 옮길 수 있나요?
문제 해설 〉Julia는 부모님과 함께 식사하기 위해서 전망 좋은 식당
을 예약했으나, 전망이 좋지 않은 테이블로 안내를 받는다. 전망이 더
나아 보이는 테이블을 이용하기 위해서 매니저를 부른 상황이므로,
Julia가 매니저에게 할 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ④이다.
① 아, 이 테이블을 사고 싶어요. 얼마인가요?
② 우리 사진을 찍어 주시겠어요? 부모님의 기념일이에요.
③ 전망은 마음에 들지만, 음식은 기대에 미치지 못했어요.
⑤ 제 부모님의 기념일 저녁 식사에 무료 디저트를 제공해 주셔서 감
어휘와 어구 〉
•anniversary 기념일
정답과 해설 _ 실전 모의고사 1회 59
•overlook 내려다보다
•scenery 경치, 풍경
•seat 자리를 안내하다, 앉히다
•spot 발견하다
•unoccupied 사람이 앉아 있지 않은, 점유되지 않은
정답 〉16 ① 17 ⑤
소재 〉동일한 국화를 가진 나라
대본 〉
W: Hello, students. Last class, we learned about national
identity. National identity can be formed through
national symbols. Every country in the world has
numerous national symbols, such as a national anthem,
flag, bird or flower. Today we’re going to focus on
national flowers. A large number of countries across
the globe have national floral emblems. Some of
them are chosen by the governments, while others are
selected through public polls. Interestingly, some
countries share the same national flower. Do
you know what is the official flower in both the
United States and England? The answer is the rose.
Also, the tulip is the national flower of both Turkey and
the Netherlands. And India and Egypt have the lotus
as their national flower. The red poppy is the national
flower for Belgium and Albania. Now let’s take a look
at some photos of floral emblems.
해석 〉
여: 안녕하세요, 학생 여러분. 지난 수업에서 우리는 국가 정체성에
대해서 배웠습니다. 국가 정체성은 국가의 상징물을 통해서 형성
될 수 있습니다. 세계의 모든 나라는 국가(國歌), 국기, 국조 또는
국화와 같은 많은 국가의 상징물을 가지고 있습니다. 오늘은 국화
에 초점을 맞추겠습니다. 지구상의 많은 국가들이 국가의 상징화
를 가지고 있습니다. 그것들 중 일부는 정부에 의해서 선택되고,
반면 다른 것들은 여론 조사를 통해서 선정됩니다. 흥미롭게도 몇
몇 국가는 동일한 국화를 갖고 있습니다. 여러분은 미국과 잉글랜
드 두 나라에서 공식적인 꽃이 무엇인지 알고 있나요? 답은 장미
입니다. 또한 튤립은 터키와 네덜란드 두 나라의 국화입니다. 그
리고 인도와 이집트는 연꽃이 그들의 국화입니다. 개양귀비는 벨
기에와 알바니아의 국화입니다. 이제 상징화의 몇몇 사진을 봅
문제 해설 〉
16 국화가 같은 나라를 소개하고 있으므로, 여자가 하는 말의 주제로
가장 적절한 것은 ① ‘동일한 국화를 가진 나라’이다.
② 국가 정체성에 관한 오해
③ 국화의 예상치 못한 의미
④ 국가의 상징물을 가지는 것의 중요성
⑤ 국가 유산이 보존되어야 하는 이유
17 England, India, Egypt, Belgium은 언급되었지만, France
는 언급되지 않았으므로, 언급된 나라가 아닌 것은 ⑤이다.
어휘와 어구 〉
•identity 정체성
•national anthem 국가(國歌)
•floral emblem 상징화
•public poll 여론 조사
•official 공식적인
•lotus 연꽃
•red poppy 개양귀비

Posted by 최 샘

2020학년도 9월 고1 전국연합학력평가 영어듣기 대본 및 정답



1 ⑤ 2 ① 3 ⑤ 4 ① 5 ①

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36 ② 37 ⑤ 38 ③ 39 ③ 40 ①

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듣기 대본 및 해설

1. [출제의도] 대화의 적절한 응답 고르기

W: Did you hear that Golden Bookstore will

hold a book signing event for Lora Johnson?

M: Oh, she is one of my favorite writers. I’ve

read all of her novels. When is it?

W: This Sunday afternoon. Do you want to

come with me?


2. [출제의도] 대화의 적절한 응답 고르기

M: Jane, are you almost done setting up your


W: Not yet. I’m having a hard time understanding

the instructions.

M: Watching some video clips might be helpful.

I’m sure you’ll find some showing you how

to do it.


3. [출제의도] 담화의 목적 파악하기

W: Hello, everyone. Thank you for visiting Dream

Amusement Park. To celebrate our 20th

anniversary, we have a special musical

performance for children, The Winter Princess,

all through this week. It was awarded the Best

Children’s Musical last year and features many

famous musical artists that you love. Today,

the performance will start at 4 p.m. at the

Rainbow Theater. If you’d like to join the show,

you need to make a reservation at any

information center nearby. We hope you all

have a wonderful time with us. Thank you.

4. [출제의도] 대화의 주제 파악하기

M: Hey, Sarah. What are you going to choose

for your afterschool


W: I’m not sure, Dad.

M: What about taking a coding course?

W: A coding course? Why should I do that?

M: I think learning to code can give you

important skills for the future.

W: Oh, I remember my teacher saying that coding

is a skill that can increase the chances of

getting a job. But it sounds difficult.

M: It might be, but it can help you learn how

to plan and organize your thoughts.

W: Good to know. And I heard coding helps

with math. Right?

M: Definitely. Plus, it improves your problemsolving


W: Cool! I think I’m going to take the course.

5. [출제의도] 화자의 관계 파악하기

W: Hello, Mr. Williams.

M: Please come on in, Ms. Jackson. How are

you doing?

W: I’m good. Recently our company published

several books, so I’ve been really busy.

M: Oh, I hope you get some time off soon.

W: I hope so, too. Well, I’ve read your work, The

Great Man. I think you nicely expressed the

feeling of the original book.

M: Thank you. Which book will I translate this


W: It is a novel written by a Spanish writer,

Isabel Martinez.

M: Sounds good. I’m so happy to translate the


W: My boss said that the book needs to be released

by December. So, is it possible to get the first

draft by the end of October?

M: No problem.

6. [출제의도] 그림 세부 내용 파악하기

M: Lisa, how’s the poster for our magic show


W: I have changed a few things. Take a look.

M: Oh, I like the two birds at the top.

W: And I wrote the date and the time under

the title, Magic Show.

M: Nice choice. It’s more eyecatching.

W: What do you think of the rabbit in the hat?

M: I really like it. It’s so cute. And you put

the round table instead of the square one.

W: Yes, but I’m still not sure about the shape

of the table.

M: I think the round one looks much better.

W: Okay. And as you suggested, I drew a

magician holding a magic stick.

M: Nice. I think it’s perfect now.

W: Yeah, finally. Thanks for your help.

7. [출제의도] 화자가 할 일 파악하기

W: Chris, what are you doing?

M: I’m writing interview questions for the feature

story of our next school magazine.

W: Who are you interviewing?

M: The new English teacher. I’m going to interview

him tomorrow.

W: Do you need any help with the interview


M: No, I’m almost done. But I’m still looking for

someone to take photos during the interview.

W: Why don’t you ask Cindy? She’s good at

taking photos.

M: I already asked her, but she said she has

an important presentation tomorrow.

W: Well, how about Tom? He’s a member of

the photo club.

M: You mean the one in our chemistry class?

W: Yes. I think he’s the right person. Do you

want me to call him to see if he’s available


M: That would be great. Thanks.

8. [출제의도] 이유 파악하기

W: James, check out the poster. It’s about this

year’s Winter Sports Camp.

M: I remember we had a great time at last

year’s camp.

W: Yes, we did. Let’s go to the camp together


M: I’m afraid I can’t.

W: Why not? Do you still have ankle pain?

M: I’m still taking my pills, but don’t worry.

I’m fine.

W: Ah, you must have another family trip


M: No, not this time. Actually, it’s because of

my science project.

W: Haven’t you finished it yet?

M: I’ve already handed in the final report for the

project, but Mr. Miller said that I have to

participate in the National Science Contest

with it.

W: That’s great. You should definitely spend

your whole winter vacation preparing for

it, then.

M: I’m going to do my best. Have fun for me.

9. [출제의도] 지불할 금액 파악하기

M: Hello, ma’am. Welcome to the Aerospace Exhibition.

W: Hi, I’d like to get tickets for the exhibition.

M: Sure. We have two options, a fullday


and a halfday


W: I’ll take the halfday

ticket. How much is it?

M: It’s $30 for adults and $20 for children.

How many tickets do you need?

W: One adult and two children’s tickets, please.

I have a membership card. Do you offer a


M: Yes. Gold membership holders get 20% off

the total, and silver membership holders get

10% off the total.

W: Great. I have a silver membership.

M: Okay. May I have your membership card?

W: Here it is. And I’ll be paying with cash.

10. [출제의도] 언급되지 않은 내용 파악하기

W: Hey, Sam. Have you heard about the MindUp


M: No, I haven’t. What is it?

W: It’s a program for high school students. Its

purpose is to encourage us to build a

positive mindset. You should come.

M: It sounds interesting. Please tell me more

about it.

W: There will be a lot of activities to help

relieve stress. Also, we’ll get to listen to

special lectures from successful young CEOs.

M: Awesome! I should sign up. When is it?

W: This Friday. It starts at 6 p.m.

M: Cool. How much is the admission fee?

W: It’s free for all students. You can apply for

the program on our school website.

M: Great. I’ll do it now.

11. [출제의도] 담화의 세부 내용 파악하기

M: Hello, listeners. I’m Ted Potter, the manager of

the Plata Community Center. I’d like to tell

you about the upcoming Plata Tea Festival.

It’s an annual tea festival held at City Hall.

This year it’ll take place on September 5th and

6th. More than 20 tea companies will

participate in this festival. During the festival,

you can enjoy blind tea tasting and food

pairing events. Also, you can learn tea

etiquette from experts. The admission fee is

$10 and children under 5 enter for free.

Reservations are not necessary. Come to this

festival and share a cup of tea with your

friends and family.

12. [출제의도] 화자의 선택 파악하기

M: Julie, what are you looking at?

W: I’m thinking of buying a new handheld fan.

Can you help me pick one?

M: Sure. Hmm, how about this one?

W: It looks good, but I don’t want to spend more

than $30.

M: Okay. And I think you should get one with

a battery that lasts more than 8 hours.

W: I think so, too. I usually spend more than 8

hours outside.

M: What about the fan speed levels? Do you need

a fan with 4 levels?

W: No. Three levels will be enough for me.

M: Then you have two models left. I recommend

the foldable one.

W: What’s special about it?

M: If you fold the handle, it’ll easily fit into your

handbag. It can also stand up on your desk.

W: That sounds convenient. I’ll buy that one.

13. [출제의도] 대화의 적절한 응답 고르기

W: Hi, Andrew. I heard that your tennis club is

competing in the City Tennis Tournament.

M: Yes. We’ve been practicing a lot these days.

W: I’m sure you’ll do well.

M: Thanks. But our school tennis court is going

to be under construction starting next week,

so we won’t have a place to practice.

W: What about the community center? It has

several tennis courts.

M: We already checked. But all the courts are fully


W: That’s too bad. Oh, wait! My sister told me

her school tennis courts would be open to

the public starting this Saturday.

M: Really? That’s great news. Do I need a


W: Yes. I remember she said that reservations

would start at 9 a.m. tomorrow.


14. [출제의도] 대화의 적절한 응답 고르기

W: Hey, Minho. What are you doing?

M: Hi, Mrs. Sharon. I’m writing an application

letter for college.

W: Can I take a look at it?

M: Of course. Please give me some advice after

you’re finished reading it.

W: Hmm.... You only listed the activities you’ve

done without being specific.

M: Yeah. Isn’t it good to include as many

activities as possible?

W: No. If you do that, your application letter

won’t be memorable.

M: But I thought if I wrote down a lot of

activities, I would stand out.

W: It’s actually the opposite. You should focus

on a few things and write about them in


M: I never thought about that. Do you really think

it’ll work?


15. [출제의도] 상황에 적절한 말 고르기

M: Cathy and Brian are members of the same

orchestra. They are practicing together for the

upcoming concert. Lately, Brian doesn’t look so

good and seems to be unable to concentrate

during practice. When Cathy asks why, he tells

her that it’s because of his back pain. He sits

for long periods of time preparing for the

concert, so his back hurts. Cathy understands

his pain because she had the same problem last

year. However, after she started yoga, her back

pain disappeared. She wants to suggest to

Brian that he start yoga. In this situation, what

would Cathy most likely say to Brian?

16~17. [출제의도] 담화의 주제 파악하기, 언급되지

않은 물건 파악하기

W: Hello, class! Last time we learned about LED

technology. I hope all of you have a clear idea

of what an LED is now. Today, I’ll talk about

how LEDs make our lives better. First, one of

the advantages of LEDs is the long lifespan.

LED bulbs are used in lamps and last for over

17 years before you need to change them.

Second, LEDs use very low amounts of power.

For example, a television using LEDs in its

backlight saves a lot of energy. Next, LEDs

are brighter than traditional bulbs. So, they

make traffic lights more visible in foggy

conditions. Finally, thanks to their small size,

LEDs can be used in various small devices.

Any light you see on a computer keyboard is

an LED light. Now, let’s think about other

products that use LEDs.

Posted by 최 샘

2020학년도 제1회 전국 16개 시.도교육청 공동 주관 영어듣기능력평가 대본(중3) 

2020. 6. 25. (목) 시행 

1번 대화를 듣고, 여자가 구입할 접시를 고르시오. 

M: What are you looking for, Mina? 

W: Hey, Minsu. I want to buy a plate from Jeju for my mom. 

M: How about this plate with a picture of a mountain on it? It has snow at the top. It looks like Hallasan Mountain. 

W: Well, my mom likes beaches more than mountains. 

M: Then, how about this one? It has a beach with two trees. 

W: Perfect. And I like that it has the word, ‘JEJU’, too. I’ll buy this one. 

2번 대화를 듣고, Glory Sale에 관해 언급되지 않은 것을 고르시오. 

W: David, have you heard about the Glory Sale? 

M: Yeah, it’s a charity sale to help children in need, right? 

W: Yes, it’ll be next Friday. Why don’t we join as sellers and help them? 

M: Good idea! Where will it be held? 

W: In the school gym. 

M: Okay, how can we sign up to join it? 

W: We need to go to the library and talk to Ms. Kim. 

M: Let’s go there now. 

3번 대화를 듣고, 남자가 여자에게 전화한 목적으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 

[Cellphone rings.] 

W: Hello. 

M: Hello. This is Vision Art Center. Is this Emma Taylor? 

W: Yes, speaking. 

M: Oh, I want to inform you that the location of the 2020 art contest has been changed. 

W: It was supposed to be in auditorium A at your center, wasn’t it? 

M: Yes, it was. But it’ll be held in auditorium D instead. 

W: Oh, I see. Is there any change to the date or time? 

M: No. Those are the same. Thank you for understanding. 

W: No problem. 

4번 대화를 듣고, 여자가 예약한 시티투어버스의 출발 시각을 고르시오. 

M: Welcome to the Tourist Information Center. How can I help you? 

W: I’d like to book a seat on your city tour bus tomorrow. 

M: The first bus of the day leaves at 11 a.m. 

W: That’s a bit early for me. When is the next bus? 

M: The next bus is at 1 p.m., but it’s fully booked. 

W: Then, what other times are available? 

M: We still have seats for the 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. buses. 

W: Can you put my name on the list for the 2 p.m. bus? It’s Claire Choi. 

M: Sure. That’s one ticket for the 2 p.m. bus. 

5번 대화를 듣고, 남자의 심정으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 

W: Fred, you look different today. 

M: Yeah. You know my best friend Sujin, right? 

W: Of course. I remember she moved to another town. 

M: But she’s coming to see me this weekend. 

W: Wow! Lucky you! You must be looking forward to seeing her again. 

M: Yes, I can’t wait! 

W: Well, have a great time this weekend. 

M: Okay, I will. 

6번 다음 그림의 상황에 가장 적절한 대화를 고르시오. 

① W: What’s wrong? You don’t look so good. 

   M: I have a stomachache. 

② W: Where did you buy your hat? 

   M: I bought it at the market. 

③ W: Smile! I’m about to take a picture. 

   M: Okay. I’m ready. Go ahead. 

④ W: Excuse me, how can I get to the bakery? 

   M: Go straight and turn left at the building over there. 

⑤ W: How do you like the cookie? 

   M: Wow! It’s so delicious. 

7번 대화를 듣고, 여자가 남자에게 부탁한 일로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 

W: Hello, Mr. Park. Do you have a minute? 

M: Hi, Sally. What’s up? 

W: My friends and I want to start a drawing club, and we’re looking for a teacher to advise us. 

M: Well, what would you like to do with your drawing club? 

W: We’re planning to meet once a week to practice drawing. Also, we’ll visit art museums to see different drawing styles. 

M: Sounds like a great plan. 

W: Then, Mr. Park, would you be our club advisor? 

M: All right. I’d be happy to do it. 

8번 다음을 듣고, Book Fair에 관해 언급되지 않은 것을 고르시오. 

M: Hi, students. I’m Andrew from the book club. Our Book Fair is coming soon. It has been 12 years since it first started in 2008. This year’s event will be held next week from Monday to Friday in the library. You can exchange books with each other and have a talk with famous writers through this event. All participants will be given a bookmark as a gift. Come and enjoy! 

9번 다음을 듣고, 어떤 직업에 관한 설명인지 고르시오. 

W: People who have this job tell us about what’s happening in the world. When an event happens, they go to the site right away and find out facts about the event. They also interview people about events. Then they write articles for the Internet and newspapers, and report on TV. 

10번 다음을 듣고, 두 사람의 대화가 어색한 것을 고르시오. 

① W: Are you ready for the dance festival next week? 

   M: Yes. I’m very excited about it. 

② W: Is it okay to take pictures here? 

   M: Sure, but not with a flash. 

③ W: Wow! That green color looks really nice on you! 

   M: The park is next to City Hall. 

④ W: How’s the weather going to be this weekend? 

   M: It’s going to be sunny all weekend. 

⑤ W: Hey, what’s the matter? You look sad. 

   M: I lost my cellphone.

11번 대화를 듣고, 남자가 할 일로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 

W: Hi, Jiho! What did you buy? 

M: Hi, Kate! I bought some tomatoes and mushrooms to make spaghetti. 

W: You really like spaghetti, don’t you? 

M: Actually, this time, it’s not just for me. I’m going to cook for my mom. 

W: Is it a special day for her? 

M: Yes, today is her birthday and I’ll cook for her this evening. 

W: I hope she likes your food. 

12번 다음 주차장 배치도를 보면서 대화를 듣고, 두 사람이 선택할 주차 구역을 


W: Honey, let’s stop at this sign to see where to park. 

M: Okay. Well, how about parking area B? 

W: We can’t. Parking area B is for the disabled. 

M: Oh, I didn’t see that. Then, we cannot park in parking area E, either. 

W: You’re right. How about parking near the ski hill? 

M: Good idea. It’ll be easier for us to carry our skis. 

W: Right, but there are still two options. 

M: You said you’d like to swim, too. We’d better choose the parking area closest to the water park. 

W: Perfect. 

13번 대화를 듣고, 두 사람이 봉사 활동을 하기로 한 날짜를 고르시오. 

M: Suji, have you decided where to volunteer? 

W: Not yet. I’m still thinking about it. What about you, Ben? 

M: I’m thinking of volunteering at a local recycling center on May 2nd. Would you like to join me? 

W: I’d love to, but I have to go see my dentist that day. How about May 16th? 

M: I have a family trip on May 16th. What about May 23rd? 

W: May 23rd works for me! Thanks, Ben. 

14번 대화를 듣고, 여자가 어제 한 일로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 

M: Lisa, you look tired. 

W: Hi, Hojin. I was so busy yesterday. 

M: Oh, what did you do? 

W: You know I moved into a new house, right? 

M: Yeah, I remember. That was a week ago. 

W: I didn’t have time to organize my things when I moved, but I finally did it yesterday. 

M: Oh, why didn’t you call me to ask for help? 

W: Well, I didn’t want to bother you, but thanks for saying so. 

15번 다음을 듣고, 방송의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 

W: Good afternoon, passengers! May I have your attention? Please keep the following manners in mind while on the subway train. First, don’t stand in front of the door. It blocks people getting on or off the train. Second, please use earphones to listen to music or watch videos. Please keep them in mind for everyone’s safety and comfort. Thank you. 

16번 대화를 듣고, 여자가 지불할 금액을 고르시오. 

M: How may I help you? 

W: I’d like to pay for the group study room. 

M: Which room did you use? 

W: We used Room A. 

M: Okay, you stayed there for two hours, so it’s 20 dollars for the room. Did you borrow a laptop? 

W: Yes, we borrowed one. 

M: Okay, it’s ten dollars for the laptop and 20 dollars for the room. 

W: All right. Here you are. 

17번 대화를 듣고, 여자의 마지막 말에 대한 남자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 

W: Summer vacation is coming. Are you going to play soccer during this vacation, too? 

M: Well, I’ll play soccer a lot, but I have another plan as well. 

W: Oh, what is it? 

M: I’m going to make videos to teach soccer skills and upload them online. 

W: Sounds great. I think you can make useful contents since you know so much about soccer. 

M: Yeah, I want to share how to play soccer well using my videos. W: What skills will you especially focus on? 

M: ________________________________________________ 

【18-19】 대화를 듣고, 남자의 마지막 말에 대한 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 


M: Bella! Read this! The animal care center needs someone to work with their animals now. 

W: Is that so? I’ve always wanted a job like that. Can I see it? 

M: Here you go. You’ve done volunteer work feeding animals before, right? 

W: Yes. I also participated in an animal care workshop to learn more about them. 

M: Really? Then your experience will help you get the job. 

W: I hope so. I’m sure I can look after the animals well. 

M: This will be the perfect job! But applications close tomorrow. 

W: ________________________________________________ 


M: Hey, Cindy, have you already bought our tickets for the final baseball game? 

W: Not yet. I’ll buy them after school. 

M: Do you mind if Jason comes to the game with us? 

W: Not at all. I’ll buy three tickets then. 

M: Thanks! He’ll be happy to see the game with us. 

W: Yeah. Before we watch the game, why don’t we have hamburgers or something? 

M: Sounds good. I know a great hamburger place near the stadium. 

W: ________________________________________________ 

20번 다음 상황 설명을 듣고, Amy가 소년에게 할 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 

W: Amy is in the theater to watch a movie. Not long after the movie starts, a boy sitting behind her starts kicking the back of her seat. At first, she waits for him to stop, but he keeps doing it. So, she wants to ask him to stop kicking her seat. In this situation, what would Amy most likely say to the boy? 

Amy: ______________________________________________ 

Posted by 최 샘

2020년 제1회 시도교육청 고1 영어듣기능력평가

1번 대화를 듣고, 여자가 구입할 담요를 고르시오.

M: Good afternoon. How may I help you?

W: I’m looking for a blanket for my daughter.

M: How about the star-patterned or heart-patterned ones? They’re popular.

W: I prefer the heart-patterned ones. They’re so pretty.

M: Yes, what about the heart-patterned one with an angel?

W: Oh, I think my daughter would like it.

M: It comes in two types. One has the word, ‘LOVE’, and the other doesn’t.

W: I’ll take the one with the word.

M: That would be a perfect choice.

2번 대화를 듣고, 두 사람이 하는 말의 주제로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

W: Jake, look at this article. The number of people adopting animals is


M: I know. But I think there are a few things people should consider before

adopting an animal.

W: Right. People should think whether they have enough time to take care of

a pet.

M: That’s true. Raising pets takes a lot of effort.

W: Yes. They have to feed, wash, and train their pets. It’s not easy.

M: Love at first sight will never be enough because every pet will grow old

or get sick.

W: Sure. I hope people think of these things before adopting animals.

3번 대화를 듣고, 두 사람이 요리 수업에 가기로 한 요일을 고르시오.

W: Eric, look at this. The community center near our office is offering Korean

cooking classes on weekday evenings.

M: That’s great. I’ve always wanted to learn how to cook Korean dishes. I’ll

sign up for a class.

W: Really? I’m planning to take one, too. Let’s take a class together.

M: Good idea. I have badminton on Mondays and Wednesdays. Are Tuesdays


W: Actually, no. I have yoga every Tuesday. I think we’re both free Thursday

and Friday evenings.

M: That’s right, but I want to rest on Fridays. Thursdays work for me, though.

W: Perfect. Let’s go sign up.

4번 대화를 듣고, 여자가 집에 바로 가야 하는 이유로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

M: Angela, how about playing basketball after school?

W: I’m afraid I can’t. I should go straight home.

M: Oh, is it today that your friend is visiting from Canada?

W: No. That’s next week. I’m going home to prepare for my dad’s birthday


M: That’s nice. Do you have special plans?

W: Yeah, we’re having a party for him this evening.

M: What are you going to prepare?

W: I’m going to bake a cake and write a card to him.

M: I think your dad is going to be very happy.

W: I hope so.

5번 대화를 듣고, 여자가 남자에게 전화를 건 목적을 고르시오.

[Cellphone rings.]

M: Hello, Monica. I was about to call you.

W: Hi, David.

M: It’s almost 9 a.m. Where are you?

W: I’m on my way to the office, but I’m stuck in traffic.

M: Oh, really? Do you think you’ll be late?

W: Well, I might not be, but I need your help.

M: I’m leaving for my business trip at noon, but I can help you before that.

W: Thank you. My team has a meeting at 9:30. Could you make copies of the

materials for the meeting?

M: Sure. Where are they?

W: The materials are on my desk. Can you make ten copies?

M: No problem.

W: Thanks. I’ll be there as soon as possible.

6번 대화를 듣고, 남자의 의견으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

W: Hi, Ryan. Did you watch the new show, Singing Together , on TV?

M: No, I didn’t. What is it?

W: I’m surprised you haven’t heard of it. It’s a very popular TV show.

M: Actually, my family got rid of our TV because we all spent too much

time watching it.

W: I see. How is life without TV?

M: At first, it was strange, but now I think life without TV has many good


W: Like what?

M: For one, we can have more time to read and exercise. But, the best thing

is we can talk with each other more than before.

W: Those are some great advantages. I should try it.

7번 대화를 듣고, 여자가 지불할 금액을 고르시오.

M: Good afternoon. Can I help you?

W: I’d like to buy two tickets for the musical.

M: The seats in section A and section B are currently available.

W: How much are they?

M: Seats in section A are 40 dollars and seats in section B are 50 dollars.

W: Why is section B more expensive?

M: It has a better view.

W: Then I’ll take two seats in section B. Can I use this 10% discount coupon?

M: Of course. So that’s two tickets for section B with a 10% discount.

W: Yes. Here’s my credit card.

8번 대화를 듣고, 두 사람의 관계로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

W: Good afternoon. Can I check in for the flight to Sydney?

M: Yes. Can I have your reservation number and passport, please?

W: Sure. Here they are.

M: Do you have any baggage to check?

W: Yes. I have one suitcase.

M: Can you put it here? [Pause] It’s 23 kilograms.

W: It weighs more than I expected. Do I have to pay an extra charge?

M: No, it’s okay. It’s within the allowed baggage weight.

W: That’s good. Is everything done?

M: Yes. Here are your boarding pass and passport. Boarding will start at 2 p.m.

and the gate number is seven. Have a nice flight.

9번 대화를 듣고, 남자가 여자에게 부탁한 일로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

W: Hey, Daniel. How many people signed up for our club so far?

M: Fifteen freshmen applied. It’s more than we expected.

W: We have a lot of things to do. Let’s inform the applicants of the interview

schedule first.

M: Susan told me that she would do that.

W: That’s nice. Then we have to set up the interview room and make some

interview questions.

M: Right. Since you were one of the interviewers last year, could you make

the interview questions?

W: Sure. I’ll make them. I’ll call you right away when I’m done.

M: Thank you. I’ll prepare the interview room.

10번 다음 표를 보면서 대화를 듣고, 두 사람이 주문할 소파를 고르시오.

M: Honey, look at the sofa. It’s so old-fashioned and worn out.

W: You’re right. We’d better buy a new one.

M: Actually, I found some good ones on the Internet. Do you want to take a look?

W: Sure. Let’s choose one together.

M: Great. How many seats should it have?

W: I think a three-seat sofa is good for us.

M: Right. How about the color? Brown doesn’t go well with the wall color.

W: I agree. I like gray or green.

M: Good. But more than 400 dollars is too much to spend on a sofa.

W: Okay. Now we have only one choice. Let’s order it.

11번 Sports Club’s Day에 관한 다음 내용을 듣고, 언급되지 않은 것을 고르시오.

W: Hello, students. I’m Laura Smith from the student council. We’re going to

have Sports Club’s Day on Saturday, June 13th. It’ll take place from 9 a.m.

to 12 p.m. in our school gym. There will be table tennis, badminton and

basketball games. If you’re interested, you must hand in an application

form to the student council office by June 5th. I hope many of you will

enjoy the event. Thank you for listening.

12번 다음을 듣고, 현장 체험 학습에 관한 내용과 일치하지 않는 것을 고르시오.

M: Hello, first graders. This is William Morgan, your school principal. I’d like

to remind you about next week’s event. We’re taking a field trip to the

upcycling center next Friday, May 29th. We’ll leave from the parking lot

at 9 a.m. We’ll take the school bus to the center. After the tour of the

upcycling center, there will be a special program where you can create

your own art piece using old things. Lunch will not be provided, so please

bring your own. I hope you will enjoy the field trip.

13번 대화를 듣고, 남자가 대화 직후에 할 일로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

W: Honey, I’m so excited about our picnic tomorrow.

M: So am I. What’s the weather going to be like tomorrow?

W: It’s going to be sunny. So let’s take the mat to sit on.

M: I already put it in my bag.

W: And we should take the bus. It’s hard to park on weekends.

M: Well, do you know which bus goes there?

W: Actually, I searched on the Internet. We can take bus number 4.

M: Okay. And what about food? I was thinking of making egg sandwiches.

W: Good idea, but I don’t think we have enough eggs.

M: Then, I’ll go get some at the market right now.

W: Thank you.

14번 다음을 듣고, 무엇에 관한 안내인지 고르시오.

W: Hello, Clifton High School students. This is Ms. Goodwin, your P.E.

teacher. Many students were not satisfied with the design of our school

gym uniform and wanted to change it. We collected opinions from

students and parents and finally decided on a new design. The new

uniform is more modern and comfortable. I hope you’re all happy with the

change. Thank you.

15번 다음 그림의 상황에 가장 적절한 대화를 고르시오.

M: Number One

W: Look at this artwork! It’s lovely.

M: I know. The detail and the colors are amazing.

M: Number Two

W: Would you like something to drink?

M: Yes, please. I’d like a cup of coffee.

M: Number Three

W: You’re not allowed to bring drinks into the exhibition area.

M: Sorry. I’ll finish it before I go in.

M: Number Four

W: I think your hat goes well with your clothes.

M: Thank you for saying that.

M: Number Five

W: How can I get to the National Science Museum?

M: Go straight three blocks and turn left.

【16-17】대화를 듣고, 남자의 마지막 말에 대한 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것을



W: John, I heard you’re running for student council president.

M: Yes, Alice. I’m preparing for my speech. It’s my first time speaking in


W: You wrote your script already, right? I think that’s the most important.

M: Right, I wrote the script and corrected it several times.

W: Great. Have you practiced your speech?

M: I’ve practiced a lot. I’m trying to correct my bad habits.

W: You’ve put in a lot of effort. It sounds like you’re well-prepared.

M: But I’m still worried that I’ll make some mistakes. Do you think I can do

it well in front of an audience?

W: _____________________________________________


M: Ms. Johnson, did you have a chance to think about what to do for career

day this year?

W: I did. How about a graduate lecture like last year?

M: That would be good. I remember the students really loved hearing from a

graduate last year.

W: Yeah, they were able to get practical advice about choosing a career.

M: But last year, we had a problem with the size of the lecture room.

W: The room was really small, so not many students could attend the lecture

last year.

M: How can we hold more students this year?

W: _____________________________________________

【18-19】대화를 듣고, 여자의 마지막 말에 대한 남자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것을



W: Hey, Fred. Have you watched Great Adventure?

M: That’s the new animated movie, right? I haven’t seen it, but I want to.

W: You really should. It was touching and full of beautiful messages. It’s all

about true friendship.

M: Don’t tell me more. I’ll watch it for sure this weekend.

W: Yeah, you should. The best part was the ending.

M: Really? I can’t wait to see the movie this weekend.

W: I think you’ll really love the ending. It was amazing. Let me tell you about it.

M: _____________________________________________


W: Hi, Kevin. You look tired. What did you do on the weekend?

M: I went to the mountain with my family.

W: Did you have a good time?

M: No, it was really tough and I’m totally exhausted. Maybe I need to work

out more often.

W: Good idea! Working out regularly will give you more energy.

M: That’s true, but exercising by myself is challenging. I need help from

someone with experience.

W: Actually, I go to a gym downtown. There are many good trainers.

M: _____________________________________________

20번 다음 상황 설명을 듣고, Amy가 Mike에게 할 말로 가장 적절한 것을


M: Amy and Mike are best friends. She finds out Mike is going to move to

another country with his family. She feels sad because they would no

longer be able to see each other. She’s also worried that their friendship

will not last. So, she would like to tell him that they should maintain

contact with each other. In this situation, what would Amy most likely

say to Mike?

Amy: Mike, ____________________________________________

Posted by 최 샘

2020년6월 23일 중1영어듣기 시도교육청 정답 및 대본

1번 다음을 듣고, ‘I’가 무엇인지 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

M: I have four legs and large ears. I’m big and heavy. My nose is very long,

so I can hold anything with my nose. I eat a lot. What am I?

2번 대화를 듣고, 남자가 만든 열쇠고리로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

W: Yoonho, what’s that?

M: It’s my key ring.

W: The star shape looks pretty. Did you make it?

M: Yes, I made it after school.

W: I thought you liked diamond shapes.

M: No, I like stars more.

3번 다음을 듣고, 토요일의 날씨로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

W: Good morning. This is the weekly weather report. It’ll be cloudy today.

It’ll rain from tomorrow morning to Thursday. On Friday, the weather will

be warm. On Saturday, there will be strong winds all day, but on Sunday,

we can enjoy a beautiful clear sky.

4번 대화를 듣고, 남자가 한 마지막 말의 의도로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

W: Dad, I heard some bad news.

M: What is it, Jiwon?

W: You know my best friend, Sumi? She’s moving to another town.

M: I’m sorry to hear that. When is she going to move?

W: Next Wednesday. I feel so sad.

M: Don’t worry. You can still keep in touch.

5번 다음을 듣고, 남자가 장미 축제에 대해 언급하지 않은 것을 고르시오.

M: Let me tell you about the rose festival at Center Park. It’ll be on May

10th. It’ll be from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. The festival will show many kinds of

roses. And it’ll also have many interesting programs, like a magic


6번 대화를 듣고, 여자가 집을 떠난 시각을 고르시오.

[Cellphone rings.]

W: Hello, Hojin. Sorry, but I’ll be a little late.

M: It’s already 4:30 p.m. Where are you?

W: I’m almost there. I’ll be there soon.

M: Did you leave home late?

W: No. I left home at 3:30 p.m., but I took the wrong bus.

M: Okay, then I’ll see you soon.

7번 대화를 듣고, 남자의 장래 희망으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

M: Welcome to my house.

W: Thank you. Oh, the sunflower picture is beautiful. Did you take it?

M: Actually, I painted it.

W: Wow, it looks like a photo! You’re really good at painting.

M: Thanks. I want to be a painter like Van Gogh someday.

W: I believe you will.

8번 대화를 듣고, 여자의 심정으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

M: Stella, what’s wrong?

W: David, my cat is sick. It couldn’t eat anything yesterday.

M: How about today?

W: No, nothing. I’m really worried.

M: Oh, that’s too bad. Did you go see an animal doctor?

W: Yes, but my cat’s still sick.

M: Don’t worry too much. I’m sure it’ll be fine soon.

9번 대화를 듣고, 여자가 대화 직후에 할 일로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

W: Dad! My neck really hurts.

M: Why?

W: I don’t know. I was just watching movies on my cellphone.

M: Oh, maybe you looked down too much.

W: Ow! The pain is so strong.

M: Then, you should try stretching your neck.

W: Okay. I’ll do that now.

10번 대화를 듣고, 무엇에 관한 내용인지 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

W: What are those posters on the wall, Junghoon?

M: Hi, Mia. We made the posters about future jobs during class.

W: Wow, there will be a lot of new jobs in the future!

M: Yes. And this is my group’s poster. It’s about a drone designer.

W: It looks nice.

11번 대화를 듣고, 두 사람이 함께 이용할 교통수단으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

M: Hana, let’s go to the history museum tomorrow.

W: Okay. Do you want to take the subway?

M: Hmm... The museum is far from the subway station.

W: Then, what about taking a bus? It stops near the museum.

M: Good. We can meet at the bus stop at 8.

W: Okay. See you then.

12 대화를 듣고, 남자가 야구장에 갈 수 없는 이유로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

M: Mom, can I go to the baseball stadium this Saturday?

W: This Saturday? I’m afraid you can’t.

M: Why not?

W: We should go to your grandmother’s house for her birthday.

M: Oh, is it this Saturday? I thought it was next Saturday.

W: Why don’t you go to the stadium on another day?

M: Okay.

13번 대화를 듣고, 두 사람이 대화하는 장소로 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.

M: Hello. What can I do for you?

W: I’d like to get a haircut.

M: How short do you want it?

W: I want to cut it about 5 centimeters, so it’s just at my shoulder.

M: Okay. Anything else?

W: No, that’s all for today.

14번 대화를 듣고, 병원의 위치로 가장 알맞은 곳을 고르시오.

W: Hi, Ted. What’s wrong?

M: I don’t know. I’m not feeling very well. Is there a hospital around here?

W: Yes, go straight two blocks and turn right on Pine Street.

M: On Pine Street?

W: Yes, it’ll be on your left. It’s next to the bank.

M: Thank you.

15번 대화를 듣고, 여자가 남자에게 부탁한 일로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

W: Dad, I’m ready to check today’s to-do list.

M: Okay. Did you water the plants?

W: Yes. I also did the dishes after that.

M: Good. What about your homework?

W: No, I couldn’t do it. Can you help me with it?

M: Sure. Let’s start right away.

16번 대화를 듣고, 남자가 여자에게 제안한 것으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

M: Nancy, what other things do we need for the party?

W: Something to drink and a dessert.

M: Okay, I’ll bring some watermelon juice.

W: Then, we’ll need a cake for dessert.

M: What about buying one from the bakery?

W: Yeah, that sounds good.

17번 대화를 듣고, 여자가 겨울방학에 한 일로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

W: Jinho, how was your winter vacation?

M: Fantastic! I went skiing with my family. What about you?

W: I made baby hats for my little brother at home.

M: Wow! How long did it take to make them?

W: It took around two days for each hat.

18번 대화를 듣고, 남자의 직업으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

W: Hello. I’m Mina, the student reporter. Thank you for this interview.

M: It’s my pleasure.

W: Would you tell me about your job?

M: Sure. I save people from fires.

W: Great! Could you show me your fire truck?

M: Okay. Let’s go outside.

【19-20】대화를 듣고, 남자의 마지막 말에 이어질 여자의 말로 가장 적절한 것을



W: Justin, what do you want to write for our science group report?

M: How about robots?

W: That’s a good idea.

M: Let’s write the first part of the report together.

W: Good. How about tomorrow afternoon?

M: Actually, I have a club meeting at 2. Let’s meet at 4.

W: ________________________________________________


W: Paul, what do you want to eat for dinner?

M: I want some noodles.

W: What about some Vietnamese noodles?

M: Vietnamese noodles? Are they good?

W: Yes, you’ll love them just like me. Let’s go get some.

M: Okay. Where can we go?

W: ________________________________________________

Posted by 최 샘

2020년4월 고3 모의고사 영어듣기평가문제 및 정답

1 ③ 2 ② 3 ② 4 ② 5 ①

6 ④ 7 ⑤ 8 ④ 9 ② 10 ④

11 ⑤ 12 ③ 13 ② 14 ⑤ 15 ①

16 ① 17 ③ 18 ① 19 ② 20 ①

21 ⑤ 22 ⑤ 23 ② 24 ⑤ 25 ④

26 ⑤ 27 ③ 28 ⑤ 29 ④ 30 ③

31 ① 32 ② 33 ① 34 ④ 35 ④

36 ③ 37 ⑤ 38 ④ 39 ⑤ 40 ①

41 ① 42 ④ 43 ④ 44 ③ 45 ③

1. [출제의도] 적절한 응답 고르기

M: The cookies smell so good, mom.

But why are you baking so many of


W: These are the cookies to sell for

Charity Night tomorrow.

M: I see. I have no plans tomorrow.

Can I come and help you?


2. [출제의도] 적절한 응답 고르기

[Phone rings.]

W: Hello. This is Rodney’s Car Repair

Shop. How may I help you?

M: My car has a problem. It doesn’t

start. Can you send someone to

help me?

W: No problem. Just tell me where you

are now.


3. [출제의도] 담화의 목적 파악하기

M: Hello, students. So far you’ve done

a great job on your science project.

Now there’s one last task to do.

You must submit the report of your

project by next Friday. Let me give

you some guidelines to write a

report. First, you need to follow

this basic structure: introduction,

body, result, and discussion.

Second, always stick to your data

and evidence. You should make

conclusions supported by them.

Third, give complete and correct

references. If not, you can be

accused of stealing other people’s

ideas. Lastly, the layout, tables, and

graphs should be easy to

understand. It’ll help you convey

your ideas to the readers. If you

have any further questions about

these guidelines, please ask me

after class.

4. [출제의도] 대화의 주제 파악하기

W: Hey, Simon. Did you see the news

about pet registration?

M: I did. I think it’s good that the

government is beginning this pet

registration system.

W: Right. After watching the news, I’ve

been thinking it has a lot of


M: Yes. It’ll help pet owners find their

lost pets more easily.

W: That’s right. It’s because the

system records pet owners’


M: Also, I think the owners will have

more responsibility thanks to this


W: Yeah. People will think twice before

abandoning their pets.

M: In addition, animal rescue workers

can easily see who is responsible

for the pet.

W: It’ll help them track down those

bad people and make them pay


M: By doing so, we’ll have fewer

abandoned pets.

W: Yeah. The pet registration system

seems good for both pets and pet


M: You can say that again.

5. [출제의도] 화자의 관계 추론하기

W: Hi. What can I do for you?

M: Hi. I’m looking for something good

for purifying the air in my house.

W: You came to the right place. At

our flower shop you can buy plants


M: Could you show me some popular


W: Of course. Here are the

best-selling indoor plants that help

remove pollutants from the air.

M: Hmm... I’ve never grown any plants


W: Okay. Then, this one might be

perfect for you.

M: It looks good. Is it easy to take

care of?

W: Yes. All you have to do is water it

twice a month.

M: I like it. Is this the right price on

this tag? It’s cheaper than I


W: That’s right. It’s on sale now.

M: Great. I’ll take it.

6. [출제의도] 대화의 세부 내용 파악하기

M: Hi, Ms. Clark. I’m James Beck. I’m

here to look around your day care

center before I sign my son up.

W: Welcome, Mr. Beck. We talked on

the phone yesterday, right? Let me

show you this room first.

M: That’ll be great. I like the banner

that says Happy Children’s Day on

the wall.

W: Thanks. We also put the

heart-shaped balloon under the

banner for Children’s Day next


M: The kids will love it. What’s the

picture next to the door?

W: It’s a group picture of the kids.

M: Great. There are boxes on the

table. What are they for?

W: We put toys in the boxes so the

kids can play with them. Does your

son like reading books?

M: Actually, he does. Oh, I see the

bookshelf under the window.

W: Yes. It has various kinds of books

children would like.

M: How nice! My son would love this


W: I bet he will.

7. [출제의도] 대화의 특정 정보 파악하기

W: Hey, Chris. I’m so excited for the

student-teacher talk show today.

M: Me, too. Since it’s a live video

streaming at the gym, we should be

perfectly prepared.

W: Absolutely. Let’s mark off these

items in the checklist one by one.

M: Okay. First, we’ve already arranged

the chairs for the audience, right?

W: Yes, we have. Did you check the

stage lights?

M: They worked perfectly. I’ll turn

them on right before the show


W: Next, cameras. Are the cameras set

in the right places?

M: Yeah. I’ve just set them up as you

told me. How about the projector?

W: Don’t worry. I’ve connected it to

the laptop.

M: Good. Is there anything else left to


W: You brought the wireless

microphones, right?

M: Yes. [Pause] Oh, no! I forgot to

bring the batteries for them.

W: Really? Let me go get the batteries

right away.

M: Thanks a lot.

8. [출제의도] 대화의 특정 정보 파악하기

M: Rachel. What are you doing?

W: Hey, Jeremy. I’m watching a video

clip of jazz pianists.

M: You like jazz! Do you go to jazz

concerts often?

W: No. I’ve never been to one.

M: Well, my brother gave me two jazz

concert tickets because he has a

job interview that day. So, do you

want to go with me?

W: That’s amazing! When is the


M: It’s next Saturday. Are you


W: I’m afraid I’m not.

M: Oh, right! You said you started a

part time job on weekends.

W: No. It’s only on Sundays. I have to

take care of my younger brothers

that day.

M: Why do you have to do that?

W: My parents asked me because

they’re celebrating their wedding


M: I see. I hope we can go together

next time.

9. [출제의도] 대화의 특정 정보 파악하기

W: Welcome to Westlake Bird Museum.

How may I help you?

M: Hello, I’d like to buy admission

tickets. My twin daughters are very

interested in birds.

W: Okay. Admission tickets are $20 for

an adult and $10 for a child.

M: I’ll take one adult ticket and two

child tickets. What’s this? A guided

museum tour?

W: It’s a tour where the guide gives

excellent explanations about the

exhibits of various birds and their


M: Nice. How much is it?

W: It’s $10 per person. The tour starts

soon. You can book it now.

M: Okay. I’ll do that for the three of


W: So, one adult and two child

admission tickets and three guided


M: Yes. Can I use this coupon?

W: Sure. You can get 10% off the total

price with the coupon.

M: That’s great. I’ll pay by credit card.

10. [출제의도] 대화의 특정 정보 파악하기

M: Honey, we need to find a soccer

program for Kevin.

W: Right. I brought a brochure about

Hampton Soccer Program from the

community center.

M: Good. Let me see. The program will

be held in the soccer field in

Riverside Park.

W: Isn’t that good? The park is near

our house.

M: Right. It says the program starts on

May 2nd, and it goes every weekend

for two months.

W: Yeah. He’ll play and practice for

three hours a day.

M: Wow. It’s a tough schedule.

W: Yes. But he’ll improve his skills a

lot. Look. The instructor is Aaron

Smith. He’s a well-known soccer

coach in this town.

M: Really? He must be good at

teaching. What about the

participation fee for the program?

W: It’s $400. Do you think it’s


M: It’s not bad considering the length

of the program.

W: Right. Kevin will be happy to hear

about this.

M: I’m sure he’ll be.

11. [출제의도] 담화의 세부 내용 파악하기

W: Hello, listeners. I’m Lily Johnson,

festival manager. I’m happy to

announce the Auburn Green City

Festival. It’ll be held from May 29th

to June 1st. The location will be

City Hall Square. This year’s theme

is recycling. The festival provides

various recycling events and

activities. At the opening ceremony,

famous musicians will perform. To

spread the message of recycling,

they’ll play instruments made of

recycled materials. Also, various

hands-on activities are prepared.

You can experience turning trash

into treasure in activities like

‘making a shopping bag out of old

clothes’ and ‘creating a recycled art

wall’. The festival runs from 9 a.m.

to 5 p.m. There’ll be no events at

night. We’re looking forward to

seeing you.

12. [출제의도] 대화의 세부 내용 파악하기

M: Amelia, do you want to take a one

day surfing lesson this weekend?

W: Sure. Let’s look for the information


M: [Typing sound] Look. I found a

popular surfing lesson website.

W: Hmm... do you want to go to

Manson beach again?

M: Manson beach is too far from here.

Let’s try another place.

W: Okay. What about the level? I don’t

think we have to take the beginner

level as we took lessons several


M: Right. Intermediate or advanced

levels seem fine.

W: Yes. And the group size. Should we

take a lesson with others or only

two of us?

M: We can each get more attention

from the instructor if we choose

the lesson for two.

W: You’re right. Then we have two

options left.

M: The suits are expensive to buy.

Let’s rent the suits.

W: Okay. Good thinking.

M: Great. Let’s take this lesson.

13. [출제의도] 적절한 응답 고르기

[Cell phone rings.]

W: Hi, Noah. It’s been a while. How’s

your first year of college going?

M: It’s so nice to talk to you, Cathy.

Making new friends here is very


W: I understand. It’s not like high


M: I don’t know what to do.

W: Well, if you’re looking for friends,

joining a club might help.

M: But I’m not sure about which one

would be best.

W: How about the campus newspaper?

You wrote some newspaper articles

in high school.

M: Yes. I enjoyed it even when I had

to stay up all night.

W: See? You have a passion for


M: I guess it would be fun to join a

club I like.

W: And you can get involved in events

with other reporters.

M: True. I can have more chances to

spend time with them regularly

while covering stories.

W: Yeah. It’ll allow you to connect

with people with the same interests

at the campus newspaper.


14. [출제의도] 적절한 응답 고르기

M: Stephanie, I saw your photos of the

school scenery in the lobby. They

were amazing!

W: Thanks, Mr. Brown. I’m really glad

that people like my photos.

M: Did you learn how to take photos


W: Not really. I learned it by myself,

searching for information online.

M: How smart! Are you going to major

in photography in college?

W: I think so. But I don’t know much

about how to prepare for all that.

M: Do you know anyone who is

majoring in that field?

W: Not really. I wish I knew someone

who could give me some advice on

how to prepare.

M: Hmm... oh! There’s Julia Watson.

She was one of my students, and

she is now a famous photographer.

W: Really? Do you keep in touch with


M: Yes. If you want, I’ll set up a

meeting for you.


15. [출제의도] 담화의 상황에 맞는 적절한 표현 고르기

M: David has a lot of volunteering

experience in teaching children, and

Jenny has just started the same

volunteering. Jenny imagines that

kids will learn many things and focus

on her class, but her first class

doesn’t go as well as she has

expected. Jenny tries to teach what

she knows as much as possible.

However, the kids get bored easily

and don’t pay attention to her

explanation. Jenny feels frustrated

and she asks David for advice. After

hearing Jenny’s problem, David thinks

she should include more interesting

activities that would help children

take part in her lesson. So, he wants

to tell Jenny that she needs to

provide children with enjoyable

activities to engage them in learning.

In this situation, what would David

most likely say to Jenny?


16~17 긴 담화 듣기

W: Hello, students. Last time we talked

about traditional holiday foods.

Today, let’s talk about traditional

birthday foods around the world.

Food is a big part of how birthdays

are celebrated across the world.

First, in Australia, Fairy Bread is a

must-have birthday dessert. It’s a

buttered piece of bread covered

with sprinkles all over, and people

cut the bread into triangles.

Second, in Russia, people get a

special message on their birthday,

not from a card but from a

personalized pie. The message is

carved into the dough on top of the

pie. Third, eating a bowl of noodles

on one’s birthday is a deeply rooted

tradition in China. It symbolizes the

birthday person’s long life. Lastly,

people in England bake

fortune-telling cakes with certain

symbolic small things inside on

their birthday. For example, if

someone bites a coin in their piece

of cake, it means they’ll be rich in

the future. Now let’s watch a video

about these foods.

Posted by 최 샘

2020년 3월 고3 모의고사 영어듣기평가문제 및 정답

1 ③ 2 ① 3 ① 4 ③ 5 ④

6 ⑤ 7 ② 8 ① 9 ① 10 ②

11 ⑤ 12 ③ 13 ④ 14 ⑤ 15 ③

16 ③ 17 ② 18 ④ 19 ① 20 ②

21 ③ 22 ⑤ 23 ① 24 ④ 25 ⑤

26 ④ 27 ⑤ 28 ⑤ 29 ⑤ 30 ④

31 ⑤ 32 ② 33 ① 34 ④ 35 ③

36 ③ 37 ② 38 ④ 39 ② 40 ①

41 ③ 42 ④ 43 ② 44 ② 45 ⑤

1. [출제의도] 대화에서 적절한 응답을 찾는다.

M: Honey, what did the weather forecast say this


W: It said the level of fine dust is high today.

We’d better wear a mask.

M: Okay, I will. Where are the masks?


2. [출제의도] 대화에서 적절한 응답을 찾는다.

W: What’s wrong with this computer? The file

won’t open up.

M: Let me see. I think the computer works fine

but this file seems to be broken.

W: Oh, no. Our presentation is in half an hour.

We can’t do the presentation without the file.


3. [출제의도] 담화의 목적을 추론한다.

M: Good morning, students. This is your vice

principal, Mr. Marcus. As you know, students

and teachers from our sister school in

Singapore are visiting us next Monday for the

exchange program. We’ve been looking forward

to their visit and have arranged many things.

Unfortunately, one of the students who

volunteered to offer a homestay

accommodation came down with the flu. We

need to find a new host family who can

accommodate a female student for two nights.

She is in 10th grade and likes pop music. She

doesn’t mind dogs or cats. Hosting a guest will

give you an opportunity to make a foreign

friend. If you are interested, please visit the

administration office today.

4. [출제의도] 대화자의 의견을 추론한다.

W: Jason, you look worried. Something wrong?

M: I’ve been working on the invention project for

hours, but can’t come up with any good ideas.

W: Well, then why don’t you stop working on it,

go outside and take a walk? That’s what I

often do when I’m stuck.

M: I don’t have time for that. The project is due

next Monday.

W: I understand. But just sitting at a desk doesn’t

always help. Taking a walk instead may help

you think outside the box.

M: Really? How come?

W: While walking around, you can see different

things. Seeing various scenes can give you

some inspiration.

M: I’ve never thought about it that way.

W: Besides, fresh air can make your brain work

better and help you develop new ideas.

M: That does make sense. Thanks for the tip.

5. [출제의도] 대화자의 관계를 추론한다.

W: Hi, Kevin. You came again. It seems you

brought more books today.

M: That’s right. I’m moving out next month, so

I’m clearing out my stuff.

W: I see. Can you put the books on the counter,


M: Sure. I hope you don’t reject too many books

like the last time.

W: I’m sorry about that but I don’t accept books

with stains. It’s been my policy since I opened

this bookstore.

M: I understand. I wouldn’t buy secondhand books

with stains myself.

W: I appreciate your understanding. Well, these

books seem to be in better condition than the

last time.

M: Then, are you taking them all?

W: Yes. I think I can give you $30. Is that okay?

M: Sure.

6. [출제의도] 그림과 대화의 일치 여부를 파악한다.

M: Sarah, I’ve finally finished setting up our stage

for the play. How do you like it?

W: Looks great. The sofa in the center of the

stage looks familiar.

M: It used to be in the meeting room.

W: I see. The fireplace on the left of the sofa

creates a cozy atmosphere.

M: It does. Don’t you like the clock behind the

sofa? Mr. Baker kindly lent it to us.

W: How nice of him! The curtains next to the

clock look beautiful.

M: The actors will come out on the stage through

those curtains.

W: The door on the right is opened. Shouldn’t it

be closed?

M: No, it shouldn’t. It is intended to make the

audience curious.

W: Good idea. I hope people like our play.

7. [출제의도] 대화자가 할 일을 추론한다.

M: Hey, Alex. I’m sorry, I’m late.

W: It’s okay. Let’s go through the things we need

to do to make the school promotional video.

M: Okay.

W: How did the interview with the principal go?

M: It took longer than I expected, but it went


W: Did you borrow a drone from Mr. Parker?

M: Yes, but he told me to bring it back by

tomorrow. That means we don’t have much

time to film the campus.

W: Right. We also have to prepare for the

interviews with graduates. I think we’d better

split the work.

M: I haven’t flown a drone before. Can I write

the interview questions?

W: No problem. While you write the interview

questions, I can go out and film the campus.

M: All right. See you in 30 minutes.

8. [출제의도] 이유를 추론한다.

M: Ms. Park, are we having a meeting in Room


W: No, I’m going to change the room.

M: Why? Isn’t the room available? I like the new

projector in that room.

W: I know. That’s why I reserved that room a

week ago. But we have an issue.

M: I’ve heard recently there were some

complaints about the lighting in the room. Is

that the problem?

W: No. When I checked the room this morning,

the lights were working fine.

M: Can’t we just use the room then? It would be

a lot of trouble to change the room.

W: The thing is the heating system is broken. I

got a message from the management office

just an hour ago.

M: The weather is very cold today. It seems you

have no choice but to change the room.

W: I’ll let you know as soon as I find another

room for our meeting.

9. [출제의도] 수치를 파악한다.

[Phone rings.]

W: Hello, Emerald Lake Festival. How may I help


M: I’d like to buy tickets for the festival. How

much is it?

W: It’s $100 per adult and $50 per child. How

many tickets do you need?

M: Two adults and one child. And I heard

campsites are available during the festival.

W: Sure. Would you like to make a reservation

for the campsite, too?

M: Yes. How much does it cost?

W: It’s $50 per site. How many sites do you


M: I just need one.

W: Do you also need our rental service? We offer

tents and other camping equipment.

M: No. I’m going to bring my own.

W: Okay. If you pay now, you can get a 20%

discount off the total price.

M: Great. I’ll pay with my credit card.

10. [출제의도] 세부 사항의 언급 여부를 파악한다.

W: Jake, have you heard of the event Meet The


M: What is that? Can we meet the mayor in


W: Yes. The event is for foreign residents like us

living in this city.

M: That sounds interesting. I have a lot to share

with the mayor. But I’m not fluent in Korean.

W: Don’t worry. It’ll be conducted in both Korean

and English.

M: Wonderful. I’d like to go. When is it?

W: On April 20th at 3 p.m. Do you want to come

along? I’m going to register today.

M: How long will the event last? I have to attend

my friend’s wedding at 6 p.m. that day.

W: It’ll last about 2 hours. Where does the

wedding take place?

M: Near City Hall.

W: Then you can make it. The event is at City


M: Good. Let’s go together.

11. [출제의도] 담화 내용과의 일치 여부를 파악한다.

W: Hello, students. I’m your student council

president, Tracy Anderson. The student

council is hosting the annual Clothing Drive

Competition. The collected clothes will be

donated to a local charity. The names of all

participants will be posted as donors on our

school website. The class with the most

donated clothes will win 6 boxes of pizza as a

prize! Remember that we only accept gently

used clothes, and make sure to wash them

before you donate. Also, there’s no pick up

service, so each class needs to bring the

collected clothes to the student council room

themselves. We’ll accept them until March

25th, 4 p.m.

12. [출제의도] 표를 보고 선택할 것을 찾는다.

M: Welcome to Sunrise Pet Supply. How may I

help you?

W: Hello. I’m looking for a dog house.

M: Let me show you our catalog. [Pause] Do you

have a preference for any material? We have

fabric, plastic, and wood.

W: I don’t want the fabric one because it’s less

durable than the others.

M: I see. Then this one doesn’t meet your needs.

W: And I want something under $100.

M: Okay. What kind of dog do you have? Is it

small or large?

W: It’s a Golden Retriever. It’s a large dog.

M: Then a small or medium sized dog house won’t

fit your dog. You have to choose one of these


W: Since I’ll put the dog house outside, it should

be weatherproof.

M: All right. This one is perfect for your dog.

13. [출제의도] 대화에서 적절한 응답을 찾는다.

W: Brian, are you ready for the field trip

tomorrow? I’m really excited.

M: Didn’t you hear the news? We’re not going on

the field trip tomorrow.

W: Really? What’s the problem?

M: Because of the flood warning. Some roads are

already closed.

W: I can’t believe it. Then is the trip canceled?

M: No. I read on the school website that it’s just

postponed until next weekend.

W: Oh, no. I can’t go next weekend.

M: Why can’t you make it?

W: Next Saturday is my grandfather’s 80th

birthday. All my family will get together and

have a party.

M: You’ve been looking forward to the field trip

since the beginning of this semester. You may

be disappointed if you don’t go.


14. [출제의도] 대화에서 적절한 응답을 찾는다.

W: Hi, Mark. I heard your musical club is

preparing for the school festival next month.

Is everything going well?

M: Actually not. Judy broke her ankle, so she

cannot perform on the day of the festival.

W: I’m sorry to hear that.

M: We’re planning to hold an open audition for

Judy’s spot.

W: Really? I’d like to apply for the audition.

M: Then come to our club room this Friday at 3


W: This Friday? I can’t make it that day. I have

to play in the tennis tournament.

M: Too bad that you can’t come to the audition.

W: I’ve always wanted to be in a musical. Is

there any other way to get a chance to


M: I’m not sure. We really need to see you


W: What if I record my singing and dancing and

send it to you?


15. [출제의도] 상황에 적절한 말을 찾는다.

M: Rita is a high school student. She actively

participates in various school activities. Today,

Rita sees a notice on the school bulletin board

about a debate competition. She suggests to

her friend Justin they apply together as a

team but he hesitates. He thinks preparing for

the competition is a big burden because he has

no experience in debate competitions. Rita

thinks differently. Justin is a fluent speaker

and has lots of background knowledge and she

has a lot of debating experience. So Rita

wants to tell him if they work together, they

have a chance to win. In this situation, what

would Rita most likely say to Justin?


[16 ~ 17]

W: Imagine you come home from a long day’s

work, open your door, and smell strong odors.

That’s not a home you want to be in.

Everyone wants a house with a pleasant fresh

smell, but how can you get that? Let me

briefly tell you how. To make your house

smell fresh, you have to find where the odors

are coming from in your house and remove

them. Carpet and rugs can soak up unwanted

odors quickly. To remove them, spread baking

soda and vacuum it up after 20 minutes. It

will absorb the smell. Next, check your closet.

Frequently open your closet doors to air out

the smell. Cleaning your trash can is also a

must. The trash can is usually the origin of

offensive smells. If you have a pet, don’t

forget to check pet toys and bedding and clean

them. Let them dry out in the sun to combat

the pet smell. After removing unpleasant

odors, use plants and essential oils to fill your

house with natural scents.

Posted by 최 샘

2020년 3월 고2 모의고사 영어듣기평가문제

1 ① 2 ③ 3 ⑤ 4 ④ 5 ⑤

6 ④ 7 ② 8 ① 9 ③ 10 ④

11 ④ 12 ③ 13 ① 14 ② 15 ⑤

16 ⑤ 17 ③ 18 ② 19 ① 20 ①

21 ② 22 ③ 23 ② 24 ④ 25 ⑤

26 ③ 27 ② 28 ② 29 ⑤ 30 ③

31 ① 32 ① 33 ⑤ 34 ⑤ 35 ③

36 ⑤ 37 ② 38 ⑤ 39 ④ 40 ①

41 ④ 42 ② 43 ③ 44 ④ 45 ③

1. [출제의도] 대화에서 적절한 응답을 찾는다.

W: I enjoyed the food here, especially the salad.

M: Thank you. Our restaurant uses only the

freshest vegetables. And we make the salad

dressing using a special recipe.

W: I see. Can you tell me what it’s made with?


2. [출제의도] 대화에서 적절한 응답을 찾는다.

M: Good afternoon. I’d like to donate these old

clothes to this charity.

W: Thank you. Are they all in good condition?

M: Yes, but the colors of some shirts have

changed a bit.


3. [출제의도] 담화의 목적을 추론한다.

M: May I have your attention, please? This is

from the management office of Vincent

Hospital. The west entrance facing Main Street

is being repaired, so it cannot be used. We’d

like to remind you all to use the east entrance

today. The east entrance is on Wilson Street,

and it is open during regular visiting hours

from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. And during nonvisiting

hours, please use the north entrance facing

Hyde Street. The west entrance will be in use

from tomorrow. We’re sorry for any

inconvenience this might cause. Thank you for

your cooperation.

4. [출제의도] 대화자의 의견을 추론한다.

W: Jamie, have you decided to join the peer

teaching program?

M: No, Ms Moore. I haven’t decided yet.

W: Come on. I believe you’d be a good peer


M: Thanks, but I don’t think I have enough time

to study for myself.

W: I know what you mean. But teaching others

can be helpful for your study.

M: Do you think so?

W: Yes. The more you explain something to

others, the more deeply you can understand

its meaning.

M: You mean the more I teach, the more I learn?

W: That’s right.

M: Well, then, I’ll join the program.

W: Good. I’m sure it’ll be a great experience for


5. [출제의도] 대화자의 관계를 추론한다.

W: Excuse me, Mr. Young. I’m Emma Baker.

M: Oh, hi Emma. I’ve been waiting for you. Nice

to meet you.

W: Nice to meet you too.

M: Is this your first visit to a broadcasting


W: Yes, it is. I’ve been looking forward to seeing

the news studio myself.

M: I see. You seem to be very interested in


W: Yes, I’m the leader of my school’s

broadcasting club.

M: Oh, you are? Today, you’ll sit at a news desk

and experience what it’s like to host a news


W: Fantastic! I watch your news program every

day. How can you deliver the news so


M: I read my scripts repeatedly before I begin

the broadcast.

W: That’s impressive. I really want to host a

news program like you someday.

M: I hope you will. Shall we go to the news

studio now?

6. [출제의도] 그림과 대화의 일치 여부를 파악한다.

M: Joy, I’m excited to be in the theater.

W: I really wanted you to see this play, Daniel.

M: Thanks for bringing me here. By the way, the

stage set looks a little strange.

W: This set shows two different living rooms.

One on the left and the other on the right.

M: Oh, now I understand. The left living room has

striped wallpaper.

W: Yes. There’s a bookshelf in the left living

room, next to the door.

M: Oh, but the right living room has



W: Yeah. Can you see the rectangular mirror next

to the window?

M: Yes, it matches the room. And there are two

telephones, one at each end of the sofa.

W: This play is about a long telephone

conversation between the two living rooms. So

the title is On the Line.

7. [출제의도] 대화자가 부탁한 일을 추론한다.

W: Alex, let’s go for lunch.

M: Sorry, but I don’t have time, Kate.

W: What’s keeping you so busy?

M: I’m working on our company’s monthly


W: When’s the deadline?

M: Today. I’m doing the final job of matching the

articles with the photos, but there’s a problem.

W: What is it?

M: I don’t have any photos of Mr. Williams’

retirement ceremony.

W: Really? I’ve got some photos I took at the

ceremony with my digital camera.

M: Oh, what a relief! Can you send me the photo


W: Sure. I’ll email them right after lunch.

M: Thank you so much, Kate.

M: Hi, Claire. How did your chemistry

presentation go?

W: It went better than I expected.

M: Good. You look a little tired, though.

W: I didn’t get enough sleep last night, but I’m

okay now. You know we have a badminton

lesson today, right?

M: Yes, but I don’t think I can come.

W: Oh, does your left ankle still hurt?

M: No, I’ve fully recovered.

W: Then, why?

M: Actually, I got a flu shot this morning.

W: I see. I once had a terrible muscle ache after

a flu shot.

M: Well, anyway, I’ll skip the lesson and get

some rest today.

W: Okay, take care.

9. [출제의도] 수치를 파악한다.

M: Welcome to Mary’s Gift Shop. How may I help


W: Hi. I’d like to buy a cup for my friend’s


M: How about this pumpkinshaped


W: It’s so unique. She’ll like the design. How

much is it?

M: It’s $20.

W: Okay, I’ll take it. And I’d also like to buy

these teaspoons. How much are they?

M: They’re $10 each.

W: Okay. I’ll take two pink ones and two blue


M: Then, one pumpkinshaped

cup and four

teaspoons, right?

W: Yes. Can I use this coupon that I downloaded

from your website?

M: Sure. You’ll get a 10% discount off the total


W: Great. Here’s my credit card.

10. [출제의도] 세부 사항의 언급 여부를 파악한다.

M: Hello, Dr. Peterson. How are you doing these


W: Hello, Dr. Collins. Good, I’m working on the

Dream Bio Research Project.

M: You mean the medical research project

sponsored by the government?

W: That’s right. More than 20 researchers are

involved in the project and I’m the head


M: Wow, you’re in charge of a really big job.

How big is the budget for the project?

W: We’re allowed to spend one million dollars on

the project.

M: That’s a really huge amount. It’s a project to

develop a new drug for lung cancer, isn’t it?

W: That’s right.

M: How long will the research project last?

W: It’s a 5year

project. I hope we can develop

the drug within this period.

M: I wish you success, Dr. Peterson.

W: Thank you, Dr. Collins.

11. [출제의도] 담화 내용과의 일치 여부를 파악한다.

W: Hello, students. Are you interested in reading

books? Then, join this year’s Marathon

Reading Program. In this program, students,

teachers, and parents will read books until late

at night on the 5th of April. It starts at 2

p.m. and ends at 10 p.m. The program will be

held at our school library. You can bring your

own book or check out one at the library.

After they finish reading their book, all

students are required to write a book review.

Snacks and beverages will be provided. Don’t

forget to bring some warm clothes in case it

gets cold at night. You must sign up for the

program by this Friday.

12. [출제의도] 표를 보고 선택한 것을 찾는다.

M: Ms Sanders, are you buying something online?

W: Yes. I’m trying to buy a portable speaker and

microphone set. Can you help me choose one?

M: Sure. Let’s see.... There’s a wide range of


W: Well, I want to buy one that’s less than $100.

M: All right. I think running time is also

important. What do you think?

W: I agree. I’d like to choose one that can last at

least 10 hours after a full charge.

M: I see. What about the color?

W: Well, I don’t like the grey ones.

M: That leaves only two options. Do you want a

model with a clip microphone?

W: Of course. It’ll keep my hands free.

M: Then, this model is the best one for you.

W: Okay. I’ll order it. Thanks for your help.

M: You’re welcome.

13. [출제의도] 대화에서 적절한 응답을 찾는다.

[Telephone rings.]

M: Hello, Diamond Sports Center. May I help


W: Hello. I’m a member of your sports center and

I want to know if I can suspend my


M: Okay, would you tell me your name?

W: I’m Katie Walker.

M: [Typing sound] Yes, I see you have an annual

membership for swimming classes. You mean

you can’t come for a while?

W: That’s right. I broke my arm yesterday.

M: Oh, I’m sorry. You can put your membership

on hold for up to 60 days.

W: That’s good.

M: When do you think you can start taking

lessons again?

W: I’ll be able to start again after a month.


14. [출제의도] 대화에서 적절한 응답을 찾는다.

M: Hi, Lucy.

W: Hi, Eric. Look. This is my painting for our art

club exhibition next week.

M: Wow, it’s really nice. The spring scenery

looks so beautiful.

W: I painted it during my family trip last week.

M: You’re a really good artist.

W: Thank you. Are you done with your painting?

M: Yes, I completed and hung it on the wall in

the exhibition room.

W: Great. How about the other members? Have

they all finished their art work?

M: Not yet. And we won’t be able to see Jake’s

painting this time.

W: I know. I heard his whole family is moving to

Canada this Friday.

M: So we need to find someone who has an extra

painting to fill up his space.


15. [출제의도] 상황에 적절한 말을 찾는다.

M: Ryan is a high school student. He is running

for president of the student council this year.

He needs to come up with some appealing

campaign promises. He thinks one of the

promises should be related to improving the

facilities for students. So, Ryan discusses it

with one of his campaign staff, Amy. He asks

her what school facilities need improvement.

Amy suggests promising to replace all the

student lockers. Ryan agrees, but he thinks

they should check if the school can do it. In

this situation, what would Ryan most likely

say to Amy?

[16 ~ 17]

W: Hello, everyone. Today, let’s learn about some

details about the Olympic Games. As you all

have learned, the first Olympic Games were

held in Athens, Greece, in 1896, and there

were nine sports events in total. The events

in the Olympic Games have been changed

through the agreement of the IOC members.

For example, soccer made its first appearance

at the second Olympic Games and was

excluded in the 10th Olympic Games. The fate

of tennis is more interesting. Tennis was one

of the nine sports events in the first Athens

Olympic Games, but it was excluded from

1928 to 1984 and then revived at the 1988

Seoul Olympics. The 1936 Berlin Olympics

became the first to introduce handball.

However, handball disappeared from the

Olympics and later was revived at the 1972

Munich Olympics. Taekwondo made its debut

in the relatively recent Sydney Olympic Games

in 2000. Overall, the number of sports events

in the Olympic Games has gradually increased

through some additions or exclusions.

Posted by 최 샘

2020년 3월 고1 모의고사 영어듣기문제 및 대본 정답

1 ② 2 ① 3 ① 4 ⑤ 5 ③

6 ④ 7 ⑤ 8 ⑤ 9 ② 10 ②

11 ④ 12 ② 13 ① 14 ③ 15 ⑤

16 ⑤ 17 ④ 18 ④ 19 ⑤ 20 ②

21 ③ 22 ① 23 ② 24 ② 25 ④

26 ④ 27 ③ 28 ④ 29 ② 30 ③

31 ③ 32 ① 33 ① 34 ① 35 ②

36 ⑤ 37 ④ 38 ⑤ 39 ③ 40 ①

41 ② 42 ③ 43 ③ 44 ④ 45 ⑤

1. [출제의도] 대화에서 적절한 응답을 찾는다.

M: This restaurant looks great. Have you been

here before?

W: Yeah, it’s one of my favorite restaurants. Let’s

see the menu.

M: Everything looks so good. Can you recommend



2. [출제의도] 대화에서 적절한 응답을 찾는다.

W: Honey, don’t forget to bring your umbrella to

work today.

M: Umbrella? The sky is clear now.

W: The weather forecast said it’d rain this



3. [출제의도] 담화의 목적을 추론한다.

M: Hello, students. This is Mike Smith, your P.E.

teacher. These days, the fine dust problem is

getting serious. So, I’d like to explain what

you should do when the fine dust level is

high. First, close all the classroom windows to

keep out the dust. Second, turn on the air

purifier in the classroom. The air purifier will

help keep the air clean. Third, drink water and

wash your hands as often as possible. Last,

it’s important to wear a mask when you’re

outside. Thank you for listening.

4. [출제의도] 대화자의 의견을 추론한다.

W: Look at all the shiny paper and ribbons! What

are you doing, Tom?

M: I’m wrapping a birthday present for my friend


W: What are you going to give her?

M: A key chain. I hope she likes it.

W: That’s a pretty big box for a key chain, isn’t


M: Yes, I filled it with paper flowers. Now I’m

going to wrap the box with shiny paper and

decorate it with ribbons.

W: I think it’s a little too much. Most of the

paper and ribbons will end up in the trash can.

M: Hmm.... You’re right. My packaging will

produce a lot of trash.

W: Yeah. We need to make gift packaging simple

for the environment.

M: I agree. I’ll try to reduce the packaging then.

W: Good thinking.

5. [출제의도] 대화자의 관계를 추론한다.

M: Come on in, Ms. Miller. It’s been a while

since your last visit.

W: Good morning, Mr. Stevens. I’ve been in

Europe for the last two months.

M: Wow. Are you preparing for your second


W: Yes, I’m working on it.

M: I’m looking forward to it. So, what brings you

here today?

W: I’d like to buy a wooden desk.

M: I see. Do you have a particular design in


W: Just a plain rectangular one would be great.

M: Okay. What color would you like?

W: I was thinking dark brown.

M: Great. We have a perfect one for you

downstairs. Come this way.

W: All right.

6. [출제의도] 그림과 대화의 일치 여부를 파악한다.

W: James, have you been to our new club room?

M: Unfortunately, I haven’t.

W: I have a picture of it. Do you want to take a


M: Sure. [Pause] Wow, I see lockers on the left

side of the picture.

W: Yes. We finally have our own lockers. Do you

see the trophies on the lockers?

M: Yeah. There are two trophies. Are they the

ones we won in the National School Band


W: Right. We won two years in a row. I’m so

proud of our band.

M: Me, too. And the drums are under the clock.

W: Yes. And on the right side of the picture is a

round table with chairs.

M: Looks great. I also love the starshaped

rug in

front of the drums.

W: I like it, too. We’re really going to enjoy our

new club room.

7. [출제의도] 대화자가 할 일을 파악한다.

M: Ellie, the school orchestra’s concert is just

three days away. How’s the preparation coming


W: Great, Mr. Brown. All of our orchestra

members are very excited.

M: Good. Did everyone check their instruments?

W: Of course. Everything sounded fine in practice


M: I heard the posters were ready.

W: Yes. Here they are. One of the orchestra

members designed them.

M: They look pretty nice. When are you going to

put the posters up in the hallway?

W: I’m going to do that now.

M: You’re doing a great job as the leader of the

school orchestra. Have you arranged the chairs

for the audience?

W: I already did it with some of the members.

M: Perfect.

8. [출제의도] 이유를 추론한다.

W: Jason, you’re going camping this weekend,


M: I reserved a campsite, but I’m afraid I can’t


W: Why not? Is it going to rain?

M: No. It’ll be sunny this weekend.

W: Then do you have to work this weekend? You

said you’re busy with your project.

M: No, I finished the project last week.

W: Then why can’t you go camping?

M: My mother fell down the stairs and broke her


W: Oh, no. Is she all right?

M: Well, she had surgery. So I have to take care

of her in the hospital this weekend.

W: I see. I hope she’ll get better soon.

  M: Thanks.

9. [출제의도] 수치를 파악한다.

M: Good afternoon. How can I help you?

W: I’d like to buy some wireless earphones for

my children. How much is this pair?

M: It’s $60 for a pair. It’s a very popular model.

W: Great. I’ll take two pairs.

M: I see. Is there anything else you need?

W: Oh, I also need a portable speaker.

M: These two are the latest models.

W: How much are they?

M: This black one is $80 and the pink one is


W: I’ll take the black one.

M: Okay. Is that all you need?

W: Yes. Oh, I have this discount coupon. Can I

use it?

M: Sure. You can get 10% off the total price with

this coupon.

W: Great. Here’s the coupon and here’s my credit


10. [출제의도] 세부 사항의 언급 여부를 파악한다.

W: Hi, Ross. What’s on the flyer?

M: The Pinewood Bake Sale is this Friday. Would

you like to go with me?

W: A bake sale? What’s that?

M: In a bake sale, people raise money by selling

bakery products. At the Pinewood Bake Sale,

people will be selling doughnuts and cupcakes.

W: Sounds delicious. So all profits go to people in

need, right?

M: That’s right. The flyer says the profits will be

donated to Pinewood Children’s Hospital.

W: I’d like to join you. Where is it going to be


M: In the Pinewood High School gym.

W: Okay. Let’s go together.

11. [출제의도] 담화 내용과 일치 여부를 파악한다.

W: Hello, Green City residents. This is Rachel

White, the head of the Community Services

Department. Are you ready to enjoy the 2020

Global Village Festival? It’ll be held on March

28 and 29 at Green City Park. This twoday

festival includes music performances and art

exhibitions. Samples of food from around the

world will be served. Prices of the food range

from $2 to $5 and you can pay by cash or

credit card. The first 50 visitors will get

special gifts. Parking will be available for $10

a car. For more information, visit the festival

website. Thank you.

12. [출제의도] 표를 보고 선택한 것을 찾는다.

M: Honey, what are you doing on your computer?

W: I’m trying to book a room at Wayne Island

Hotel for our summer vacation.

M: Our summer vacation? Isn’t it a bit early?

W: We can get a room much cheaper if we book


M: I see. Which room do you have in mind?

W: I was thinking a room with a city view. What

do you think?

M: Well, a room with a mountain view or an

ocean view would be better.

W: I agree. Shall we have breakfast in the hotel?

M: I don’t think we need to. I heard there are

some good restaurants near the hotel.

W: Okay. Then we have two options left. I’d like

to go with the cheaper one.

M: Sounds good. Let’s book this room then.

13. [출제의도] 대화에서 적절한 응답을 찾는다.

W: Hey, Chris. What are you looking at on your

cell phone?

M: I’m looking for an apartment to rent.

W: Aren’t you sharing an apartment with William?

M: Yeah, but I’m thinking about moving out.

W: Why? I thought you two get along well with

each other.

M: There have been a lot of problems between

us. One thing especially bothers me.

W: Oh, what is it?

M: Actually, he never cleans up. The kitchen and

the bathroom are always messy.

W: That’s awful. Have you talked about this issue

with him?


14. [출제의도] 대화에서 적절한 응답을 찾는다.

M: Ms. Peterson! I heard you were looking for


W: Yes, Louis. I need to tell you about the

science competition scheduled for next week.

M: Okay. What’s it about?

W: As you know, it’ll be held in the school

auditorium, but part of the floor needs


M: Then is it going to be held somewhere else?

W: No, but the competition will be delayed.

M: Then when is it going to be held?

W: The date hasn’t been decided yet, but it’ll take

at least two weeks to repair the floor. I’ll text

you the exact date later.

M: I see. I’ll wait for your text message.


15. [출제의도] 상황에 적절한 말을 찾는다.

M: Billy entered high school this year. In Billy’s

school, letters to parents are given to the

students. The letters include a lot of

information about school events such as


meetings. Students have to

deliver them to their parents, but Billy often

forgets to bring them to his mother. Billy’s

mother is worried that she may not get

important information about school events. She

even missed some of them because she didn’t

get the letters. So she wants to tell Billy that

he must give them to her. In this situation,

what would Billy’s mother most likely say to


[16 ~ 17]

W: Good morning, class. What did you have for

breakfast? I guess some of you had your

favorite cereal with milk. Have you ever

wondered where milk comes from? Most

people would say it’s from cows, and they’re

right. Around ninety percent of milk in Canada

and the U.S. comes from cows. But cows are

not the only source of milk. People around the

world get milk from different animals. Water

buffalos are the main source of milk in India.

They produce half the milk consumed in the

country. Some people in the northern part of

Finland drink reindeer milk because they are

the only dairy animals that can survive such a

cold environment. People in Romania get milk

from sheep and use it to make cheese. It has

twice the fat content of cow milk. Now let’s

watch a video about these animals.

Posted by 최 샘